The Pit has been conquered! Blizzard added another 50 tiers to the activity back on the PTR, but that hasn’t stopped players from pushing through it incredibly quickly. Vessel of Hatred has been out for less than a week and we already have the Pit fully cleared! A Chinese player with a crazy new Spiritborn build took down the final hurdle. There were plenty of bugs along the way, however, from a 10% HP boss, affix-less elites and more. So let’s dive in!
Resolve Stacking and Some Insane Stats
Before we get into the details (or rather Rob does), here are the required stats for this 200 trillion damage build. 241 Vigor, 100% Resource Generation, 79% Attack Speed before buffs and 99% after, 123% Barrier Generation and, of course, as many Resolve stacks as you can get your hands on, which is the most difficult of the bunch. Easy, right?
Now, even with this just truly crazy build and a 10% HP boss, the 150 clear was still only one minute ahead of time! The tuning in those last few Pit levels is truly intense, but it has now been conquered.
The Clear
Rob dives into all the details and credits the Chinese players that came up with the build in the first place. There’s several strange/probably bugged interactions at play to get to these insane numbers and the clear. From Barrier stacking for Viscous Shield to Block stacking through Resolve stacks for 10,000%+ Crit Damage, Resource Cost Reduction shenanigans and more. There’s also some bugs in the Pit 150 itself as we mentioned. Some elites didn’t have affixes and the boss had only 10% health! Basically it seems pretty clear Blizzard did not expect players to get there this quickly. And even with ALL that, it was still barely a clear with only a minute remaining.
You can check out the full clear Chinese video over here.
The Build
The build itself, as we saw above, is pretty crazy, stacking several very probably broken and bugged interactions. Rob goes over it much better below, but here are the basics. Maximum Resolve stacks are key here, so you want any piece of gear with that affix. Two Aspects interact with this: Aspect of Interdiction, which gives you more Block chance and goes over 100%, and
Aspect of Redirected Force, which turns that Block chance into a LOT of Crit Damage.
The Chinese player managed to get to 49 Resolve stacks (which requires triple Masterworking hits on all the items with the affixes with the bonus Resolve), which brings the Crit Damage to some insane numbers, possibly even over 20,000%! This is, of course, on top of 20k life, Barrier and Fortify. The Barrier also adds damage through Viscous Shield. Then there’s the
Rod of Kepeleke, which uses all that Resource Cost Reduction to get even more Crit Damage, which is how that insane 20K% Crit Damage number is reached. Then, to reach that final hundreds of trillions of damage amount, we have the
Banished Lord’s Talisman, which makes all the attacks Overpowers due to the constant full Vigor resource bar usage from the Rod. So basically everything is an Overpower crit with incredible Crit Damage numbers. Neat.
The base build itself is a relatively standard Quill Volley one, with some modifications. Now, obviously there’s a lot more to it all as you might expect. From the paragon tree to specific skills and passives, and some weird interactions from Resource Cost Reduction, so make sure to check out Rob’s full explanation below. You can also check the full build here.
So, will Blizzard address these interactions? It’s definitely making the Spiritborn the top class by a long shot, but only if you can get all these pieces together. And, more importantly, will they fix the final Pit tier?