Bard Job Changes and Updates — Endwalker 6.55

Last updated on May 20, 2024 at 16:00 by Cetonis 6 comments

On this page, you will find any job changes and skill updates for Bard in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (Patch 6.55).


Bard Job Changes for Dawntrail

To start out, see the job action trailer showcase for Dawntrail Bard below:

Here are the changes and skill updates for Bard in Dawntrail, circa the Media Tour beta build. Remember that things can change (dramatically, even) on final release.

  • Songs will not need a target anymore. To prevent long pre-pull sequences, songs will only be usable in combat.
  • Battle Voice Icon Battle Voice and Radiant Finale Icon Radiant Finale now last 20 seconds, as do most/all other party-wide buffs or enemy debuffs that used to last 15.
  • Pitch Perfect Icon Pitch Perfect will deal AoE damage with 50% falloff.
  • The buffs that enable Refulgent Arrow Icon Refulgent Arrow and Shadowbite Icon Shadowbite will be combined into one shared buff.
  • Barrage Icon Barrage now grants its own buff for Refulgent Arrow Icon Refulgent Arrow and Shadowbite Icon Shadowbite to consume, instead of overwriting the existing buff Bard can get from its regular GCD skills. Also, only the two enabled skills can consume Barrage's triple/damage increase buff (no more Barrage'ing Iron Jaws Icon Iron Jaws).
Skill Name Category Changes
Heartbreak Shot Ability Upgraded version of Bloodletter Icon Bloodletter (which is now 130p). Heartbreak Shot is 160p and is learned at level 92.
Resonant Arrow Weaponskill Barrage Icon Barrage will turn into this new skill once activated, for 30 seconds. Resonant Arrow deals 600 potency in an AoE (50% falloff) and is learned at level 96.
Radiant Encore Weaponskill Radiant Finale Icon Radiant Finale will turn into this new skill once activated, for 30 seconds. Radiant Encore deals 400-700 potency, depending on coda, in an AoE (50% falloff)and is learned at level 100.
Wide Volley Weaponskill A new, lower level version of Shadowbite Icon Shadowbite, learned at level 25. It deals 140p (220p under Barrage Icon Barrage) and upgrades to Shadowbite at level 72.
Second Wind Icon Second Wind Ability Upgraded from 500p to 800p at level 94.
Troubadour Icon Troubadour Ability Upgraded from 10% damage reduction to 15% at level 98.

In terms of Bard's rotation, the most impactful change is the shift to a 20 second party buff window. This incentivizes us to look for a way to fit two Empyreal Arrow Icon Empyreal Arrow within that buff window. It also means that using Raging Strikes Icon Raging Strikes later for more buff overlap could be valuable.

Currently, we are looking at two rotational options. They output near-equal potency on average, but operate at different speed tiers. The "3-6-9" rotation, which works with a 2.50s GCD, will often enable the stronger gear set.

But, gear options do not always work out that way. "3-6-9" also has tighter execution requirements. So overall it is worth becoming familiar with the "classic" rotation as well, if you are not already - it is pretty much the same as Endwalker Bard.

As always, we will use Heartbreak Shot and Pitch Perfect Icon Pitch Perfect as needed / available throughout.

A full rotational guide will come after release, but to describe the two rotations in simple terms:

In "classic", we will run Mage's Ballad Icon Mage's Ballad until it has 3 seconds left, then swap to Army's Paeon Icon Army's Paeon, going into The Wanderer's Minuet Icon The Wanderer's Minuet after that timer reaches 12. The rest is much like the current rotation, save for using Raging Strikes Icon Raging Strikes one GCD later in 2m+ burst windows. This rotation runs best at a 2.48s GCD.


In "3-6-9", our song swaps are after the 3, 6, and 9 ticks on the song timers respectively, with the same song order. Weave Army's Paeon Icon Army's Paeon into Empyreal Arrow Icon Empyreal Arrow swiftly after the GCD when the time comes. The opener is repeated in each burst, just with a faster GCD thanks to the Army's Muse buff. This rotation runs at a 2.50s GCD, but can be run at 2.49s for a little buffer.


Bard changes in Endwalker

Over the course of Endwalker, Bard has gotten a few modest potency buffs, as well as some quality of life updates.


Patch 6.5 Changes

Skill Name Category Changes
Empyreal Arrow Icon Empyreal Arrow Ability Potency increased from 230 to 240
Sidewinder Icon Sidewinder Ability Potency increased from 300 to 320

Patch 6.4 Changes

Skill Name Category Changes
The Wanderer's Minuet Icon The Wanderer's Minuet, Mage's Ballad Icon Mage's Ballad, Army's Paeon Icon Army's Paeon Ability Range of passive buff increased to 50 yalms (from 30)
Troubadour Icon Troubadour, Nature's Minne Icon Nature's Minne, Battle Voice Icon Battle Voice, Radiant Finale Icon Radiant Finale, Peloton Icon Peloton Ability Range increased to 30 yalms

Patch 6.3 Changes

Skill Name Category Changes
Nature's Minne Icon Nature's Minne Ability Reworked to affect all party members, increasing healing received by 15%. Cooldown changed to 120 seconds.

Patch 6.28 Changes

Skill Name Category Changes
Empyreal Arrow Icon Empyreal Arrow Ability Potency increased from 200 to 230

Patch 6.1 Changes

Skill Name Category Changes
Battle Voice Icon Battle Voice Ability Can now be used without a song active
Repelling Shot Icon Repelling Shot Ability Can be used from up to 15 yalms away, increased from 5
The Wanderer's Minuet Icon The Wanderer's Minuet Ability Skill button now changes to Pitch Perfect Icon Pitch Perfect upon activation

Bard Weaponskill Changes in Patch 6.0

  1. Heavy Shot Icon Heavy Shot potency changed from 180 to 160, and duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  2. Venomous Bite Icon Venomous Bite potency for damage over time changed from 30 to 15, and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.
  3. Quick Nock Icon Quick Nock potency changed from 150 to 110, and the additional effect "30% chance the recast timer for Bloodletter and Rain of Death will be reset" has been changed to "35% chance of becoming Shadowbite Ready."
  4. Windbite Icon Windbite potency for damage over time changed from 40 to 20, and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds.
  5. Iron Jaws Icon Iron Jaws's Straight Shot Ready duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  6. Caustic Bite Icon Caustic Bite potency for damage over time changed from 40 to 20, and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The Straight Shot Ready duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  7. Stormbite Icon Stormbite potency for damage over time changed from 50 to 25, and duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The Straight Shot Ready duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  8. Refulgent Arrow Icon Refulgent Arrow potency changed from 340 to 280.
  9. Shadowbite Icon Shadowbite changed category from ability to weaponskill. This action now delivers an attack with a potency of 170 to target and all enemies nearby it, and its recast time changed from 60 seconds to 2.5 seconds.
  10. Burst Shot Icon Burst Shot potency changed from 250 to 220, and its duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  11. Apex Arrow Icon Apex Arrow maximum potency changed from 120-160 to 100-500. This ability now grants Blast Arrow Ready upon execution while Soul Voice Gauge is 80 or higher with a duration of 10 seconds.

New Bard Weaponskills

  1. Ladonsbite Icon Ladonsbite delivers an attack with a potency of 130 to all enemies in a cone before you. It has a 35% chance of becoming Shadowbite Ready with a 30 second duration.
  2. Blast Arrow Icon Blast Arrow delivers an attack to all enemies in a straight line before you with a potency of 600 for the first enemy, and 60% less for all remaining enemies. This can only be executed while under the effect of Blast Arrow Ready. This action cannot be assigned to a hotbar.

Bard Ability Changes in Patch 6.0

  1. Raging Strikes Icon Raging Strikes potency changed from 10% to 15%, and recast time changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  2. Bloodletter Icon Bloodletter potency changed from 150 to 110. This ability now has 3 charges.
  3. Mage's Ballad Icon Mage's Ballad's category changed from spell to ability. The additional effect "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite" has changed to "80% chance to grant Repertoire." Repertoire effect changed from "Resets the recast timer of Bloodletter and Rain of Death" to "Shortens the recast timer of Bloodletter and Rain of Death by 7.5 seconds." The action's duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds and has "Additional Effect: Grants Mage's Coda." The damage increase effect now also applies to the bard who casted it. The following note is no longer in effect: "This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions." Its recast time changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  4. Barrage Icon Barrage now increases the potency of Shadowbite to 270. Its Straight Shot Ready duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds, and recast time changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  5. Army's Paeon Icon Army's Paeon's category changed from spell to ability. The additional effect "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite" has changed to "80% chance to grant Repertoire." The action's duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The following additional effect has been added: "Grants Army's Coda." Direct hit effect now also applies to the bard who casted it. The following note is no longer in effect: "This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions." Its recast time changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  6. Rain of Death Icon Rain of Death potency changed from 130 to 100. This ability now has 3 maximum charges.
  7. Battle Voice Icon Battle Voice duration changed from 20 seconds to 15 seconds, and recast timer changed from 180 seconds to 120 seconds. This effect now also applies to the Bard that casted it.
  8. The Wanderer's Minuet Icon The Wanderer's Minuet's category changed from spell to ability. The addition effect conditions "40% chance to grant Repertoire when damage over time is dealt by Caustic Bite or Stormbite" has changed to "80% chance to grant Repertoire". Its duration changed from 30 seconds to 45 seconds. The following additional effect has been added: "Grants Wanderer's Coda". Critical hit effect now also applies to the bard who casted it. The following note is no longer in effect: "This action does not share a recast timer with any other actions. Furthermore, the recast timer cannot be affected by other actions." Its recast time changed from 80 seconds to 120 seconds.
  9. Pitch Perfect Icon Pitch Perfect potency with 2 Repertoire stacks changed from 250 to 220, and potency with 3 Repertoire changed from 450 to 360. Its recast time changed from 3 seconds to 1 second.
  10. Empyreal Arrow Icon Empyreal Arrow potency changed from 230 to 200.
  11. Sidewinder Icon Sidewinder now delivers an attack with a potency of 300.
  12. Troubadour Icon Troubadour's recast time changed from 120 seconds to 90 seconds.

New Bard Abilities

  1. Radiant Finale Icon Radiant Finale increases damage dealt by self and nearby party members for 15 seconds. Its effectiveness is determined by the number of different Coda active in the Song Gauge. 1 Coda grants a 2% increase, 2 Coda 4%, and 3 Coda 6%. This can only be executed when at least 1 coda is active.

Bard Trait Changes in Patch 6.0

  1. Heavier Shot's duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.
  2. Enhanced Quick Nock's learning level changed from 74 to 72 and adds to Quick Nock a 35% change that the player will become Shadowbite Ready.
  3. Bite Mastery II's duration changed from 10 seconds to 30 seconds.

New Bard Traits

  1. Quick Nock Mastery upgrades Quick Nock Icon Quick Nock to Ladonsbite Icon Ladonsbite.
  2. Enhanced Bloodletter allows a third charge of Bloodletter Icon Bloodletter and Rain of Death Icon Rain of Death.
  3. Enhanced Apex Arrow grants Blast Arrow Ready upon executing Apex Arrow Icon Apex Arrow after the Soul Voice Gauge has reached 80 or higher for a duration of 30 seconds. Apex Arrow Icon Apex Arrow becomes Blast Arrow Icon Blast Arrow while under this effect.
  4. Enhanced Troubadour reduces Troubadour Icon Troubadour recast time to 90 seconds.
  5. Minstrel's Coda grants Mage's Coda, Army's Coda, or Wanderer's Coda upon singing Mage's Ballad Icon Mage's Ballad, Army's Paeon Icon Army's Paeon, or the The Wanderer's Minuet Icon The Wanderer's Minuet respectively.


  • 09 Jun. 2024: Page updated with information from the Dawntrail media tour.
  • 20 May 2024: Page updated with patch history and preliminary Dawntrail information.
  • 19 Dec. 2021: Page added.
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