Feral Druid DPS Rotation, Cooldowns, and Abilities — The War Within (11.1.0)

Last updated on Feb 24, 2025 at 21:57 by Wordup 29 comments
General Information

On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Feral Druid in both single-target and multiple-target situations. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. in order to minmax your DPS. All our content is updated for World of Warcraft — The War Within (11.1.0).

If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our WotLK Classic Feral DPS Druid rotation.


Feral Druid Rotation

Welcome to the Rotation section of our Feral Druid guide. If you came here without first checking over the Spell List/Glossary page, we recommend that you do so if you are new to the specialization. Understanding what your spells and abilities do will make it much easier to understand what is discussed on this page.

Each of the sections below explain the rotation for Feral at different target counts. Click the boxes to switch to the desired damage type. We currently recommend Wildstalker in single-target situations, and Druid of the Claw in Mythic+ and Cleave encounters.

Anywhere you see the recommended icon on this page, this means it is the recommended choice


Feral Druid Rotation

Due to Hero Talents playing a major role, use the toggle below to display recommendations based on your choice
Hero Talents
Druid of the Claw recommended Wildstalker recommended
The buttons below can be used to select between curated loadouts from our Talents page.
Druid of the Claw
Single Target
Druid of the Claw
AoE / Mythic+ recommended
Single Target recommended
AoE / Mythic+
Talent Selections
Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons
Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash Circle of Life and Death Icon Circle of Life and Death Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits
Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath
Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush Unbridled Swarm Icon Unbridled Swarm
Shadowmeld Icon Shadowmeld Killing Strikes Icon Killing Strikes Season 2 4-pc
Single Target AoE Opener

Feral Druid Single Target Rotation

Feral Druids in single-target focus on building Combo Points via Energy spenders, and consuming them with powerful Finishing moves in a cycle. It is a mixture of resource management and DoT maintenance, with a heavy emphasis on planning with some reactive elements.

  1. Cast Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury on cooldown at 5 Combo Points or 30 Energy below your cap.
  2. Cast Rip Icon Rip with 5 Combo Points if it is not active, or expiring within sec - Click for Rip Rules
    • Aim to only apply or refresh this with Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury and Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons active if possible.
  3. Cast Rake Icon Rake if it is not active, or expiring within sec.
  4. Cast Berserk Icon Berserk on cooldown, aligning with Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury. Try to sync with Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits.
  5. Cast Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite with 5 Combo Points and Rip Icon Rip has more than sec remaining.
  6. Cast Thrash Icon Thrash if it is not active, or expiring within sec.
  7. Cast Shred Icon Shred to generate Combo Points.

The most important thread throughout all of Feral is making sure that you maintain Rip Icon Rip and Rake Icon Rake as efficiently as possible, ideally snapshotting them with Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury and Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons. After that, your excess Energy and Combo Points are used to fuel Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite while always keeping in mind your Bleed maintenance. Some key notes are:

  • If you are committing resources to cast Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite, you should make sure you are at 50 Energy to maximize the damage bonus it provides.

AoE Rotation for Feral Druids

Feral in AoE almost entirely hinges on powerful talent picks in the tree that attach AoE components to single-target finishers. Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath allows for much easier application of Rip Icon Rip, and Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity converts Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite into AoE damage when paired together.

  1. Cast Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite with 5 Combo Points.
  2. Cast Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury on cooldown while 70 or more Energy below your cap.
  3. Cast Berserk Icon Berserk on cooldown with Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury.
  4. Cast Thrash Icon Thrash if it is not active, or expiring within sec.
  5. Cast Rake Icon Rake, cycling between targets.
  6. Cast Thrash Icon Thrash if it is not active, or expiring within sec.

Many of the rules that Feral plays by in single-target remain in multi-target situations, alongside the need to apply Rake Icon Rake to multiple enemies. Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath replaces Rip Icon Rip entirely, and excess Combo Points are spent on Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite for priority damageto trigger Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity. Key notes are:

  • Swipe Icon SwipeBrutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash replaces Shred Icon Shred as soon as an additional target is present, and you also need to make sure to maintain Thrash Icon Thrash on all nearby targets.
  • Rake Icon Rake should be maintained on as many targets as possible, using any Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush procs to amplify them. Aim not to overwrite stronger snapshot Bleeds if possible. Moonfire Icon Moonfire with Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration should also be maintained when at lower target counts.

Feral Druid Opening Sequence

Feral has a relatively fixed opening sequence to generate enough Combo Points to get its Bleeds set up, then enters into its cooldowns. How you spend your first few sets of Combo Points, however, varies depending on the target count, so select the encounter type below:

Encounter Type
Single-target AoE
  1. Cast Prowl Icon Prowl before combat starts.
  2. Cast Rake Icon Rake from Stealth to trigger Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes.
  3. Cast Shred Icon Shred until you are at 5 Combo Points.
  4. Cast Berserk Icon Berserk.
  5. Cast Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury.
  6. Cast Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath with your first 5 Combo Points.
  7. Cast Rip Icon Rip to your primary target.
  8. Cast Rip Icon Rip with your first 5 Combo Points.
  9. Cast .
  10. Continue with the normal priority list.

Always try to have all of your major effects applied before entering into Berserk Icon Berserk, as you will be spending a lot of time casting, building, and spending aggressively due to the resource flood. Some notes are:

  • Both Berserk Icon Berserk and Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury are off the GCD so they can be used alongside each other alongside another ability immediately.

Feral Druid Hero Talent Changes —

Note that this section is populated based on your selection in the rotation tool.


Simplified Feral Druid Rotation for Beginners

Feral's rotation may be overwhelming at first glance due to the number of conditions related to maintaining your DoTs and resources. If you are new, you may benefit from visiting our Quick Guide page to get a primer on the key things to look out for.


Understanding Feral Druid Mechanics

In the below sections are several explanations on exactly how some of the core components of how Feral works. It dives into the underlying mechanics of major cooldowns and rotational abilities to get a better understanding of exactly why you are pressing each button.


Feral Druid Major Cooldowns


Feral Druid Major Cooldowns

Berserk Tiger's Fury Convoke the Spirits


Berserk Icon Berserk is Feral's major damage cooldown, lasting 15 seconds with a baseline cooldown of 3 minutes, reduced to 2 minutes with Berserk: Heart of the Lion Icon Berserk: Heart of the Lion. While active, it provides several benefits:

  • Generate 1 Combo Point every 1.5 seconds
  • Combo Point generating abilities generate 1 additional Combo Point, and up to 3 Combo Points can be stored above the cap as Overflowing Power
  • Finishing Moves restore Combo Points based on your current stacks of Overflowing Power.
  • All ability damage increased by 15%.
  • With Berserk: Frenzy Icon Berserk: Frenzy — Combo Point generating abilities apply a Bleed for 150% of the damage dealt over 8 sec.
  • With Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane Icon Incarnation: Avatar of Ashamane — duration increased to 20 seconds and Energy cost of Cat Form Icon Cat Form abilities reduced by 25%.

While there are a lot of effects tied into it, the main impact is quite simple: you deal a lot more damage and have access to significantly more resources. Feral deals a very large amount of damage during its cooldown windows, so making sure to use this on cooldown and burn off the extra resources is key.


Tigers Fury

Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury has a 30-second cooldown off-global-cooldown button that instantly generates 50 Energy and increases the damage of all of your Feral abilities by 15% for 10 seconds. This damage increase also "snapshots" Bleeds applied, amplifying them for their full duration. There are several specific talents that enhance this:

  • Predator Icon Predator — increases the duration by 5 sec, and increases the damage of Combo Point generating abilities by 40% of your Haste.
  • Savage Fury Icon Savage Fury — also causes Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury to grant 10% Haste and increase your Energy recovery rate by 25% for 6 seconds when cast.
  • Raging Fury Icon Raging Fury — increases the duration by an additional 5 sec.
  • Tiger's Tenacity Icon Tiger's Tenacity — causes your next 3 Finishing Moves after casting to also restore 1 Combo Point. The damage snapshot applied to Bleeds is also increased by 10%.
  • Carnivorous Instinct Icon Carnivorous Instinct — increases the damage bonus by 6% per point spent.

As you can see Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury makes up a major part of Feral's talent tree and is a core component of gameplay. It is generally pressed as close to every 30 seconds as possible, ideally with low Energy to take advantage of the refund. While it is active, you want to make sure to reapply any Bleeds to take advantage of the snapshot, and layer it over any other cooldowns such as Berserk Icon Berserk.


Convoke the Spirits

Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits has a 2-minute cooldown, and when used casts a quick succession of 16 Druid spells free of cost over 4 seconds. This prefers Feral spells, but some abilities from other specs will also be mixed in. As of The War Within, this will prioritize single-target abilities on your current target. Some quick notes about the abilities it will aim to cast:

  • Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite is the finisher it will attempt to cast. This will be considered as a max Combo Point cast that did consume additional Energy, but is not increased further by Saber Jaws Icon Saber Jaws.
  • Any Combo Point generating ability will still generate a Combo Point for you.
  • Any effects that apply to ability casts such as Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush will be consumed.
  • The "exceptional spell" it can cast is Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy.

Convoke the Spirits Icon Convoke the Spirits is always paired with Berserk Icon Berserk and Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury to maximize the burst of damage it provides. It can also be reduced to a 1-minute cooldown with Ashamane's Guidance Icon Ashamane's Guidance (reducing the spells cast to 12), but is still always synced with these other buffs.


Feral Druid Mechanics Deep Dive

Due to Feral having a lot of different effects and priorities, alongside some quite strong talent interactions, here we will go over some of the specifics to keep in mind when playing.


Feral Druid Mechanics

Combo Points and Energy Bleeds, DoTs and Pandemic Snapshotting Ferocious Bite Bloodtalons Other Talents

Combo Points and Energy

As a Feral Druid, the core of your abilities needs Energy to be used. Your Energy bar has a capacity of 100 Energy (increased by some Talents) and refills at a rate of 11 Energy per second baseline. Your Energy regeneration is increased by your Haste.

Feral has a pool of abilities that generate Combo Points (known as generators), those being Shred Icon Shred, Rake Icon Rake, Swipe Icon Swipe / Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash, and Thrash Icon Thrash, Moonfire Icon Moonfire (with Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration) and lastly Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy. Alongside this, you have abilities that consume these Combo Points (known as finishers) that consume all current Combo Points to deal damage based on the amount used. The more Combo Points consumed, the higher the damage (or stronger the effect) of each of these. Combo Point generation is also greatly impacted by Primal Fury Icon Primal Fury, which causes Critical Strikes with your generators to grant an additional Combo Point.


Energy Pooling

Due to the slow generation of Energy for Feral, the concept of "pooling" Energy for key moments is an important one. This means holding your ability casts until certain conditions are met to then spend, as there will always be some amount of natural downtime present in the Feral rotation. Making sure to empty your resource leading up to each Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury is also a good idea to avoid wasting the Energy it grants when cast.

Omen of Clarity Icon Omen of Clarity procs should be used as soon as your cycle allows so that they do not get overwritten by subsequent procs. With Moment of Clarity Icon Moment of Clarity, this allows for more flexibility to sit on one charge, allowing it to accumulate up to 2.


Bleeds and Damage Over Time Effects

Feral should always be aiming to have 100% uptime on both Rake Icon Rake and Rip Icon Rip, with additional DoTs included based on your talent build. This is the core of your damage output, and creates the maintenance playstyle that defines Feral. Bear in mind if you are playing Circle of Life and Death Icon Circle of Life and Death all of the below effects expire 25% faster.

  • Rake Icon Rake costs 35 Energy to apply and lasts for 15 seconds, making it the easiest tool to manage.
  • Rip Icon Rip costs 20 Energy, but its duration is also dependent on how many Combo Points it is applied with, so you should aim to apply Rip at 5 Combo Points for the best Energy efficiency. When done at 5, it lasts for 24 seconds.
  • Thrash Icon Thrash costs 40 Energy to cast and deals its damage over 15 seconds. This should also be maintained at all times in AoE and Single-Target.
  • With Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar InspirationMoonfire Icon Moonfire now has a 40 Energy cost, and is similarly important to maintain like Rake Icon Rake.

When to Refresh Bleeds and Buffs

Feral benefits from the Pandemic effect on many tools, allowing you to refresh specific DoT effects, buff up to 30% early, and carry the remaining duration into the next cast. This does not carry over any snapshotting effects; they need to be present when the new effect is applied. The pandemic timers are as follows:

  • Rake Icon Rake — 4.5 seconds
  • Rip Icon Rip — 7.2 seconds (assuming 5 Combo Points)
  • Thrash Icon Thrash — 4.5 seconds
  • Moonfire Icon Moonfire — 4.8 seconds

Note that these amounts are reduced by 25% when using Circle of Life and Death Icon Circle of Life and Death due to the increased tick speed.

Tracking these is made considerably easier when using external addons to keep tabs on each buff and debuff. It is recommended to use some additional tools to make sure you are always aware of your current buff/debuff state due to how core it is for Feral, so check our addons page for recommendations.



Bleed snapshotting is a core component for Feral Druids, but it only works with some specific damage-increasing buffs. Snapshotting means that the damage to the Bleed effect will be decided at the time of application and carry over the amplification effect of the following buffs (where applicable) for the entire duration.

The effects that have the snapshot interaction with Bleeds, and which DoTs they affect are:

  • Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury — all DoT effects;
  • Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden AmbushRake Icon Rake;
  • Bloodtalons Icon BloodtalonsRip Icon Rip / Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath;
  • Moment of Clarity Icon Moment of ClarityThrash Icon Thrash.

Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury applies to any Bleed effect, while Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons will only apply to your Finishers in Rip Icon Rip and Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath. Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush also only applies to Rake Icon Rake via the Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes effect.

Generally, the rule of thumb is to avoid refreshing Bleeds if you will overwrite a stronger snapshot if possible, and instead wait until they are about to expire or you have a more opportune moment to do so.


Ferocious Bite

Ferocious Bite Icon Ferocious Bite is your big direct-damage finisher, but it is only used to bleed off excess Combo Points after you have Rip Icon Rip (or Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath) active on targets. If you intend to cast it, you should make sure these have enough remaining duration to still generate Combo Points before they expire. You should also always aim to cast this at 50 Energy to consume extra, amplifying its damage (which is significantly more important if playing with Saber Jaws Icon Saber Jaws).

As covered in the rotation section, this is treated as something you only cast when you have room to. While it can be appealing to see the big damage it deals, losing uptime on DoTs is not worth it. Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving procs do cause this to be completely free and should be consumed immediately,as they do gain the damage bonus from extra Energy consumption, but do not get increased further by Saber Jaws Icon Saber Jaws. These rules also apply to AoE with Rampant Ferocity Icon Rampant Ferocity — it is even more important to make sure Rip Icon Rip is applied via Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath to ensure the damage will trigger.

Ravage Icon Ravage granted by Druid of the Claw also still follows the same rules for casting, although in AoE it becomes a much higher priority to spend these procs to avoid wasting any.


Playing with Bloodtalons

Playing around Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons is slightly more complicated than the regular Feral rotation, due to a heavy focus on Energy management and cycling. The effect is triggered by a combination of any three different Combo Point generators cast them within a window of 4 seconds, meaning you need enough resources to complete a full cycle when you intend to trigger it. The abilities that can trigger this are:

  • Shred Icon Shred;
  • Rake Icon Rake;
  • Thrash Icon Thrash;
  • Swipe Icon Swipe / Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash;
  • Moonfire Icon Moonfire (with Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration);
  • Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy.

You generate 3 charges each time, so you have a good amount of time to plan around your next cycle, though in AoE when Apex Predator's Craving Icon Apex Predator's Craving is more plentiful you may find you need to do so more aggressively. Generally, talent builds make sure to have at least one of either Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash or Lunar Inspiration Icon Lunar Inspiration to make sure it can comfortably trigger this each time without having to resort to weaker abilities to trigger it. This is also a strong snapshot effect applying to finishers, so you should always aim to have Rip Icon Rip / Primal Wrath Icon Primal Wrath empowered by this.


Other Feral Talents

Feral has several rotationally impactful talents, but have small rules to playing them rather than being overarching playstyle shifts. We cover these below:


Adaptive Swarm

This is generally cast on cooldown to amplify our other DoT effects. If possible, aim to refresh this on a boss that has 1-2 stacks as close to the end of the duration as possible to extend the duration is optimal. Unbridled Swarm Icon Unbridled Swarm has some small extra considerations:

  • In AoE, applying Adaptive Swarm Icon Adaptive Swarm follows a priority list of enemy states, enemies with 2 stacks > 1 stack > no swarm > 3 stacks in that order.

Sudden Ambush

Sudden Ambush Icon Sudden Ambush procs are generated from Finishers, so you will generally be at zero Combo Points when this is generated. Ideally, you want to spend this to maintain Rake Icon Rake so it can benefit from the Pouncing Strikes Icon Pouncing Strikes to significantly amplify its damage, pairing it with other snapshot effects when possible. In multi-target situations, aim to maintain this on multiple targets instead. Avoid overwriting buffed Rake Icon Rakes in single-target unless you will also be applying an amplified one.


Brutal Slash

When using Brutal Slash Icon Brutal Slash, try to ensure that you always have at least one charge on cooldown, but bank charges for when a wave of enemies is about to spawn. This is worth casting as a more energy-efficient equivalent to Shred Icon Shred in single-target With Bloodtalons Icon Bloodtalons taken as well, this serves as a third activator in the sequence to activate it in single-target.


Feral Frenzy

Feral Frenzy Icon Feral Frenzy should be used when you have 0-2 Combo Points, and you should follow this up with a Finishing Move. This means you need to ensure that you have the Energy available to use the surge of Combo Points instantly. Ideally, you should pair every other cast of this with Tiger's Fury Icon Tiger's Fury.



The content on this page is purely PvE-related. If you are looking for PvP Rotation Tips, please visit our PvP page below.


Addons for Feral Druid Rotation

Check out our Addons page below for some recommended Addons to get the most out of your Feral Druid!


Macros for Feral Druid Rotation

Check out our Macros page below for some recommended Macros to get the most out of your Feral Druid!



  • 24 Feb. 2025: Updated for Patch 11.1.0.
  • 15 Dec. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.7, added recommended tags.
  • 21 Oct. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 11.0.5.
  • 30 Sep. 2024: Changed default loadout to Wildstalker ST to align with talent page.
  • 09 Sep. 2024: Updated for recent Bloodtalons hotfix and Druid of the Claw recommendation.
  • 21 Aug. 2024: Updated for The War Within.
  • 23 Jul. 2024: Updated for The War Within Pre-Patch.
  • 07 May 2024: Reviewed for 10.2.7.
  • 22 Apr. 2024: Reviewed for Season 4, no gameplay changes but restructured page for readability.
  • 19 Mar. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.6.
  • 15 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 10.2.5, moved Convoke to the primary button, added AoE opener switches.
  • 06 Nov. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.2 and restructured the rotation tool.
  • 04 Sep. 2023: Restructured for Patch 10.1.7.
  • 10 Jul. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.1.5, small tweaks and notes about Dire Fixation AoE.
  • 01 May 2023: Updated for Patch 10.1 to include new Berserk changes and updated builds.
  • 20 Mar. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 10.0.7.
  • 24 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 10.0.5.
  • 11 Dec. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight season 1.
  • 28 Nov. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight launch.
  • 25 Oct. 2022: Updated for Dragonflight pre-patch.
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