Keybindings and Hotbar Setup for Bard — Endwalker 6.58
Welcome to our keybinding and controller setup guide for Bard. Here you'll find example setups to play FFXIV for mouse and keyboard configurations, as well as controller users.
Bard Hotbar and Keybinding Tips
There is no one correct way to set up your hotbar. Or ten correct ways, or a hundred. But if you are not sure how you want to arrange yours, here are some tips and examples to draw inspiration from. Do not be afraid to trial and error anything that comes to mind - the best hotbar is the one that works well for you.
Bard Hotbar Setup
This example controller layout imagines a left trigger preference. Some players prefer not having different LT -> RT and RT -> LT bars. But here the latter serves as redundant access to two-minute buffs. The overall goal is to have as many skills as possible accessible on face buttons, because it can be impractical to use d-pad skills while moving.
Because The Wanderer's Minuet turns into
Pitch Perfect, it is grouped with other core damage skills.
Otherwise, skills are grouped roughly by type. The main LT and RT bars have the
most commonly used skills on face, with important cooldowns or opener skills on
the d-pad. AoE, movement skills, and defensives each have a face button set,
with rarer skills (and damage potion) accessible on combination d-pads.
Once again, this is only an example. You can and should try out different setups to find what you like best. Remember that you can access various cross-hotbar related settings in Character Menu -> Hotbar -> Custom.
As there are many different mouse and even keyboard / keypad options, no one example is going to apply to very many players. So in this case, I will use my own setup. My dexterity is limited, so I have fewer keybinds / mouse buttons than most - which means this should be a good example in terms of skill prioritization.
In this setup, movement is done with QWES, rather than WASD. The easiest keys for me to hit, and therefore the most important skills, are on `1234 and RC. ADF and Shift+R Shift+F are also available. Everything else on the main hotbars is mouse-clicked. The gaps help ease mouse accuracy to keep slow clicks and misclicks to a minimum.
Duty actions are on X/Shift+X, while three extra mouse keys handle
mouseover The Warden's Paean,
Repelling Shot and
Arm's Length. Those three are not used often, but may be needed
quickly and/or while moving.
You may notice Pitch Perfect has its own button here. You can
assign a normally un-assignable skill via the macro / text command:
/hotbar action "Pitch Perfect" 1 5
The "1 5" means this will put it in hotbar 1, slot 5, for example.
General Hotbar and Keybinding Advice
- Whatever control scheme or binds you use, aim to put skills you will need most often (or quickly) on the easiest buttons to access.
- Make sure you can use as many skills as possible while moving. Encounters do not always allow you the time to stop to press a button. You do not want to lose out on damage, or miss a critical defensive just because you have to be moving.
- If you visually group skills with cooldowns that you want to monitor, you can reduce the amount of time/effort you spend checking your hotbars. Some players even make an extra bar with duplicates of such skills, and put it in a highly visible location.
- Similarly, it can help to keep everything on your HUD that you might monitor (hotbars, job gauge, buffs, debuffs and so on) in the same general area.
- To make changing between jobs easier, try to keep similar skills on the same buttons across jobs.
- 14 May 2024: Guide added.
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This guide was written by Cetonis, who has been a Bard theorycrafter and guide contributor since late ARR. He is also part of The Balance as a Bard mentor. All good theorycraft is a group effort, and credit goes out to the Bards of the ranged theorycraft discord for helping to work things out.
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