Guide to Regional Folklore Books for Gatherers

Last updated on Feb 11, 2025 at 08:56 by Shikhu 4 comments

Folklore Books are endgame items for gathering classes, which unlock legendary nodes for each expansion. This guide explains covers how to obtain these books, which books are worth going for, and which items you can gain from the nodes unlocked with these books.


Gathering Folklore Tomes Patch 7.1

At the endgame for each expansion, gathering classes unlock their gatherable items and nodes using items called Folklore Tomes. These tomes unlock items for the specific zone or region they mention in their names.

These Folklore Tomes are purchased using Purple scrips; you can purchase some simply from scrips, but most of them require items called folklore tokens, for example Regional Folklore Trader's Token A Icon Regional Folklore Trader's Token A. There are A, B, and C tokens.

You can then exchange your scrips or folklore tokens at the scrip exchange for folklore books to unlock nodes. Make sure you have completed the blue unlock quest near the scrip exchange for each expansion to ensure you can trade the tokens in for books.


What Folklore Tomes Should I Go For?

The best tomes are going to be the ones with items you currently need. If you are going for big fishing, for example, check out what fish you need. If you want to craft certain items, go for those materials.

The books for the most recent expansion should be a priority if you have no other goals. From there, spend some time getting the cheapest books, as it is worth it to have all items unlocked. You just want to aim for what is most important to you first.


Gathering Folklore Book List

Click each button to see folklore books separated for each expansion!

Heavensward Stormblood Shadowbringers Endwalker Dawntrail

Folklore Books for Heavensward

There are three Folklore Tomes per class, each costing 125 Purple scrips from Rowena's Representative in Ishgard (x10.5, y11.8), from Mowen's Merchant at the Crystarium (x10, y11.8), or from exchanging five Blue Gatherers' Scrip Token Icon Blue Gatherers' Scrip Token at the scrip exchange for 25 scrips each at the Splendors Vendor in Idyllshire.


Mining Folklore Books

Tome of Geological Folklore - Coerthas Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Coerthas unlocks the following three items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine unlocks the following five items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - Dravania Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Dravania unlocks the following four items:


Botany Folklore Books

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Coerthas unlocks the following three items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Abalathia's Spine Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Abalathia's Spine unlocks the following three items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Dravania Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Dravania unlocks the following seven items:


Fishing Folklore Books

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Coerthas Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Coerthas unlocks the following 11 items:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Abalathia's Spine unlocks the following 19 items:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Dravania Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Dravania unlocks the following 30 items:


Folklore Books For Stormblood

There are two Folklore Tomes per class costing 250 Purple scrips each from Rowena's Representative in Ishgard (x10.5, y11.8), from Mowen's Merchant at the Crystarium (x10, y11.8), or from exchanging 50 Regional Folklore Trader's Token A Icon Regional Folklore Trader's Token A, which costs five Purple scrips each, totaling 250 Purple scrips per tome. Exchange these tokens to the Splendors Vendor in Rhalgr's Reach.


Mining Folklore Books

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Gyr Abania Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Gyr Abania unlocks the following five items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Othard unlocks the following three items:


Botany Folklore Books

Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Gyr Abania unlocks the following four items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - Othard Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Othard unlocks the following five items:


Fishing Folklore Books

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Gyr Abania Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Gyr Abania unlocks the following 26 items:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Othard unlocks the following 50 items:


Folklore Books For Shadowbringers

Shadowbringers only has one folklore tome per class; you can not purchase this book from the representative in Ishgard, but it costs 400 Purple scrips from Mowen's Merchant at the Crystarium (x10, y11.8) or by exchanging 40 Regional Folklore Trader's Token B Icon Regional Folklore Trader's Token B, which cost ten Purple scrips each. Exchange the tokens at the Splendors Vendor in Eulmore.


Mining Folklore Books

Tome of Geological Folklore - Norvrandt Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Norvrandt unlocks the following ten items:


Botany Folklore Books

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Norvrandt Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Norvrandt unlocks the following ten items:


Fishing Folklore Books

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Norvrandt unlocks the following 53 items:


Folklore Books For Endwalker

In Endwalker, you can only obtain the tomes by purchasing 16 Regional Folklore Trader's Token C Icon Regional Folklore Trader's Token C, which cost 10 Purple scrips each, meaning 160 Purple scrips per tome. There are three tomes per class, meaning 480 Purple scrips for any of the three classes.

You can then exchange your 16 tokens at the Splendors Vendor in Radz-at-Han (x11.5, y9.0).


Mining Folklore Books

Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty unlocks the following items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - The Sea of Stars unlocks the following items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - The World Unsundered Icon Tome of Geological Folklore - The World Unsundered unlocks the following items:


Botany Folklore Books

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty unlocks the following items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - The Sea of Stars Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - The Sea of Stars unlocks the following items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - The World Unsundered Icon Tome of Botanical Folklore - The World Unsundered unlocks the following items:


Fishing Folklore Books

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Ilsabard and the Northern Empty unlocks the followingitems:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The Sea of Stars Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The Sea of Stars unlocks the following items:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The World Unsundered Icon Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - The World Unsundered unlocks the following items:


Folklore Books For Dawntrail

Folklore books for Dawntrail cost 1,600 Purple Scrips each. With there being 3 tomes per class it takes 4,800 Purple Scrips to purchase the entire collection on a single class.


Mining Folklore Books

Tome of Geological Folklore - Yok Tural unlocks the following items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - Xak Tural unlocks the following items:

Tome of Geological Folklore - Alexandria unlocks the following items:


Botany Folklore Books

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Yok Tural unlocks the following items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Xak Tural unlocks the following items:

Tome of Botanical Folklore - Alexandria unlocks the following items:


Fishing Folklore Books

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Yok Tural unlocks the following items:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Xak Tural unlocks the following items:

Tome of Ichthyological Folklore - Alexandria unlocks the following items:



  • 16 Nov. 2024: 7.1 Items Added.
  • 28 Jun. 2024: Items Added.
  • 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
  • 14 Mar. 2024: Updated for 6.55.
  • 04 Oct. 2023: Updated for 6.5.
  • 24 May 2023: Updated for 6.4.
  • 13 Jan. 2023: Updated for 6.3.
  • 24 Jan. 2022: Guide added.
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