Blue Mage Raid Guide for Omega (O12S)
This page provides a guide for Omega, the twelfth fight in the Omega raid series. It's intended to be used specifically for Blue Mage. This guide includes strategies catering to the unique party composition, as well as recommended spells.
The urge to flip switches is almost irresistible...even when you know full well the consequences for doing so. Once more your finger moves as if of its own accord, and activates the second phase of the Savage Initiative. As the gentle arrangement drifts from the terminal, you are transported to a remembered vista of the Sigmascape, each lapping wave of the song swelling the boundary of your memories...
General Notes
This is the final fight in the Omega Blue raid series and is by a pretty substantial margin the most difficult content available to Blue Mage currently. It is, however, extremely consistent so progression can feel less frustrating overall.
Raid Guide
This guide is written assuming you have all Blue Mage spells, appropriate gear, and know how to play your chosen role.
Video Guide
If you prefer video format, there is a full video guide available below.
Party Setup
For this fight I would recommend having two tank mimics, two healer mimics, and four DPS mimics in the first phase, and then having one of the tank mimics switch to DPS mimic in the second phase.
Phase 1: Omega M/F
The first phase has two targets that need to be tanked, so having a second tank mimic can be helpful to reduce incoming damage. This phase isn't too bad, but if anyone messes up it can spiral out of control very quickly. Throughout the entire phase there will be a gigantic eye on the edge of the arena. This starts at the north but periodically moves to different locations. Every mechanic during this fight will treat the eye as "north." Players should pick clock positions for spread mechanics later, and adjust to find Celestriad positions the same as in O8S. The party will also need to have assigned "light parties" of one tank, one healer, and two DPS.
Utility Spells
Mighty Guard
Revenge Blast
Frog Legs on both tanks
Omega's Abilities
- Suppression: Huge line AoE through the center of the arena from the eye.
- Beyond Defense: Targets random player with a moderate damage AoE with a small radius that applies a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff.
- Pile Pitch: Targets random player with a heavy-hitting stack AoE.
- Discharger: Moderate raid AoE and knockback from F.
- Advanced Suppression: Huge semi-circle AoE through the center of the arena from the eye.
- Superliminal Motion: Huge frontal cleave in front of F.
- Optimized Fire III: Heavy-hitting AoE on all players.
- Electric Slide (Stack): Stack damage on two players.
- Firewall: Applies a debuff that prevents four players from dealing damage to M and four players from dealing damage to F.
- Resonance: Applies Local or Remote Resonance buff to M/F, which dramatically increases damage if they are too close or far from one another, respectively.
- Fundamental Synergy: A sequence of four Electric Slide (Proximity) hits from each of M/F.
- Electric Slide: Extremely wide and sharply scaling proximity-based AoE.
- Laser Shower: Heavy-hitting raidwide AoE.
- Solar Ray: Heavy-hitting tankbuster on both of M/F's primary targets.
- Superliminal Steel: Cleave on east and west of the arena.
- Optimized Blizzard III: Cross AoE through the center of the arena.
- Efficient Bladework: Heavy-hitting AoE centered on M.
- Beyond Strength: Heavy-hitting donut AoE around M.
- Optimized Sagittarius Arrow: Bard LB3 on a random player.
- Optimized Meteor: Heavy-hitting proximity AoE on a random player.
- Cosmo Memory: Devastating raidwide AoE.
- Optimized Blade Dance: Melee LB2 on primary targets.
As you can see, there are a ton of abilities used during this phase. The
nice thing is that each can actually be resolved pretty simply and we mostly
just need to know the order in which things come out. I recommend using
Revenge Blast during this phase since it's pretty easy to
get the extra damage from it.
The phase opens up with a Beyond Defense and Pile Pitch
combo. The way we want to handle this is to split into four pairs of
players, one on each cardinal. The tank will pull M to the far east and
players will move into their pair spots around M. Beyond Defense will hit a
random pair of players, and then Pile Pitch on a different random player.
When the Beyond Defense hit goes out, everyone else should stack behind M.
If done correctly, all of the DPS should be in
Revenge Blast range. There is a chance due to damage
variance that one person might not be, and if the off-tank has food on they
won't be. I actually recommend that the off-tank does not use food for the
first phase for this reason. Additionally, there is a 1/7 chance that Pile
Pitch hits the first pair right after Beyond Defense which will kill them.
If this happens just jump off and start over. Since it's the first mechanic,
nothing is really lost.
After awhile, M will turn into a puddle then emerge as F. She will use
Discharger and knock everyone back. With F on the wall, everyone
should just stack behind F and use Cold Fog before getting
knocked back. The party should be healed up to full before the hit or
whenever they naturally regen out of Revenge Blast range, whichever happens
After the knockback the tank should pull F center and face her towards
the eye. She will use Superliminal Motion while the eye uses
Advanced Suppression. The party just needs to move behind F and after
the two spells go off spread to their clock positions for Optimized Fire
III. If there is no mitigation (no Addle,
Bad Breath,
Magic Hammer, etc.) then the party will be in Revenge
Blast range again.
This Revenge Blast range is a bit shorter. Once F becomes a puddle, heal
up and apply Gobskin before splitting into light parties. Light party 1
should go to the west and light party 2 should go to the south. If you are
able to safely bring light party 2 more to southwest you'll be able to hit
both targets briefly in a bit, but it's not necessary. Two random players
will be targeted with Electric Slide stack markers. If there is one
in each light party, then no adjustments need to be made. If there are two
in one light party, then one of the stack markers needs to stack with the
other party. Ideally someone from the other party can swap, but it's not
strictly necessary. After the stack damage happens, move to the middle of
the arena and heal up. Once M and F emerge from their puddles use
Surecast to avoid the knockback and then go back to your light
party spot. If any swaps occurred for the stack marker, just return to your
original light party spots.
M and F will both cast Firewall which allows only the four closest players to deal damage to them. Make sure your light party is closer to your target than the other target so that this all resolves correctly. If any targets are incorrect they will need to swap, but this can end badly depending on who got targeted. After a delay they will cast Resonance and receive either Local or Remote Resonance buffs. If it's Local, they need to be pulled apart and light party 2 should move to the far east. If it's Remote, they need to be close and light party 2 should move to the west with light party 1. Tanks should try to position the bosses so they're not right on the edge of the arena for the upcoming mechanic. It can also be a good habit to bring the stack markers from when they split just inward from the edge to make this slightly easier.
M and F will start casting Fundamental Synergy, usually called "numbers" or "limit cut," which is one of the trickiest mechanics in this phase. M and F will mark their targets with the numbers 1-4 and then start charging between targets in ascending order. The Electric Slide charge does massive damage the closer you are to the enemy, applies a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff, and is a pretty wide AoE. The AoE itself is "short," though, in that the AoE stops exactly at their target. Anyone standing just behind their target will not be hit. We will handle this mechanic using "box strat" from when this content was current:
- When numbers go out, have odd numbers (1 and 3) run across the arena (swap east/west) and even numbers (2 and 4) stay on their side. It does not matter if M and F are together or apart.
- Have one set of markers orient to the east/west marker, and one set of markers slightly south of that. I like to have "squares" be on the marker and "triangles" be south of the marker. Some groups find it easier to always have light party 1 on the marker and light party 2 south of the marker. It ultimately doesn't matter, so pick whatever works for your group.
- In your spots have the smaller numbers stand in front of the larger numbers as close to the edge of the arena as you can. 1 in front of 3, 2 in front of 4.
- The bosses will become untargetable and start charging across the room. When you or your partner get hit, swap places. When 1/2 gets hit they take a step back and 3/4 takes their place.
- After all four charges happen, return to your targets.
If this was all done correctly then everyone should be alive. If anyone dies it is likely to be a wipe since it messes with the targeting. The tanks will be tanking a lot of damage before and during this mechanic just from auto-attacks, so watch them very carefully.
After the charges finish, both M and F will use Laser Shower which
is a good opportunity for Cold Fog. Immediately afterwards
is Solar Ray which is survivable with
Dragon Force
Chelonian Gate or just
The party should stay away from the tanks, and after the hit the tanks
should move the bosses back to center and face them north for the upcoming
"Shield" or "Blades" mechanic.
The next mechanic will happen very quickly and can be tricky. The set of
mechanics that happens depends on whether Synthetic Shield or Synthetic
Blades is used. At this point we don't want to use J Kick
since it is important to have it available in case Shield is used.
Synthetic Blades is the easier of the mechanics and involves a combination of Superliminal Steel, Optimized Blizzard III with Pile Pitch, Superliminal Motion, Optimized Fire, and Efficient Bladework. This is how we resolve this:
- Point bosses north until Superliminal Steel cast starts.
- Stack behind the bosses, just south of center.
- After the Steel hit, step directly to the right to avoid Blizzard
and share Pile Pitch. This is a good opportunity for
Cold Fog.
- Step back to the left just behind F to avoid Motion.
- Spread out to clock positions just outside the Bladework AoE for the Fire hits.
- Heal/mitigate for following Laser Shower.
Synthetic Shield is the tougher of the mechanics and has a lot of movement. It involves a combination of Beyond Defense, Optimized Blizzard III, Pile Pitch, Optimized Fire III, Beyond Strength, and Efficient Bladework. This is how we resolve this:
- Point bosses north until first AoE markers appear.
- Move into Celestriad positions and spread from your partner. Pop
- If you were not hit by Beyond Defense, stack in the center. This is
a great time for
Angel's Snack and
White Wind healing from the tank.
- Spread out to clock positions for Optimized Fire III.
- M jumps to a random person before using Beyond Strength. Target M
and once he jumps to someone, use
J Kick to get to him.
- Move away from M for Efficient Bladework.
- Heal/mitigate for following Laser Shower.
After the previous mechanic resolves, M and F will cast Firewall and
Resonance again. Tanks should use Frog Legs to swap threat
and players should swap targets. The Resonance cast will be the opposite
from whatever happened before, so move the bosses accordingly. They will use
Fundamental Synergy again which is handled exactly the same way as
When Fundamental Synergy ends, bring the bosses to the middle and face them north again. Blades or Shield will happen and it will be whichever one didn't happen before. This time the mechanic will end with two consecutive Laser Shower casts so heal and mitigate appropriately.
The last set of mechanics we need to deal with is "Limit Break." The
bosses will target someone with Sagittarius Arrow, someone with
Meteor, the tanks with Blade Dance, and the eye will use
Suppression followed by Cosmo Memory. This is a ton of damage and
actually quite tough to resolve, so instead we just won't. Have everyone
move to one side of the arena together (I usually just pick west) and put up
Mighty Guard. Once the markers go out everyone should use
Diamondback. This will keep everyone safe from all of the
damage. Keep
Mighty Guard on until after Cosmo Memory as
it hits extremely hard. The tanks will need to
Diamondback again for Blade Dance. After Blade Dance this
sequence will repeat only with Advanced Suppression instead of Suppression,
but it doesn't change how we resolve the mechanic.
Final Sting
Omega M and F's Final Sting threshold is about 4% each. Once they are at
4%, apply Off-guard, then use
Moon Flute, any Primal abilities you have, and finish with
Whistle and
Final Sting. Be very
careful that you only Sting the target to which you are attuned from
Firewall! Once one target is "dead," that targets players can switch targets
and Sting if they haven't yet.
Phase 1: Final Omega
This phase only needs one proper tank, but it also needs an off-tank that
spends a lot of time doing tank things. The first week that this fight was
available the DPS check was unbelievably tight due to a bug that prevented
our DOT abilities from being able to Crit/Direct Hit. This required the use
of Revenge Blast to meet the DPS check. The bug was fixed
the second week and as a result the DPS check is no longer nearly as tight.
Revenge Blast can still be used if groups want to, but I usually don't
recommend it anymore. With good execution of Revenge Blast you can skip the
last Archive All mechanic, but you will still be dealing with Hello World 2
no matter what.
Utility Spells
White Wind;
Revenge Blast and
Magic Hammer if going for Revenge Blast Strats;
Frog Legs,
Avail, and
Blood Drain on off-tank.
Final Omega's Abilities
- Target Analysis: Targets one of the top two threat players with a light damage AoE that applies a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff.
- Savage Wave Cannon: Heavy-hitting line AoE tankbuster. Closest person takes full damage, secondary targets take reduced damage.
- Patch: Applies two pairs of red/green tethers that explode when close, and two pairs of blue tethers that explode when far. Explosion deals moderate raidwide AoE and applies stacks of Magic Vulnerability Up debuff.
- Diffuse Wave Cannon: Cone AoE in front/behind or left/right of boss. The sides of the boss that has the glowing orbs is the safe side.
- Oversampled Wave Cannon: Spawns monitors on left/right that hit the two closests targets with a large heavy-hitting AoE tankbuster.
- Ion Efflux: Extremely heavy-hitting raidwide AoE.
- Hello World: Applies a variety of debuffs that need to be handled in very specific ways, explained below.
- Critical Overflow Bug (COB): Similar to Defamation, when timer ends causes a huge circular AoE that applies a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff and applies COB to anyone hit.
- Critical Synchronization Bug: Functionally the same as Shared Sentence in A12S. Hevay-hitting shared-damage AoE when timer ends.
- Latent Defect (DNA): Kills player when timer ends. Cleansed by being hit by COB.
- Critical Error: Heavy-hitting raidwide AoE that instantly kills anyone with COB and applies COB to anyone who hasn't yet received it.
- Archive Peripheral: Spawns three sets of spinning hands that generate line AoEs.
- Index and Archive Peripheral: Hyper Pulse + Wave Cannon.
- Hyper Pulse: Applies three line AoE proximity tethers to players.
- Wave Cannon: Line AoE on four closest players to boss.
- Archive All: Electric Slide + Arm Units + Delta Attack + rotating line AoE.
- Electric Slide: Extremely sharply scaling proximity AoE from wherever Omega jumps to.
- Arm Unit: Spawns arm units that explode and cause lethal AoE if not killed.
- Delta Attack: Optimized Fire III + Spotlight
- Optimized Fire III: Heavy-hitting circle AoE on four players.
- Spotlight: Heavy-hitting stack damage AoE on a random player.
- Critical Underflow Bug (Rot): Circle AoE that immediately kills all players (except the one with the debuff) when timer expires. Debuff is passed on contact with other players. Cleanses Cascading Latent Defect from towers.
- Cascading Latent Defect: Three towers that deal very minor damage and apply Cascading Latent Defect which kills players when timer ends.
- Program Omega: Soft enrage sequence.
This phase has some very difficult mechanics, but they're all very doable
once you know what's going on. The fight opens up with a Target
Analysis into Savage Wave Cannon combo. The off-tank should use
Frog Legs somewhere in their
Moon Flute
opener and use
Avail on the main tank if they're targeted
by Target Analysis. The main tank should
regardless of who gets tethered. The main tank's opener should have a
White Wind very early in order to generate threat so that
when the off-tank uses
Frog Legs they will also have tons
of threat over the rest of the party. The main tank should use some OGCD
abilities like
Shock Strike after the off-tank uses
Frog Legs to prevent the off-tank from getting hit by
auto-attacks. The main tank should be positioned at the north in front of
the boss and the party should be behind the boss. Off-tank can be slightly
to the side on the north side in order to be in Avail range.
After the tankbuster combo Omega will use Patch. This is, in my opinion, the most difficult mechanic to do correctly. A single mistake causes a wipe 99% of the time. It happens three times in the fight so we need to make sure we're good at it, but fortunately it's also the mechanic we'll get the most practice on since it's right at the beginning.
Omega will apply two pairs of green/red tethers between players that pop when close and two pairs of blue tethers between players that pop when far. The explosion causes a lot of damage and applies a Magic Vulnerability Up debuff. If the tethers time out they explode on their own. The gist of the mechanic is that we need to pop the tethers before they time out on their own, but we need to space it out so that they don't overlap. During this, there will be a Diffuse Wave Cannon and Oversampled Wave Cannon monitor tankbusters. There are two approaches for handling this, GGBB (green, green, blue, blue) or GBGB (green, blue, green blue), depending on the order that you pop the tethers. Regardless of which method you pick, you need to have five people in a priority system to know who does the "first" movement. I recommend having the MT and OT as first and second, and then the remaining three spots should be whoever is most confident in their ability to react quickly. Ping isn't a huge issue, it's all about player reflexes. My most recent group had someone on the other side of the planet with 300 ping as our third priority (after the tanks) and they only messed it up once when learning it. At any rate, here are the methods:
The first method is to pop the tethers in the order of GGBB. Using this
method we can guarantee that the MT/OT are the ones that take the monitor
tankbuster every time. However, it means that people need to be a little bit
more cautious with their blue tethers and the MT will need to mitigate the
tankbuster with Dragon Force and
Chelonian Gate instead of
This is all totally fine and is actually the method that I recommend. Here
is a toolbox
for that method, but here are the steps spelled out:
- Have the five priority person stand inside the boss's hitbox and everyone else behind the boss.
- When debuffs go out, the green/red tether with the highest priority goes in front of the boss and everyone else goes behind the boss. This will pop the first green/red tether.
- When Diffuse Wave Cannon begins casting, rotate clockwise to avoid the damage if needed.
- If you rotated for Diffuse Wave Cannon, rotate back to make the monitor movement easier. The remaining green/red people should step into the boss's hitbox to pop that tether.
- Monitors appear on Omega's left or right. MT and OT should move to
the side with the monitors, while the party moves to the side without
the monitors. Do not go outside the boss's hitbox or blue
tethers will break and kill the tanks. OT should mitigate with
Diamondback and MT should mitigate with
Dragon Force and
Chelonian Gate. The MT will survive getting hit by both here if they're healed quickly, but it should be avoided if possible. While monitors are happening, determine the next blue tether that should break.
- After monitors hit, break one blue tether.
- After the Magic Vulnerability Up debuff fades, break the remaining blue tether.
The second method is to pop the tethers in the order of GBGB. Using this
method we don't need to be as careful with the tether distances, but it does
mean that any two of the five priority people may need to tank the monitor
tankbusters with Diamondback. This is what we did the
first week, but I don't really recommend this as much. Here is a
for that method, but here are the steps spelled out:
- Have the five priority person stand inside the boss's hitbox and everyone else behind the boss.
- When debuffs go out, the green/red tether with the highest priority goes in front of the boss and everyone else goes behind the boss. This will pop the first green/red tether.
- When Diffuse Wave Cannon begins casting, rotate clockwise to avoid the damage if needed.
- If you rotated for Diffuse Wave Cannon, rotate back to make the monitor movement easier. The highest priority blue tether should go to the front side of the boss and break their tether.
- Monitors appear on Omega's left or right. The two people on the
front side of the boss should move to the side with the monitors, while
the party moves to the side without the monitors. Monitor baiters should
bait with
Diamondback, but MT can mitigate with
Dragon Force and
Chelonian Gate. The MT will survive getting hit by both here if they're healed quickly, but it should be avoided if possible.
- After monitors hit, break the remaining blue tether.
- After the Magic Vulnerability Up debuff fades, break the remaining green/red tether. The person with the green/red tether that did not bait a monitor will need to run towards their partner that did.
Omega will finish Patch with an Ion Efflux, so heal up. If you are
trying to Revenge Blast, this will require
Bad Breath,
Addle, and
Magic Hammer but no
Gobskin in
order to survive and be in
Revenge Blast range. As stated
before, Revenge Blast isn't really necessary anymore so I don't recommend
it. It is definitely safer to apply all the mitigation that you can. Ion
Efflux is used a lot in this fight, so I recommend having groups of four
alternate Addle and Magic Hammer for each hit. I usually just use the light
parties from phase 1 for this. Having multiple people apply for each hit
makes it less likely that something will be missed which is important since
missing mitigations usually results in death.
Shortly after Ion Efflux Omega will use Hello World. This is a pretty hefty raidwide and applies a bunch of debuffs:
- One person receives Critical Overflow Bug (COB).
- Three people receive Latent Defect.
- Two people receive Critical Synchronization Bug, one with 8 seconds and one with 12 seconds.
- Two people receive no debuff.
The gist of Hello World 1 is that everyone will receive the COB debuff at some point, we want no one to have it when Critical Error is cast, and we want as few people as possible to receive it from Critical Error. Here is a toolbox for the full mechanic. The resolution for each debuff (based on initial debuff received) is:
- Critical Overflow Bug runs straight south. After COB goes off, they run back to the north ("D" marker from toolbox).
- Latent Defect run to the south to get hit by the first COB. Afterwards, bring COB to east, west, and south. Players should indicate which direction they intend to go while waiting for the first COB to go off. After their own COB goes off, they should move to the north ("D" marker from toolbox).
- Critical Synchronization Bug will be taken solo with
Diamondback. The short (8 seconds) should go to the "1" marker and Diamondback (may require
Swiftcast), while the long (8 seconds) should go to the "2" marker and Diamondback. When they receive COB from Critical Error they will bring their COB debuffs to east and west based on whichever side they took their CSB debuffs (short east, long west).
- No Debuff will wait north ("D" marker from toolbox) and indicate if they intend to go east or west. When the Latent Defect players are dropping their COB debuffs, no debuff players should move to the east or west to get hit by it. Once they receive COB, they just need to drop it east and west, and then return north after.
There is a ton of damage going out during this and it is everyone's
responsibility (except the tank because of auto-attacks) to keep themselves
healed with White Wind. If you start casting at about 1
second left on the debuff timer it will snapshot and heal you to full. This
takes some practice and depends on spell speed, so you may be better off
casting twice after the damage. The "no debuff" people will take the most
damage from the Latent Defect players' COB, their own COB, and Critical
Error. There is plenty of time after Critical Error to return to the north,
so players should heal themselves up after COB before returning to the
After all of the debuffs have resolved, Omega finishes with another Ion Efflux. Quickly return to the north to heal and mitigate. The next mechanic is Archive Peripheral. Omega will spawn three hands on the north half of the arena. If they are orange they will be spinning clockwise, and if they are blue they will be spinning counterclockwise. This is also indicated by arrows around the hands. When they begin spinning, they will shoot heavy-hitting line AoEs. The way to resolve this is to find the safe spot that won't get hit by any line AoEs during the rotation. This is a bit tricky, but what we are trying to find is a blue/CCW hand that is one space clockwise from an orange/CW hand. The lines will then spin outwards from us and we will be safe. If there is no such combination, then we want to go opposite the spot that has an orange/CW hand clockwise from a blue/CCW hand. If they're all orange, the safe spot is east. If they're all blue, the safe spot is west. It is pretty convoluted, but I think of the mechanic as having six hands total where it is a group of three orange one after another and a group of blue one after another, and find the safe spot based on that. In general this mechanic is just reduced to a "follow the leader" mechanic where one person can call out where to go and the rest of the party will follow.
Once the hands start spinning, the whole party except for the MT and OT
should run through the boss. Omega will do another Target Analysis/Savage
Wave Cannon combo. If it targets the MT they can just
Diamondback and the OT can run through the boss. If it
targets the OT, both players should
Diamondback with the
MT in front of the OT. I don't recommend using
Avail for this tankbuster since the timing works out
better for the next Target Analysis instead.
After the tankbuster, Omega does another Diffuse Wave Cannon so rotate to
avoid it if necessary. Immediately after is another set of monitor
tankbusters, so handle these the same as before. Omega will teleport to the
center and then cast Index and Archive Peripheral. I recommend
everyone start in their clock positions to make the spreading for this
mechanic easier. Three players will be targeted with tethers Hyper
Pulse tethers and should take them directly across the arena in a
straight line. Everyone else should spread out radially (such that there is
no one in front or behind them) and be closer to the boss than the tether
players. If you're going for Revenge Blast, do not mitigate this at all and
you will be able to Revenge Blast after. Assuming the positioning was all
done correctly, seven people will get hit by AoE and no one will die. Omega
follows up immediately with another tankbuster combo. I recommend having the
MT always return directly north for this so it's consistent. If the
tankbuster targets the OT, now is a good time to use
After awhile Omega will use Patch again. This is exactly the same as the first time, so handle it the same as before. Immediately after Patch, Omega will start Archive All. This involves moving away from where Omega jumps to, killing a hand, spreading out, and stacking again if necessary. The flow for the mechanic is:
- Wait for Omega to face a direction then run to the direct opposite side. Move to whichever side of the spinning line AoE is safe. Clockwise means back right, counterclockwise means back left. You must be on the very edge of the arena or you will die.
- Kill the hand at that location. It can be helpful to hold some Primal spells for this.
- Stay stacked on the very edge of the arena. Once the ground AoEs appear step forward and spread out. It can be helpful to pre-assign radial spread spots to start in for this.
- If you have an Optimized Fire III circle AoE stay out and spread from everyone else, otherwise go back to the initial stack spot after the circle AoEs appear to share the Spotlight AoE.
- After the stack marker goes off, everyone returns to the initial stack spot to avoid the exploding hand AoEs.
This all happens pretty quickly and one person can cause the entire group
to wipe. This mechanic will happen twice so it is important to get good at
it. It is also important to note that you should not start running to the
edge of the arena until you are absolutely certain which direction Omega is
jumping to. The timing is very awkward for his spinning/direction facing.
Sprint is extremely helpful for getting into position in time.
J Kick can also be used to jump to the hand in the safe
After Archive All everyone should move to their clock spots around the center of the room and prep for our final new mechanic: Hello World 2. This mechanic mostly plays out the same as the first time, only now we have to worry about Critical Underflow Bug (Rot) and towers at the end of the mechanic. Instead of two "no debuff" people we now have one, since one of them gets Rot. This little bit actually changes the mechanic quite substantially. Here is a toolbox to visualize the full mechanic. The way we resolve each debuff now is:
- Critical Overflow Bug runs straight south. After COB goes off, they run pick up Rot from "3" and run to "D". When the CSB and no debuff people grab the Rot after the second COB, move to "1".
- Latent Defect run to the south to get hit by the first COB. Afterwards, bring COB to east, west, and south. Players should indicate which direction they intend to go while waiting for the first COB to go off. After their own COB goes off, they should move to the northwest and eventually north (being careful not to pick up Rot or die to Rot explosion).
- Critical Synchronization Bug will be taken solo with
Diamondback. The short (8 seconds) should go to the "1" marker and Diamondback (may require
Swiftcast), while the long (8 seconds) should go to the "2" marker and Diamondback. After the second COB they will move to "D" to pick up Rot. After Critical Error and the third COB they will soak whichever tower corresponds to their side (east or west) and then bring COB to east or west.
- No Debuff will wait north ("D" marker from toolbox). After the short CSB goes off, they will move to "1". After the second COB they will move to "D" to pick up Rot. After Critical Error and the third COB they will soak the middle tower and then bring COB to the south.
- Critical Underflow Bug (Rot) will step into the boss's hitbox until everyone is out of the way and then move to "3." After they pass the Rot to the COB person, they will get hit by the east COB and then bring their COB to the east. After their COB they will move to the north being careful to not pick up Rot again.
If everything went correctly then everyone should survive. This can take a lot of practice to get down correctly, so it can be helpful to practice or mime it out in a raid like T4. I have collected and created a variety of visual aids to help study or to keep on a second monitor while doing the mechanic. When the debuffs go out it is extremely important that no one runs through the center of the boss and accidentally picks up Rot. It is nearly impossible to recover from a mistake on this mechanic. After Hello World 2 there is yet another Ion Efflux so heal and mitigate appropriately.
Once you make it through Hello World 2, the rest of the fight is just a repeat of things we've already seen. Most groups only need to make it through the mechanic once or twice in order to clear. The remaining mechanics are:
- Archive Peripheral (spinny hands)
- Index and Archive Peripheral
- Patch
- Archive All
- Program Omega
The only thing we haven't mentioned so far is Program Omega, which is the soft enrage. Omega will start spamming a bunch of AoEs and use Ion Efflux while applying a damage up buff. This is a ton of damage and will require good rotating of Addles and Magic Hammers while healers focus on keeping everyone alive. The tank will need to keep Bad Breath up the whole time and also help heal with White Wind. There will be four Ion Efflux casts followed by one final Ion Efflux enrage.
Final Sting
Omega's Final Sting threshold is about 6%. Once Omega is at 6%, apply
Off-guard, then use
Moon Flute, any
Primal abilities you have, and finish with
Final Sting. This Sting % is extremely
low and in reality ends up being "whenever things are stable." For most
groups this will be right after the last Archive All. With extremely
high DPS and perfect Revenge Blast windows you can skip the last Archive
- 26 Jun. 2023: Guide added.
More FFXIV Content

This guide has been written by Liam Galt, who created the Blue Academy Youtube channel and Discord in response to the lack of consolidated and accurate Blue Mage resources available. Liam enjoys finding non-standard solutions to problems, so Blue Mage content with all of its zaniness is a natural interest! Outside of Blue Mage, he also enjoys Savage and Ultimate raiding which he streams on Twitch.
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