World Tier 4 World Boss Defeated in 3 Seconds

Starym Avatar by Starym

World Bosses aren’t that challenging and haven’t been for a while. However, there’s “not quite challenging” and then there’s “dead faster than you can say their name”. This kill would go in the latter category and isn’t a one-off either, as a few players have separately been reporting insanely fast World Boss kills recently. This first one comes courtesy of SrBrokoli.

We’ve seen kills in under half a minute, even in 15 seconds as of late, but his one… well look at it.

The Whispering Death boss name seems to take on a whole new meaning after that.

As you can see, the boss health starts going down a little after the 8 second mark and it’s very much dead by 11. There are some massively powerful builds out there, but this is on a whole new level. There’s definitely a level 100 Rogue with some heavy poison going at it in the middle. Their name also checks out, RealBigPlays, and they very likely have S-tier build, so that’s our pick. Also this isn’t necessarily just one crazy good build/geared player but several. But this is all very speculative at this point. Perhaps builds have just gotten THAT good? Or perhaps some ultra-rares like The Grandfather may have been involved as well (not from the Rogue, obviously)?

This also isn’t the first time insane kill times like this have been reported:

While this isn’t anything too game-breaking, it is a very clear indicator of just how far builds can go. Hopefully World Tier 5 (which may be coming with Season 1) will give players like this some more challenge!