The Ultimate Paradox: Winning and Losing Infernal Hordes at the Same Time

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Here’s a puzzler! A player managed to fail an Infernal Hordes run at the Council, but still “won” and got the chests! The kicker? They then could continue the run and re-try the bosses!

Jj_maxx managed to get the weirdest outcome in Infernal Hordes. After a particularly tricky Council fight and a final showdown with Geleb, jj succumbed to those pesky hydras. However, the boss was so low HP and died slightly after the Sorcerer, two closing screens popped up! The first was the failure one, immediately followed by the victory popup!

To make things even more confusing, the event then reset as if it had failed, only to spawn the victory chests in the room! But then a brand new Council spawned on top of that!

Unfortunately for jj_maxx, the second Council did not spawn another round of chests after they died.

Have you had weird interactions like this in Hordes?