Dragonsong's Reprise Ultimate (DSR) Guide for Nidhogg's Eyes and The Rewind Intermission
This page contains detailed information and strategy about the high-end Duty "Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)", commonly abbreviated as DSR, specifically for the portion of the fight dealing with Nidhogg's Eyes and the Rewind Intermission.
Phase 4: The Eyes and Rewind
Pre-fight preparation
- Assign positions based on the Toolbox linked below.
- Agree which tank takes initial aggro of which Eye. Both auto attack, so before mechanics happen, each tank should grab aggro on one.
- A buff is required to be able to damage each eye. As such, a death or moving out too soon before the buffs are applied will cause the player to be unable to damage them.
- You require Tank LB3 to complete the Rewind intermission.
Eyes Toolbox Resource
For the entirety of the phase, please reference this Toolbox for a detailed view of how each mechanic is handled.
Nidhogg's Left and Right Eyes
- Stack up on top of Alphinaud and wait for two buffs to be given out. These are applied by AoEs, one of which is placed on Alphinaud, the other is placed on a random player in the party.
- Once both buffs are given out and both Eyes are targetable, spread around the middle of the arena.
- Two types of chains will be given out, Red and Blue. When you take damage with a Red chain, you damage the Red Eye. When you take damage with a Blue chain, you heal the Blue Eye.
- The Melee DPS and Tanks need Red chains, while Healers and Ranged DPS need blue chains.
- Ensure you have the correct chain. If not, walk onto Estinien in the middle of the arena and swap chains with another person. It may be necessary to wiggle on top of another player to ensure the chains swap. Once you have swapped chains, you will be afflicted with a debuff that does not allow you to swap again for about 3 seconds. This removes the need to organize swap partners.
- Six orbs now spawn, three around each Eye. Each Eye will have a single Yellow orb and two Blue orbs.
These need to be soaked before they explode. However, they should be soaked when they are at
their maximum size and only if you are holding a Red chain. Resolve these orbs like so:
- Wait for the Yellow orb to grow once. Have the Melee soak the Yellow orb on the Blue eye, while the Tanks soak the Yellow orb on the Red Eye. The Yellow orbs are a two person stack, so ensure both Melee DPS or Tanks are present when popping the orb.
- Have the Healers and Ranged stand on their respective eye's hitbox. One should stand on the north side of the eye while the other stands on the south. We recommend Group 1 players to the north of their respective eye, and Group 2 players to the south. Once the Yellow orb is soaked, Red chain players will pass their chain to their respective group partner. I.e. Group 1 Melee will pass their Red chain to Group 1 Ranged DPS, Group 2 Tank will pass their Red chain to Group 2 Healer, etc.
- Once the Blue orbs grow again (twice total), have the Healers and Ranged soak these.
- Next up will be Mirage Dives. Two random players without a piercing debuff will be targeted for a dive. If anyone other
than the targeted player gets hit, then they will get knocked into the wall of the arena. Getting hit
by a dive also applies a debuff that will kill you if you get hit by another dive. Resolve the dives
like so:
- Everyone that has a Blue chain at the end of the orb soaks should stack underneath the Blue Eye. The Red chained players should spread around the Blue Eye, with Group 1 Ranged DPS northwest, Group 2 Ranged DPS southwest, Group 1 Healer northeast, and Group 2 Healer southeast. Players must be at least max melee range to avoid hitting the players in the center with the AoE.
- The players that get Dived will need to swap chains with a player in the center, and then go into the center of the eye to be
safe. The player that swapped with the Dived player will take their place max melee from the eye.
- For simplicity, swaps will occur in the following order: Tanks, Melees, First Dived players. Group 1 will follow a northwest + counterclockwise priority, while Group 2 will follow a northeast + clockwise priority.
- For the first set of Dives, two random Red chained players will get hit by Mirage Dive. Have the Tanks swap places and chains with them using the priority above.
- For the second set, two more Red chained players will get dove again. Have the Melee swap places and chains with them using the priority above.
- For the third set, two Red chained players will again get dove. Have the players that got dove on the first set of Mirage Dives swap with these players using the priority above.
- For the final set, two more Red chained players will get dove. There is no need to swap for these as they are the last Mirage Dives.
- Both Eyes will cast Steep in Rage now. Ensure that the Red Eye is at or below 40% HP when Mirage Dives begin so that it will die to the Dives. If it is still alive, finish it off before Steep in Rage finishes casting. After the Red Eye is defeated, finish off the Blue Eye and prepare for Rewind.
Some tips about Eyes phase:
- The damage from Steep in Rage heals the Blue Eye a tiny ammount. If the Blue Eye is killed before Steep in Rage finishes, but the Red Eye is alive to finish the cast, the Blue Eye will revive with a sliver of health remaining and will need to be killed again.
- Kill both Eyes before the Nidhogg's Influence Gauge reaches 100%. If it does, Nidhogg will appear and cast Revenge of the Horde, wiping the party. If both Eyes die before this gauge fills, then you move on to the Rewind intermission.
You rewind in time in an attempt to save Haurchefant.
This intermission is basically a repeat of the ending of the Vault Knights phase, starting with Charibert spawning. Feel free to reference the Toolbox from the earlier phase here.
- The Charibert mechanic is mostly unchanged except for one major thing. You must Tank Limit Break 3 to remove the healing debuff from Haurchefant, making healing him possible.
- Time your Tank Limit Break 3 by using it as soon as Haurchefant runs into the arena. From this moment onwards, healers should single-target heal him to prevent him from dying.
- Resolve the rest of the phase the same as during the Vault Knights phase from earlier.
- Once Charibert finishes his Pure of Heart cast, the party will be able to target the spear trying to pierce Haurchefant's shield. Kill this spear before the cast "Pierce" finishes. If you fail to do so, you will be sent back to the start of Phase 2: King Thordan. If you manage to kill the spear in time, you will be sent to Phase 5: King Thordan II, an alternative timeline in the Heavensward story.
- 04 Jun. 2022: Guide added.
- 25 May 2024: Guide updated with current community strategies.
Phase Guides for Dragonsong's Reprise

Torael Valdis, or Tor for short, is an experienced raider in FFXIV who has been playing the game since the tail end of the Heavensward expansion. His experience includes multiple Week 1 Savage Tier kills as well as completion of each Ultimate Raid in the patch they were released. You can find him in The Balance Discord where he currently is active as a melee DPS mentor. He also occasionally streams early prog on his Twitch.
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