Guide and Overview to Bozja in FFXIV

Last updated on Mar 17, 2025 at 13:00 by Stella

Learn everything we know about the Save the Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr Field Operations series, commonly referred to as Bozja in FFXIV. Read about Lost Actions, Critical Engagements as well as how to progress through Bozja and also the rewards available.


What is Bozja in FFXIV?

Save The Queen: Blades of Gunnhildr, colloquially referred to as 'Bozja' by the community, is the Field Operations content released across the 5.x patch series of Shadowbringers, and serves as the source of the Shadowbringers Resistance Relic Weapons. Up to 72 players can work together to aid the Bozjan Resistance in their battle against the Empire.


What Different Zones are Available Within Bozja?

There are two main field zones that make up Bozja:

  • The Bozjan Southern Front ('BSF'), a war-torn battlefield.
  • Zadnor, a barren and deserted plateau.

In addition to these two zones, both contain special dungeons mandatory for story progression, being Castrum Lacus Litore ('CLL') and The Dalriada respectively. There is also an additional special dungeon, Delubrum Reginae ('DR'), that must be completed once unlocked in order to access Zadnor. All of these allow up to 48 players to work together to clear the content. Finally, there is also a Savage variant of Delubrum Reginae ('DRS'), a punishing optional version of the dungeon. A separate guide for the Duels is also listed below.


Can Bozja Be Completed Solo?

While the majority of this content can be completed solo, collaboration and coordination with other players is required in order to clear the three special dungeons.

Community and collaboration are driving forces behind all field content. Players are often seen teaming up with strangers in order to spawn Critical Engagements and farm loot. With the /shout chat channel seeing constant usage, from the calling of special Skirmish spawns to players asking for raises or coordinating actions within the special dungeons. Much information about this content is also unavailable or obscured in-game, but is readily available from veteran players.

On the other hand, it should be noted that this content is now several years old, and it is not unusual to find oneself in a low-population or nearly-empty instance. Unlike in Eureka however, there is no general Echo available to players in the content, though Echo is provided to players in Critical Engagements and the special dungeons if there are very few participants. Additionally to this, similar to Eureka's Notorious Monsters, the health of enemies in Skirmishes will scale based on the number of players in the instance, meaning that they will generally take less time to complete in a quiet instance than they will in a more populated one.


What Should I Do if I Want to Complete Bozja with the Community?

If you're looking to join the Field Operations Community, multiple Discord servers exist for each region, with some being more generalistic while others are specifically focused on scheduled runs of the more challenging content, such as Delubrum Reginae Savage. You can find a list of many of these Discord servers below, separated by region and detailing what types of Field Operations content they cover.


How to Unlock Bozja?

Bozja can be unlocked by completing the quest Hail to the Queen in Kugane, which can be unlocked by first completing the Main Scenario Quest Shadowbringers, as well as completing the Return To Ivalice Alliance Raid questline from Stormblood, starting with the quest Dramatis Personae in Kugane and ending with the quest The City of Lost Angels. Players must have a Disciple of War or Magic at level 80 to enter, but jobs of level 71 or higher are able to take part in the content and gain levelling experience from it. In order to unlock the second area, Zadnor, players must first complete the 5.4 Main Scenario Quest Futures Rewritten.


What Can I Expect to Be Doing in Bozja?

Exploration and Combat are the main focus of Bozja, and will be how players progress. By partaking in battles, players can increase their Mettle and then speak with the Resistance Commander to raise their Resistance Rank, which is required to progress the story. Unlike Eureka, this level has no direct effect on combat. Players can also gain an advantage through the use of Lost Actions, a unique system similar to Eurekan Logograms that allows players to access powerful limited-use abilities that can turn the tide of combat. See below for more information on this system.

Additionally, Bozja has a mechanic where players will lose a small amount of Mettle upon death, and a significantly larger amount if they Return To Start upon being KO'd. Due to this system, it is extremely common to use the /shout chat channel to ask for a raise if you are caught out in the field. Unlike Eureka, players are able to change jobs in the field, so raises are easy to give outside of combat as long as you have a job that can use one. Also unlike Eureka, losing Mettle in Bozja will never cause players to level down, though it is a setback to progression while playing the content for the first time.

Unique to Bozja is the Field Notes system, an entry in the Collection menu that contains 50 sets of Field Notes to collect across the content. Each of these Field Notes covers the backstory and motivations of both ally and enemy NPCs, and players will recieve a rare mount for collecting all of them.


How Can I Progress the Story of Bozja?

The story of Bozja will progress through quests offered by various NPCs as you increase your Resistance Rank. The Mettle used to do this can be earned by clearing Skirmishes (functionally identical to FATEs) and Critical Engagements ('CEs'). There is no way to increase the amount of mettle earned through the use of items or buffs, save for the High Morale buff granted for one hour to all nearby players upon the completion of one of the special Duel CEs. Additionally, mettle earned from any given source is increased upon level-up, with all sources capping at the same earnings as Rank 15 for the Bozjan Southern Front.

When completing the story in the Bozjan Southern Front, it is recommended to immediately progress to Zadnor by way of completing Delubrum Reginae, as Zadnor gives significantly more Mettle from its Skirmishes and CEs.

Additionally, both Bozja areas have multiple aetherytes. While the one in the base camp for a given area can be attuned to immediately upon arrival, ones found in the field will require players to reach a certain Resistance Rank and progress the story before being able to access them and the zones beyond.


How Can I Progress my Relic in Bozja?

Relics in Bozja can be progressed in a variety of different ways, both inside and outside of the areas included in this guide. Each step of the relic also has different specific requirements, and some are only necessary to do once while others must be repeated for every relic the player wishes to do. The details of each part of the process will be explained in the detailed guide for each area.


What is the Fastest Way to Level in Bozja?

Unlike in Eureka, the standard mobs in the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor give no Mettle. This greatly simplifies levelling, as players will now need to simply farm Skirmishes across the zones in their given area and enter CEs as they spawn. While CLL and Delubrum Reginae also give Mettle upon completion, it is often not worth doing these more than the once required for the story unless you are doing so for non-experience rewards.

Something to be aware of is that all enemies have different aggro types. Similar to the overworld, the majority of enemies use the standard forward-facing vision cone, though some will be sound or proximity based. Notably, sprites and undead mobs retain their same unique aggro types from Eureka:

  • Sprites always have Spell aggro, meaning they will attack if the player uses a spell nearby them. This includes certain Lost Actions.
  • Undead have Blood aggro, meaning they will attack if a player is missing a large percentage of their HP and enters their range.

Once players reach the maximum Resistance Rank of 25 and complete the story, they will be opportunity to turn in 20 million Mettle at the Resistance Councilor NPC in order to gain three Proofs of Mettle. These can be exchanged for permanent buffs that increase your damage, HP and healing in all Save The Queen areas by up to 30%, 50% and 100% respectively at 10 stacks each. The most efficient way to farm Mettle at this stage is to exclusive farm Skirmishes in the third zone of Zadnor, the Northern Plateau. If a duel should spawn in the area, you should always head to it once it begins in order to have the chance of earning twice as much Mettle for the next hour.


How are Critical Engagements Spawned in Bozja?

Critical Engagements do not appear randomly. Instead, each one requires a certain number of a specific '4th Legion' mob (referred to as 'Magitek Mobs' by players) to be killed in order to spawn them. There are multiple different types of Magitek Mobs in each zone of an area, with each unique type being linked to a different CE. A specific chart of each mob required for each CE will be listed on the guide page for the appropriate area.

Unlike Eureka, there is no tracker website for the instance, as CEs only have a 1 hour respawn time and are less central to the overall flow of progression. Additionally, only one CE may be active at any given time, with the exception of CLL and the Dalriada, as those are exempt from this limitation despite being registered for in the same manner.

In order to join a CE, players must register for it using the duty-specific HUD element under the 'Resistance Recruitment' menu. All standard CEs will have an initial joining period of 1 minute, followed by a 2 minute countdown before the engagement begins (during which players can still register). Once this second timer ends, no more players can enter.


What are Duels?

Duels are a unique type of Critical Engagement that only spawn after a previous specific CE has been cleared. There is one Duel for each zone in both areas, for a total of six. In order to qualify to enter the duel, players wishing to do so must participate in and complete the prerequisite CE without taking a single Vulnerability Stack, or dying a single time. Due to this requirement, the CEs needed to spawn and enter duels are often much more challenging to clear without making mistakes.

Once the CE has been cleared, all participants who fulfil the criteria for entry will be offered entry to the duel, and any who accept the challenge will be put into the running for the single available participant slot. The Notoriety system comes into play here, with those who aren't picked to enter the Duel properly gaining +1 Notoriety. Those with a higher Notoriety total will always be prioritised, and being selected to enter the Duel will reset your Notoriety to 0.

Duels are challenging solo encounters, each one having an enrage timer, multiple mechanics that will one-shot players if failed, and often requiring specific Lost Actions to be used in order to clear them. Their difficulty ranges from low-Extreme level for the first duel in the first zone of the Bozjan Southern Front, with a lenient DPS check and simple mechanics, all the way up to high-Savage difficulty for the final duel in the third zone of Zadnor, where players are limited to one Reraiser and the opponent uses mechanics from Ultimate-tier encounters alongside requiring multiple actions to be used in order to survive certain mechanics and meet the DPS check.

Clearing a Duel is well worth the effort, rewarding the player with an achievement and a unique title alongside 99 Lockboxes, a set of Field Notes for the opponent in question, a lot of Mettle for the duelist, and a 1-hour long buff that doubles Mettle gained for both the duelist and any players near the duel when it was completed. The Field Notes from a Duel can be collected from other Skirmishes and CEs, but they are much rarer drops compared to the guaranteed drop obtained from clearing their Duel.


Lost Actions

Lost Actions are the main unique system in Bozja, and are available from the start. Players start with a limited pool of actions available to them at Resistance Rank 1, and gain access to more as they increase their rank up to the cap of 25. These Lost Actions can be obtained by giving items called Forgotten Fragments to the Resistance Appraiser NPC.

Lost Actions can be equipped by interacting with the Lost Finds Cache next to the Appraiser, and slotting them into your Holster. Each Lost Action has a specific 'weight', and the total amount of weight in the holster at any given time cannot exceed its current capacity. At Rank 25, and with an optional quest to expand the Holster completed, players can carry up to 99 capacity at a time. This capacity does not include currently 'active' actions.

Forgotten Fragments are obtained from four main sources:

  1. Standard mobs in the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor, including the special 'Star' mobs.
  2. Skirmishes and CEs in the Bozjan Southern Front and Zadnor, including Duels.
  3. Chests in the three special dungeons, CLL, Delubrum and Dalriada.
  4. Bought with Bozjan Clusters from the Resistance Quartermaster NPC at the base camp in either the Bozjan Southern Front or Zadnor.

All Forgotten Fragments can be bought and sold on the Marketboard, with some being very expensive or lucrative depending on your goals.


What Rewards Are Available in Bozja?

There are many rare, valuable and prestigious rewards available from Bozja, including titles, hairstyles, minions, mounts, emotes, bardings and gear.

Finally, the various Duel achievements and titles are listed below. These are all rare titles, but over the years the titles from the BSF duels have become easier to obtain due to potency creep and balance changes alongside new Lost Actions and the Honors system being added when Zadnor released, and are not as prestigious as they used to be. This is not the case for the Zadnor duels, as these were designed with the additional Lost Actions and Honors system in mind and have much harder mechanics and tighter DPS checks.

  • Completing the Duel "Aces High" against Gabriel rewards the player with the Missing an Angel Icon Missing an Angel achievement and the Gabriel's Downfall title.
  • Completing the Duel "Beast of Man" against Lyon the Beast King rewards the player with the Lyon's Share Icon Lyon's Share achievement and the Queller of Beasts title.
  • Completing the Duel "And the Flames Went Higher" against Sartauvoir the Inferno rewards the player with the Burn Baby Burn Icon Burn Baby Burn achievement and the The Death of Flame title.
  • Completing all three of the above Duels in the Bozjan Southern Front rewards the player with the Close Encounters Icon Close Encounters achievement and the Sword of the South title.
  • Completing the Duel "The Broken Blade" against Hypertuned Dabog rewards the player with the Test Complete Icon Test Complete achievement and the The Hypertuned title.
  • Completing the Duel "Head of the Snake" against Menenius Sas Lanatus rewards the player with the Might Makes Right Icon Might Makes Right achievement and the Commander Conqueror title.
  • Completing the rematch Duel "Taking the Lyon's Share" against Lyon the Beast King rewards the player with the Untamed Icon Untamed achievement and the Lyon Tamer title.
  • Completing all three of the above Duels in Zadnor rewards the player with the Close Encounters of the Zadnoran Kind Icon Close Encounters of the Zadnoran Kind achievement and the Hero of Zadnor title.
  • Completing all six available Duels across both areas rewards the player with the Sharper than Blades Icon Sharper than Blades achievement and the incredibly prestigious Gunnhildr's Blade title, one of the rarest combat-content titles in the game not related to time-gated or RNG-based grinds such as killing Hunt marks, fully exploring Map Dungeons or accruing PvP wins.


  • 17 Mar. 2025: Guide Added.
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