Dancer DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities — Dawntrail 7.1
On this page, you will learn how to optimise your opener and rotation in both single-target and multi-target situations. We also cover the use of your cooldowns, to ensure you can achieve the best use of them every time as a Dancer DPS in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7.1).
Dancer Rotation Guide
This page will cover the basic rotation for Dancer at level 100. At its core, Dancer revolves around
dealing with its proc-based combo system, intelligent usage of its resource systems, and using its
powerful Standard Step as often as possible. The job also boasts a plethora of raid buffs, both
raid-wide and single target, that when used appropriately allow your party members to deal a devastating amount of damage.
It is important to take note that Dancer is effectively a support job. As far as DPS jobs are concerned,
it offers the most healing support out of any of them. While it also does the least personal damage out of all of the
three physical ranged jobs, the amount of damage it gives to the party through Technical Step,
Closed Position, and
Devilment is enough to make it a competitive choice in raid content.
The Basics of Dancing
The main gimmick of playing Dancer is their ability to "Partner" a party member
and provide them with a massive amount of single target buffs. The single target buffs include
Devilment and the shared buff portion of
Standard Step that is
granted by using the dance while under the effect of
Closed Position. Due to the fact
Dancer has the lowest personal damage out of all of the DPS jobs in the game, it is prudent you keep
your raid buffs aligned with not only your Dance Partner, but also your party as a whole.
Who you decide to be your Dance Partner should be based on each individual job's rotation (some jobs are more bursty than others in buff windows and benefit more so than others), but also on a player's ability to perform well. While there is a generalized Dance Partner priority (we will discuss this later), it is important to Partner a player who is performing well and the person who will best utilize your unique raid buffs.
Dancer Single Target Rotational Structure
Due to the randomness of the combo system, Dancer does not have a set rotation. The rotation is a combination of long-timer cooldown GCDs, resource management, and combo actions used as filler.
For the filler portion, there is a 50% chance each time either Fountain or
Cascade is used that they will generate a proc
(Silken Flow and Silken Symmetry, respectfully) that allows usage of either
Fountainfall or
Reverse Cascade.
Standard Step,
Technical Step,
Devilment, and
are the four portions of the rotation that are, for the most part, immovable in their placement.
Standard Step now procs a
powerful GCD called
Last Dance that is much stronger than your other GCDs, which makes using it as often as possible
even more important. The position of these actions in the rotation is dictated by where they are placed in the opener. There is a small exception
to this, but we will get into that a bit later.
Technical Finish,
Devilment, and
Flourish also come with their own procs
in the form of
Starfall Dance,
Finishing Move,
Dance of the Dawn, and
Fan Dance IV.
These actions are part of your burst window and should be used within raid buffs to reach their maximum potential.
Flourish procs your Flourishing Flow and Flourishing Symmetry buffs.
The final aspect of the rotation is going to be your resources: Esprit and
Fourfold Feathers.
Esprit is generated every time Dancer uses a combo action (five for
Fountain and ten for
Reverse Cascade/
There is also a chance for 10 Esprit generation from anyone under the effect of
Esprit every time they use a weaponskill
or spell. This effect is either triggered by having Dance Partner while under the effect of
Standard Finish
or party members under the effect of
Technical Finish. In addition,
Tillana also gives 50 Esprit in Dawntrail.
Esprit, once you have collected 50 of it, can then be used on the action
Saber Dance.
Fourfold Feathers have a 50% chance of being generated by using either Reverse Cascade or
This resource can then be spent on
Fan Dance which, again, has a 50% chance to proc another ability called
Fan Dance III. Using
Flourish will also generate the proc on
Fan Dance III.
Both of these resources can be held slightly for raid buff windows, but they should never be allowed to overcap.
Esprit caps at 100 gauge while the Feathers cap at four.
To summarize and simplify...
Cascade →
Reverse Cascade
Fountain →
Technical Finish →
Devilment →
Starfall Dance
Flourish →
Fan Dance IV
Reverse Cascade/
Fountainfall →
Fan Dance →
Fan Dance III
Dancer's Opener
Considering everything we just discussed, putting it together to form an opener looks like this:

- -15.5s Prepull
Standard Step
- -1.5s Prepull
Grade 6 Tincture of Dexterity
Standard Finish
Technical Step
Technical Finish →
Last Dance →
Fan Dance III +
Fan Dance IV
Starfall Dance → possible
Fan Dance +
Fan Dance III
Dance of the Dawn
Finishing Move
Saber Dance OR
Fountainfall OR
Reverse Cascade
Saber Dance OR
Fountainfall OR
Reverse Cascade
Saber Dance OR
Fountainfall OR
Reverse Cascade
Saber Dance OR
Fountainfall OR
Reverse Cascade
Dance Partner Priority
Listed below is a rough order of who to Dance Partner, from best to worst. Please keep in mind that this listing is assuming the same gear and skill level when being compared. It is also removing the consideration that certain fight mechanics and/or downtime can positively or negatively affect the rotations of certain jobs.
As of 7.18, the current general Dance Partner Priority at Level 100 is as follows:
Pictomancer / Samurai > Reaper / Viper / Monk / Ninja > Dragoon / Black Mage > Red Mage > Summoner > Machinist > > Dancer
Please note that the Dance Partner Priority above is NOT updated for 7.2, and will not be until calculations have been done to confirm any changes in the priority due to nerfs to Pictomancer and buffs to multiple melees such as Samurai and Viper.
The The Dance Partner Calculator is up to date for Dawntrail patch 7.18, and can therefore be used to determine the optimal Dance Partner for a specific party or composition.
Skill Speed Considerations
At a base Skill Speed of 2.50, Dancer's full rotation is 120 seconds long. Due to changes to Tillana
in Dawntrail (it's recast was changed to a base of 2.50 rather than the 1.50 it was in Endwalker), Dancer no longer
has the same skill speed considerations as it did before. Such, you will want to prioritize getting your GCD as
close to 2.5 as possible.
Dancer AoE Rotational Structure
The following information is not updated for the patch 7.2 changes to AoE damage falloff changes.
The AoE combo actions keep the randomness that the single target rotation has. You will manage the same cooldowns and resources as you do in the single target rotation, but your combo actions and procs will be replaced with the AoE versions.
Your combo actions for AoE when there are three targets or more are Windmill and
Bladeshower. These will proc the same Silken Flow and
Silken Symmetry buffs that the single target action combos give you, but for AoE, you will spend them on two different GCDs. These are
Rising Windmill and
In addition to the change in what you spend your filler procs on, instead of using your Fourfold Feathers on Fan Dance,
you will spend them on
Fan Dance II instead of starting at two targets.
The usage of your other cooldowns will be similar to a single target rotation. You will spend Esprit on
Saber Dance,
but you will spend your
Flourish procs on the AoE combo actions.
Standard Step and
Technical Step will be used
on cooldown.
Dancer Utility
Being a support job, Dancer has a ton of utility they bring to the party. During an encounter, you will want to make sure you use these abilities to help out and support your party.
In addition to the support buffs already mentioned ( Closed Position,
Standard Finish,
Technical Finish,
Devilment), Dancer also has an AoE mitigation like the other physical ranged jobs in the form of
Shield Samba. Keep in
Shield Samba will not stack with its counterparts,
Tactician, and
Troubadour. What sets Dancer apart from
the other physical ranged is the healing tools at their disposal. Using them helps take the burden off of your party members while costing you nothing.
The first of these is Curing Waltz, an AoE heal that originates on yourself and your Dance Partner chosen by
Closed Position.
This powerful healing oGCD will heal any allies near you or your partner.
Curing Waltz will heal the party twice if everyone is stacked with both you and your partner.
The other healing ability is Improvisation. This ability will heal all nearby allies with a small regen, and for every three seconds you
are using it, you will gain a stack of Rising Rhythm. These stacks will then be used on
Improvised Finish, which will give all
nearby allies a barrier. This barrier will gain strength based on the number of Rising Rhythm stacks you have. It is important to note that
Improvisation will be canceled upon the execution of any other action. It is worth weaving
Improvised Finish solely for
the regen, but outside of fight downtime, waiting for the stacks of Rising Rhythm is not worth it.
- 25 Mar. 2025: Updated for patch 7.2.
- 12 Nov. 2024: Updated for patch 7.1.
- 24 Jul. 2024: Added Opener for patch 7.0.
- 22 Jul. 2024: Dance Partner Priority has been updated. This section will be expanded upon when more information is available.
- 18 Jul. 2024: Updated rotation explaination.
- 04 Jul. 2024: Updated for patch 7.0.
- 18 Jan. 2024: Updated for patch 6.55.
- 05 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5.
- 25 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4.
- 11 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3.
- 26 Aug. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.2.
- 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1.
- 21 Feb. 2022: Guide added.
Guides from Other Classes

Stella is a long-time FFXIV player who started in 2018, and has become a Mentor for The Balance in the years since. She enjoys large-scale content such as Eureka and Save the Queen areas and raids, and can be found on Twitter, Youtube and Twitch, as well as Discord (EshEhdAfah). After several previous tiers of raiding casually, she has cleared Anabaseios Savage week 1, completed four out of five Ultimate raids, and taken to challenging herself by using unorthodox, high-speed builds for certain jobs in older ultimates in Party Finder.
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