Update: all 6 have now been found! Head on over here for the details
Here’s another report on one of the rarest Unique drops in the game! A player has received The Grandfather, the crit damage heaven two handed sword. Dropped from an event chest during a Helltide, it’s sporting solid rolls, multiplying all the player’s crit damage by 84%!
The player sharing the image is level 76, but the player being inspected is level 100, so they may have had it for quite a while already.
This isn’t necessarily (or even likely) the first of these that has dropped, but we haven’t spotted anyone posting about it before. Now all that’s left for that player is to get ANOTHER one with a better roll! Here’s the weapon’s non-Chinese stats:

Blizzard recently shared some information on the 6 ultra-rare Uniques and how they can drop. We also saw a handy infographic going over where the best place is to farm for them over here. And then there’s also the first reported drop of Andariel’s Visage.