DoL Gathering Node Rotations Folklore and Legendary in FFXIV 7.2 Dawntrail

Last updated Yesterday at 10:26 by Shikhu 4 comments

Having the best yield possible is important for endgame gathering. These rotations will help you know this information to get the most out of your items. Some gathering rotations will be also featured around our gathering meld sets.


Endgame Gathering Rotations

The latest expansion in Final Fantasy XIV, Dawntrail brings a new host of skills for your Gathering classes. This guide covers how best to use them on the current endgame nodes.


Making The Most Of Your Gathering

Here are a few strategies that can help boost your yield, without relying solely on skills:

  • Proper GP Management: Effective GP management is a vital aspect of gathering. Keep your cordials on cooldown, avoid idling with maximum GP, and prioritize gathering nodes that offer the largest bonuses. With practice, you will learn the placement of each bonus as you move around the node.
  • Cordial Usage: Cordials play a big role in improving GP regeneration. Hi-Cordials offer the greatest benefits however other cordials also are effective if you can not easily obtain Hi-Cordials.You can obtain Hi-Cordials through scrips or Seafarers Cowries if you have your Island Sanctuary unlocked. Ocean fishing and custom delivery are generally easy passive options.
  • Targeting Node Bonuses: To maximize your yield, make sure to focus on the bonuses offered by node breakpoints and skills. Our Endgame Melding Guide provides a comprehensive list of these bonuses, making it easier for players to understand how to meld.

Endgame Gathering Rotations

Yield Calculation Assumptions

Here you can find any calculation notes or assumptions we take with regards to calculating gathering yields:

  • Your Using Our Meldsets- What rotations are best entirely depends on your stats and breakpoints. We cannot cover all possible stat variations. If your stats differ from our meldsets, check out Nophica's Tidings Yield Calculator.
  • Average Yield Includes Revisit- Revisit has an 8% proc chance on legendary nodes. This is factored into the calculations. You don't meld gear to just hit 1 node after all.
  • Wise to the World may be needed for GP- There may be times when a wise proc is needed to allow you to have enough GP to finish the rotation. Any yield that would be lost 50% of the time is factored into the average.
  • Wise to the World is counted in average yield- It occurs 50% of the time and is factored into yield estimations.
  • Note With Item Levels- While gatherables have an Ilv if you search them using databases. Gathering Item Level (Glv) is actually what is important for math and calculations. A gatherable item can have a different Ilv and Glv! This is important to know if you wanted to do your own calculations.

Endgame Gathering Rotations

Below you will find several groups of rotations for different purposes such as spiritbonding, current legendary nodes, untimed nodes and older nodes. Depending on your stats and what breakpoints/node bonuses you hit your optimal yield can vary between nodes.

Skills are using the MIN specific tags, use BTN equivalents where relevant.

3-Star Legendary Node Rotations 2-Star Legendary Node Rotations Spiritbonding Rotations General Untimed Node Rotations General Legendary Node Rotations
High Tier Set Rotations Mid Tier Set Rotations Budget Set Rotations
High Tier Set Rotations Mid Tier Set Rotations

Rotations for High Tier Melds

The current endgame nodes feature 3 node bonuses and 1 skill breakpoint, these are:

  • 30% Boon at 4907 Perception. This is guaranteed to be on each node.
  • +1/+2/+3 Yield for having 4754/4968/5181 Gathering respectively. Anything over the +1 breakpoint are hidden so you may see the node bonus give you +2/+3 but the bonus does not change and still says its 4757 when in reality it isn't.
  • +1/+2 Integrity at 930/960GP with the 960GP bonus also being hidden.
  • Bountiful Yield/Harvest +2 at 4576 Gathering, +3 is impossible needing 5593 Gathering.

No new breakpoints were added in patch 7.1, so these are the same breakpoints as patch 7.0.

Nasi Goreng Icon Nasi Goreng is now the best food for gathering at legendary nodes with the new i720 gear. This is because you hit more breakpoints without food and you need the additional GP to hit the 960 breakpoint. Stuffed Peppers Icon Stuffed Peppers is close however, giving roughly 1 item less per node while also granting enough GP to hit 960, its just more GP from Nasi > 2% boon from pepper's perception.


Nasi Goreng Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 36.072


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 60.048


Attempts Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 7 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 46.656


Stuffed Peppers Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 34.56


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather until 1 integrity
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 59.8968


Attempts Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 7 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 47.0016


Fodless Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather until 1 integrity
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 34.56


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 58.32


Attempts Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather until 1 integrity
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 39.96


Rotations for Mid Tier Melds

The current endgame nodes feature 3 node bonuses and 1 skill breakpoint, these are:

  • 30% Boon at 4907 Perception. This is guaranteed to be on each node.
  • +1/+2/+3 Yield for having 4754/4968/5181 Gathering respectively. Anything over the +1 breakpoint are hidden so you may see the node bonus give you +2/+3 but the bonus does not change and still says its 4757 when in reality it isn't.
  • +1/+2 Integrity at 930/960GP with the 960GP bonus also being hidden.
  • Bountiful Yield/Harvest +2 at 4576 Gathering, +3 is impossible needing 5593 Gathering.

No new breakpoints were added in patch 7.1, so these are the same breakpoints as patch 7.0.

The Mid Tier set is unable to reach the Integrity Node bonuses but does hit both other bonuses foodless. That being said, both Nasi Goreng Icon Nasi Goreng and Stuffed Peppers Icon Stuffed Peppers are incredibly similar foods in terms of yield with Nasi Goreng providing roughly 0.02 more items per node. Therefore pick whatever food is cheapest, or none at all.


Fodless Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 32.4


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 54.594


Nasi Goreng Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 33.7824


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 58.32


Stuffed Peppers Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 34.0416


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 54.5424


Rotations for High Tier Melds

The current endgame nodes feature 2 accessible node bonuses and 1 skill breakpoint, these are:

  • 40% Boon at 5254 Perception. This is guaranteed to be on each node.
  • +1/+2 Yield for having 5090/5319 Gathering respectively. Anything over the +1 breakpoint are hidden so you may see the node bonus give you +2/+3 but the bonus does not change and still says its 4757 when in reality it isn't. +3 also is not accessible with the current meldset.
  • +1/+2 Integrity at 930/960GP with the 960GP bonus also being hidden.
  • Bountiful Yield/Harvest +2 at 4900 Gathering, +3 is impossible currently.

Either Stuffed Peppers Icon Stuffed Peppers or Sideritis Cookie Icon Sideritis Cookie are recommended. Both are essentially identical, Peppers just has 1% more Boon. So essentially 0 difference in yield or rotation.


Foodless Rotations

Foodless is not recommended as you do not hit the 40% boon node bonus.


No Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 30.672


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 46.17


Attempts Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 6 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 35.424


Food Rotations


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 34.56


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather 2 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather 2 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 50.76


Attempts Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather 7 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 47.52


Rotations for Mid Tier Melds

The current endgame nodes feature 3 node bonuses and 1 skill breakpoint, these are:

  • 40% Boon at 5254 Perception. This is guaranteed to be on each node.
  • +1 Yield for having 5090 Gathering respectively. +2/3 inst possible with this set.
  • +1/+2 Integrity at 930/960GP with the 960GP bonus also being hidden.
  • Bountiful Yield/Harvest +2 at 4900 Gathering, +3 is impossible.

The recommended food is Stuffed Peppers Icon Stuffed Peppers on legendary nodes.


Foodless Rotations

Foodless Mid Tier only gets you the Yield +1 Node Bonus and therefore there are less rotations.


No Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 4 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 28.3824


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 35.478


Stuffed Peppers Rotations

Using the Mid Tier's best food Stuffed Peppers, you do not gain any Integrity node bonus.


Only Boon Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 34.56


Yield Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 41.04


Rotations for Budget Melds

While you can use food, it is not as advised on a budget set as it increases costs. That being said, if you are using our budget set then Nasi Goreng Icon Nasi Goreng is best because it allows you to hit the BY2+2 Breakpoint. That being said, its only an extra 2.28 items on average per node vs foodless.


Foodless / No Node Bonus Rotation

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 28.512


Nasi Goreng No Node Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather 2 Times
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 29.592


Nasi Goreng Integrity Bonus

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 37.7136


Min Perception Budget Rotations

The budget meld set that simply melds a little perception to hit the absolute minimum would use the following rotation:

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Gather 5 Times
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Gather

Estimated Yield: 26.892


Spiritbond Rotations for Legendary Nodes

Rotations for spiritbonding are exclusively for spiritbonding to easily farm grade XI and XII gathering materia. It mainly centers around taking advantage of Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason and Wise to the World Icon Wise to the World.

  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Wise to the World Icon Wise to the World
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Wise to the World Icon Wise to the World
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Wise to the World Icon Wise to the World

General Untimed Node Rotations

Untimed nodes are generally quite simple given you massively overgear them and don't need extensive rotations like timed nodes.

Your main focus is to try and keep your GP low using Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II and then when good node bonuses appear or Revisit Icon Revisit occurs, use your stronger skills. If bountiful is giving you +3 per use then you always want to be using bountiful regardless of the node bonuses.

If bountiful only gives you +2 yield then you will want to use King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II / Blessed Harvest II Icon Blessed Harvest II on nodes with increased integrity.

To know the breakpoints for a specific item not at endgame, Check out my gathering calculator.


General Legendary Node Rotations

Generally, older nodes will give you a much higher boon % chance leading to an increased focus with skills such as Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings and Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II as well as an increased focus on Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II due to it giving 3 a hit.

This node rotation works as a general when Bountiful hits +3 or slightly increased yield.

  • Mountaineer's Gift I Icon Mountaineer's Gift I
  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II

If you have + integrity, you may instead want this rotation.

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II
  • King's Yield II Icon King's Yield II
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II before the final hit.

This rotation applies if you generally have + yield bonuses.

  • Mountaineer's Gift II Icon Mountaineer's Gift II
  • Nald'thal's Tidings Icon Nald'thal's Tidings
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Wise to the World Icon Wise to the World
  • Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason
  • Wise to the World Icon Wise to the World
  • Bountiful Yield II Icon Bountiful Yield II when you hit 100GP.


  • 27 Mar. 2025: Updated for 7.2.
  • 17 Nov. 2024: Optimised rotations for 7.1's gear.
  • 11 Jun. 2024: Optimised DoL rotations added for our meldsets.
  • 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
  • 28 May 2023: Guide Updated to 6.4 with additional information.
  • 13 Feb. 2023: Guide added.
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