Warning About Treasure Goblins Running Away

Starym Avatar by Starym

The other day we saw that these little guys can be VERY lucrative, even dropping two Ancestral Uniques at once! Considering that possibility it really would be heartbreaking to see one of them just disappear. And this is exactly what’s been happening to many players since launch. Unfortunately there is a bug (or feature) in the game that may see you losing them as they escape into their portal almost immediately.

Many players have been reporting this since the game’s launch: do not use the dismount attack on Treasure Goblins! Even coming close with a horse might trigger this as well. For whatever reason, sometimes if you dismount attack them they will immediately start their portal animation (with the portal not being visible) and just leave. This may or may not be an actual bug or is intended. But in any case it’s a risk you don’t want to take. Personally I don’t even come close to them while mounted. I dismount and walk up before they get aggroed, just to be sure. We’ve also seen reports of goblins instantly running away regardless of if you’re mounted or not (even inside dungeons), but we’re not quite sure what’s happening there.

These two are just the latest in players wondering what happened, but the issue has been around since launch. Just play it safe, dismount before you engage and you’ll be fine. Hell, you might even get a double unique drop like these players!