AAC Light-heavyweight M4 Normal Raid Guide
Welcome to our guide to AAC Light-heavyweight M4, the fourth encounter in the first raid tier of The Arcadion. This guide aims to prepare players for the raid so they will know what to expect, with simple mechanic instructions and notes on what to watch out for.
Wicked Thunder is the fourth boss fought in AAC Light-heavyweight.

How to Unlock Wicked Thunder
To unlock AAC Light-heavyweight M4, players must complete the quest "The Neoteric Witch." This is the second quest in the quest chain starting from "A New Challenger Appears," which can be received from the Stylish Stranger in Solution Nine (x19.1, y18.8). There is a minimum item level restriction of 685 to enter through the duty finder in a matched party.
In the midst of your crowning ceremony, you are challenged by none other than the electrifying Wicked Thunder, sister of Yaana and former heavyweight fighter of fame. The Ascension Arcadia president has authorized a special exhibition match for this thunderous clash, and now the realm waits with bated breath, wondering who will emerge victorious: the unstoppable upstart, or the neoteric witch?
Raid Guide
Similar to Black Cat, Wicked Thunder is fought on a square arena with sixteen equal squares. Players can fall off the arena by walking off the edge or being on a platform that is being destroyed.
Phase One
Phase one has you do battle with Wicked Thunder. This phase will introduce players to mechanics in the fight.
Phase One Mechanics
The following mechanics are introduced in phase one.
- Wrath of Zeus: Raidwide magical damage.
- Sidewise Spark: Wicked Thunder draws lightning into one arm, then cleaves that side of the arena.
- Shadow's Sabbath: Spawns a descending ring that summons a clone which does a mechanic.
- Wicked Jolt: Line AoE magical tankbuster.
- Stampeding Thunder: Five hits of raidwide magic damage. Breaks three columns of the arena.
- Blast: Wicked Thunder will either blast in front of her with a orange diamond indicator, or behind her with a blue circle indicator. This will happen multiple times in succession, with the prefix indicating how many hits there will be.
- Wicked Bolt: Multi-hit stack marker that deals magical damage. Hits five times total.
- Bewitching Flight: The wings shoot lasers, which indicate a line AoE across the arena at that position. These line AoEs leave lightning lines that explode in a large AoE.
Phase One Strategy
- The fight begins with the raidwide and Sidewise Spark. Be on the safe side.
- Shadow's Sabbath will spawn clones that have the animation for mechanics. The first two will spawn clones that do Sidewise Spark horizontally, so go to the safe side. This is followed by a tank buster.
- The boss then jumps to the north edge and brings out her massive cannon. She will cast Stampeding Thunder, breaking three columns of the arena. Either the left-most or right-most column will be safe.
- She then casts Threefold Blast, which hits three times. As it only hits front or back, an easy way to solve this is to remember if you are staying or moving for each hit. Getting hit deals massive damage and inflicts a potent damage-over-time debuff.
- This is followed by Fourfold Blast, which hits four times. Afterwards, there are ground AoEs, so move out of them. The arena is then repaired. Heal up and mitigate Wicked Bolt.
- The boss grows wings and moves to the north edge of the arena to cast Bewitching Flight. Avoid the line AoEs, then move around the arena as a group to dodge the expanding line AoEs as well as ground AoEs. This sequence is followed by a Sidewise Spark and Wrath of Zeus.
Phase Two
In phase two, Wicked Thunder enhances previously seen mechanics with the addition of clones from Shadow's Sabbath.
Phase Two Mechanics
The following mechanics are introduced in phase two.
- Witch Hunt: A spiral of circle ground AoEs starting either from the outside and spiraling in, or the inside and spiraling out.
- Soaring Soulpress: A stack marker that deals physical damage. Wicked Thunder jumps to the target.
Phase Two Strategy

- Her wings disappear at this point and she begins to spawn multiple clones with Shadow's Sabbath. These clones will all cast Sidewise Spark, so identify the clone most recently spawned and dodge that cleave while staying close to the centre to minimize movement. This sequence finishes with Wicked Thunder herself casting one, so pay close attention to her animations.
- She then goes to the north edge and summons her cannon again. Stampeding Thunder will destroy three columns of the arena, so head to the safe column.
- She will then cast Fivefold Blast, casting five times. Remember the sequence and whether to move or stay for each blast. After the five hits, she will cast a marked AoE on all players, so spread out.
- She will enter the wings phase again, but this time it's enhanced. She'll cast Shadow's Sabbath to summon a clone with wings which will go to a perpendicular side. Both her and the clone will cast Bewitching Flight, so dodge both sets of line AoEs.
- Just like before, these line AoEs will leave lines on the floor that expand into larger AoEs. Since there are two sets, there will usually be one corner of the room that has a large safe spot.
- She will repeat this phase until she is pushed below 20% HP. At that point, she will enter phase three.
Phase Three
In phase three, Wicked Thunder begins her soft enrage sequence. She gains a debuff that nullifies positional requirements against her.
Phase Three Mechanics
The following mechanics are introduced in phase three.
- Wicked Hypercannon: A multi-hit stack marker dealing magical damage that hits ten times in total.
Phase Three Strategy
- The final phase begins with Wicked Thunder moving to the north edge of the platform like usual. She casts Stampeding Thunder, removing most of the arena.
- However, her systems are failing. She only has two abilities during this phase.
- The first is Wicked Hypercannon: she will use this repeatedly, so make sure to heal and mitigate through the ten hits of damage.
- The second are ground AoEs on players in between casts of Wicked Hypercannon. She will repeat these until she is defeated.
Coffers that appear after defeating Wicked Thunder will yield tokens that can be traded in for gear. The drops for this fight are listed below.
- 2x Lightheavy Holoarmor;
- 1x Lightheavy Hologauntlets;
- 2x Lightheavy Holochausses;
- 1x Lightheavy Hologreaves;
- 2x Lightheavy Holoearring.
In addition, an extra coffer spawns that drops the Black Kitten minion. Rarely, it will also drop the Give It All Orchestrion Roll.
- 02 Aug. 2024: Added boss image.
- 19 Jul. 2024: Edited to change wording of some mechanics.
- 16 Jul. 2024: Guide added.
More FFXIV Content

This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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