Astrologian Melding, Stat Priority, and Consumables — Dawntrail 7.1
On this page, you will find the best melding choices and consumables, as well as the stat priority they are based on, for Astrologian in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7.1).
Astrologian Stat Priority
Outside of best-in-slot (BiS) sets, Astrologian has a general stat priority system. While you are gearing up and working toward a specific best-in-slot, this priority list should guide you toward choosing the best gear and melds along the way. Due to the high priority placed on Magic Damage and Mind, the highest item level piece is usually the best choice while leveling.
Note: This priority system was created with progression raiding in mind because that is when pre-BiS priorities are most relevant. Spell Speed is not an ideal stat if you are not playing in a controlled environment. Before you have access to BiS, it is unlikely that you are playing in such a controlled environment, and this page reflects that.
While gearing up, you may choose to prioritize Critical Hit and Determination and then re-meld once you acquire all the gear. You may also choose to aim for a GCD tier that is similar to your intended BiS set in order to get used to it, but if the BiS uses a very fast GCD, trying to use the same GCD speed for progression may cause MP issues.
- Magic Damage;
- Found only on weapons, often called Weapon Damage.
- Mind;
- Piety to comfort;
- You only need enough to keep from running out of MP. Any more than that is essentially useless, but you will use more MP during progression and/or chaotic Party Finder groups.
- Spell Speed to the desired GCD tier;
- This only applies if you have a specific reason to be aiming for a certain GCD speed.
- Critical Hit;
- Determination;
- Spell Speed;
- Beyond hitting the desired GCD tier, Spell Speed is still a very good way to scale your damage. Our BiS sets often favor high Spell Speed, but they are not created to be good for progression. High Spell Speed sets can still be useful in progression in the right hands, but we do not recommend it unconditionally.
- Direct Hit;
- Direct Hit contributes very slightly more to your DPS than Determination, but it does not affect healing at all. The damage difference is inconsequential, and the healing difference is significantly larger. This is why we do not recommend it for progression. Even for BiS, it simply scales worse than Critical Hit and Spell Speed under most circumstances.
Understanding Stats
Magic Damage
Magic Damage is found only on your weapon. It has the largest effect on your damage and healing, by far. Rarely, a weapon with one less Magic Damage may be slightly better than one with the higher Magic Damage. This may happen if the higher level weapon has undesired Piety, while the lower level weapon has no Piety.
Mind is the primary stat (or "main stat") for healers. It scales both our damage and our healing. It is many times less valuable than Magic Damage but many times more valuable than secondary stats.
Like with Magic Damage, it is sometimes possible for a lower item level piece with less Mind to be better than a higher item level piece. This is the case if the higher item level piece has undesired Piety and the lower item level piece has none.
Critical Hit
Due to its strong scaling and the fact that it affects everything we do, Critical Hit is our top priority for secondary stats.
Critical Hit increases your chance to crit and the multiplier applied on a crit. Everything can crit, including damage, healing, damage-over-time effects, and healing-over-time effects.
Because it scales both crit chance and crit multiplier, as you gain more Critical Hit, its scaling is quadratic. Put simply, it scales better as you get more of it, meaning each point is worth more than the previous point.
Determination is a very "average" secondary stat. It simply increases all your damage and healing by a certain percentage. Its scaling is linear, which means that it scales worse than Critical Hit in large quantities.
It is often used interchangeably with Direct Hit because it is a reliable, unconditional gain. However, Direct Hit does not affect healing, so Determination easily takes priority for progression.
Spell Speed
Spell Speed has two effects: the main effect is that it decreases your cast time and global recast time (increases GCD speed). The second effect is that it increases the strength of your damage- and healing-over-time effects by a percentage, similar to the effect of Determination.
Spell Speed sometimes scales even better than Critical Hit on paper. It is a heavily favored stat in many Astrologian BiS sets because the drawback of having less MP to work with is much less relevant in an organized, post-progression environment.
It is not listed as a high priority here simply because the meld priority is intended for pre-BiS gearing. The general meld priority is most relevant for progression, and Spell Speed is not necessarily the best choice for that.
Progression is when you will need the most MP because you will need to cast raises and extra GCD heals for safety. Spell Speed causes you to spend MP faster, which may require you to sacrifice other damage stats for additional piety, negating any advantage Spell Speed might have had.
It is also when your gameplay will be the least optimized, and Spell Speed is not an unconditional damage gain. You will not get the full benefit of Spell Speed if you are not consistently maintaining GCD uptime, which is harder to do while your group is still learning.
In comparison, Critical Hit and Determination are both unconditional gains that affect everything you do, regardless of how you play. That is why they are listed as a higher general priority for a progression environment. High Spell Speed sets can still perform well during progression, but it depends on the player being comfortable utilizing it, so we do not recommend it as an unconditional priority.
Direct Hit
Direct Hit provides a chance to score "direct hits," which are like mini-crits. A direct hit deals 25% bonus damage. A single attack can simultaneously be a direct hit and a critical hit, and the damage modifiers are multiplicative.
The direct hit multiplier does not change (as far as healers are concerned), so its scaling is linear, like Determination. However, unlike Determination, it does not affect healing at all because heals cannot be direct hits. The difference varies depending on the exact gearsets, but it is always very small. As an example, one comparison saw a difference of 0.23% DPS in exchange for 2.5% healing.
In well-practiced and coordinated play, that 2.5% healing does not make any real difference, so the Direct Hit is often given a higher priority than Determination for BiS. However, we rarely have room to meld either because Critical Hit and Spell Speed are both more effective.
Piety is the only secondary stat (or "substat") that does not affect damage in any way, and healers are the only role with access to it. Because it does not scale your damage or healing, it offers absolutely no benefit beyond the amount you need to achieve your goal without running out of MP.
If you do not have enough MP to do your job, Piety is by far the most important stat for you to acquire until you solve that problem. But, aside from meeting that requirement, it is essentially useless.
The amount of Piety you need can vary wildly based on many factors, such as your party composition, your group's familiarity with the encounter, the amount of healing required, etc.
If you are learning an encounter, you probably want more Piety so you
have a buffer for casting Ascend or extra GCD heals for
safety. Additional Piety can also help you recover if you die, since you will
be raised with very little MP.
The unique nature of Piety makes it impossible to create a definitive best-in-slot (BiS) gearset that we can genuinely recommend to all players because different players may have very different needs. Therefore, our approach is usually to create multiple sets that are optimized around varying degrees of MP longevity.
Consumables are divided into two categories: meals (food) and medicines (potions). In high-end content, such as savage raids, you are usually expected to come prepared with the appropriate consumables, especially while you are learning the fight. The bonuses provided by these items can often be the difference between life and death.
Stat Potions
With Mind being the primary stat for healers, the appropriate
stat-increasing potion is the highest tier Mind potion available. Currently,
that would be a High Quality (HQ) Grade 1 Gemdraught of Mind. These
potions temporarily increase your Mind stat, which provides a small boost to
your damage (and healing) for the duration of the effect.
These are used in high-end content to boost damage during large raid burst windows, most commonly in the opener and the six-minute burst. This is when the boost is most effective, as it is stacked with many other raid buffs.
It is easy to go through a large number of stat potions very quickly if you are using them on every pull. Therefore, it is often not recommended to use them until your group has seen most or all of the encounter and you have a chance of clearing the fight.
The exception to this is that you may want to use them if your group is struggling with a DPS check that is preventing you from progressing. In that situation, you may want to use stat potions specifically for that DPS check to make sure you can get past it and continue learning and practicing later portions of the encounter.
Ethers can be used to instantly restore a large amount of MP. It is
always a good idea to have some in case of an emergency, such as dying and
being raised with low MP or needing to raise multiple party members. The
highest tier Ether available is currently a High Quality (HQ)
Super-Ether, which restores 1800 MP.
They are especially useful during progression because mistakes and deaths are guaranteed. Ethers can allow you to recover from situations that would otherwise lead to a wipe. Even if you are only delaying the wipe, it allows your group to see more of the encounter and get more practice.
Ethers share a cooldown with all other "medicines," such as Mind potions and healing potions. If you think you will need to use an Ether, you may want to avoid using another Mind potion after the opener. The damage lost from not using another Mind potion is nothing compared to the damage you lose if you run out of MP and cannot cast spells.
The largest benefit provided by food is simply the extra Vitality, which increases your max HP to help you survive hard-hitting attacks. Each food will also increase two secondary stats by a percentage, up to a listed cap.
Make sure you choose a food that you can fully benefit from by hitting the listed cap on every stat. For example, if the food says it increases Direct Hit by 10%, up to 70, you would only get the entire 70 Direct Hit if you had 700 Direct Hit without the food. If you have no Direct Hit melds, your base Direct Hit at level 100 is only 420, so the food would only give you 42 Direct Hit.
This would generally make it a worse choice than any other food that you could get the full benefit from (except Piety food, which is completely worthless if you do not need the Piety).
The specific food you should use will be listed in the gearset you choose from the best-in-slot page. Before you have the full best-in-slot, you can instead choose the highest level food that follows the stat priority given above.
- 12 Nov. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 7.1
- 21 Jun. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.0 - Dawntrail launch.
- 25 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 6.55
- 16 Oct. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 6.5
- 24 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4 - New tier of Tincture of Mind.
- 13 Jan. 2023: Reviewed for Patch 6.3
- 29 Aug. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 6.2
- 20 Apr. 2022: Reviewed for Patch 6.1
- 31 Jan. 2022: Guide added.
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Zyrk is a self-described "career Healer" and long-time healer mentor (and admin) on The Balance Discord. He likes spreadsheets, words, and the Oxford comma more than he likes most people. His healing career, beginning in Patch 2.1 (December 2013), has been defined by his passion for learning and improvement — a passion he endeavors to share with others through the creation, and presentation of informative resources and his work on The Balance Discord as a whole.
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