Detailed Guide to Eureka Anemos

Last updated on Mar 08, 2025 at 13:00 by Stella

Deep in the Glass Ocean, the great expanse of the Far East, lies an island recorded on no navigational charts. An island that seemingly appeared one day–an island that should not be. Recognizing its potential as a trading post, the brave and ambitious ventured forth to explore and claim it, only to discover an untamed land teeming with strange, monstrous beasts...


The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos

The Forbidden Land, Eureka Anemos is the first area of Eureka released in patch 4.25. It is the first of four stages for the Stormblood Eurekan Relic Weapons, and goes from level 1 to level 20.

Eureka Anemos Banner

Eureka Anemos is an land steeped in Wind-aspected aether, the landscape marked by massive gale-scarred rock formations, gigantic trees, and constant howling gusts. Many enemies in this area are aspected to wind, as are the Notorious Monsters ('NMs') that act as FATE bosses and the main source of rewards in the land. The icy spires of Pagos and the burning volcano of Pyros can be seen in the distance, as well as the towering Baldesion Arsenal.


How Do I Begin The Story In Anemos?

Upon arriving for the first time, the player will find themselves in Port Surgate at the southern side of the map. After talking to Krile and Gerolt, the player will be tasked with obtaining a Protean Crystal Icon Protean Crystal. These drop randomly from most enemies, so either take the north exit and turn west to fight the Anemosslings, or take the east exist onto the beach to fight the Squibs. Once you get a Protean Crystal, return to base to complete the first quest.

Eureka Anemos Map

How Can I Level Up In Anemos?

As mentioned in the main Eureka page, the best way to level up is to chain mobs kills together in order to get EXP bonuses and complete the challenge log, while also defeating any NMs that spawn if they are up to +1 above your elemental level.

Additionally, there are two aetherytes available in this area: The Abandoned Laboratory, and The Windtorn Cabin. Both require the player to be Elemental Level 9 before they can be attuned to and used.


How Do I Progress My Relic in Anemos?

In Anemos, 1300 Protean Crystals are required in order to complete the relic. You will also need three Pazuzu's Feather Icon Pazuzu's Feathers, an item that is primarily obtained from the Level 20 Notorious Monster Pazuzu, but can also be bought from the Expedition Birdwatcher. These Protean Crystals are only obtainable from standard mobs, but the NMs in Anemos offer another reward: Anemos Crystal Icon Anemos Crystals. These crystals are directly required to obtain the dyeable i350 Artifact gear, but can also be exchanged at Gerolt in batches of 1, 10 or 50 for a random number of Protean Crystals, giving two and five per Anemos Crystal. As such, 100 Anemos Crystals will give between 200 and 500 Protean Crystals, averaging around 350.

Anemos Crystals are rewarded from NMs at a rate based on the level of that NM, with the level 1 NM giving just three and the level 20 NM giving 50. As such, it is very easy to finish your first Anemos relic simply by increasing your Elemental Level and doing the storyline. However, bear in mind that 99 Anemos Crystals are required to complete the level 17 quest, so these should be saved prior to being needed for that quest if possible.


How Do I Continue The Story in Anemos?

The story in Anemos will continue upon reaching levels 3, 5, 13 and 17. These quests do not show up in the Journal, and will require players to search for an interactable Confluence using clues given by Krile in her dialogue for that quest.

Level 3: This Confluence can be found inside the Early Natural History Society Observatory at (X:13.5, Y:20.2). Be aware that enemies will spawn inside this building during the night.

Anemos Confluence 1

Level 5: This Confluence can be found at the northern edge of The Orchard at (X:24.4, Y:23.1).

Anemos Confluence 2

Level 13: This Confluence can be found by the Val River Swale at (X:20.9, Y:13.0).

Anemos Confluence 3

Level 17: This Confluence can be found in the Uncanny Valley at (X:32.8, Y:18.3).

Anemos Confluence 4

Additionally for the level 17 quest, once you have spoken with Krile again, you will need to travel to the Aethernet Control at (X:25.5, Y:16.1). Ensure you have 99 Anemos Crystals before this point, or you will need to delay progressing the story in order to get them.

Once you have completed the story of Anemos, you are able to proceed to Pagos. However it is heavily recommened to reach at least Elemental Level 20 before entering Pagos, and staying in Anemos until Elemental Level 22 or so will make the start of Pagos a little easier.


What Notorious Monsters Are in Anemos, and How Can I Spawn Them?

There are a total of 20 Notorious Monsters in Anemos, one for each available level.

FATE Notorious Monster Location Spawn Mob Special Conditions Special Rewards
Unsafety Dance Sabotender Corrido (Lv 1) (X:14.1, Y:21.8) Flowering Sabotender (Lv 6+) None None
The Shadow over Anemos The Lord of Anemos (Lv 2) (X:27.8, Y:28.2) Sea Bishop (Lv 7+) None The Prince of Anemos Icon The Prince of Anemos
Teles House Teles (Lv 3) (X:26, Y:26.8) Anemos Harpeia (Lv 8+) None None
The Swarm Never Sets The Emperor of Anemos (Lv 4) (X:17.2, Y:23.9) Darner (Lv 9+) None Emperor Hairpin Icon Emperor Hairpin
One Missed Callisto Callisto (Lv 5) (X:27.8, Y:23.3) Val Bear (Lv 10+) None None
By Numbers Number (Lv 6) (X:23.2, Y:22.7) Pneumaflayer (Lv 11+) None None
Disinherit the Wind Jahannam (Lv 7) (X:19.1, Y:19.6) Typhoon Sprite (Lv 12+) Typhoon Sprites only spawn during Gales weather. None
Prove Your Amemettle Amemet (Lv 8) (X:14.7, Y:15.9) Abraxas (Lv 13+) None None
Cayn What May Caym (Lv 9) (X:12.6, Y:12.4) Stalker Ziz (Lv 14+) None None
The Killing of a Sacred Bombadier Bombadeel (Lv 10) (X:28.5, Y:20.5) Traveling Gourmand (Lv 15+) Traveling Gourmands only spawn at Night. None
Short Serket 2 Serket (Lv 11) (X:24, Y:20) Khor Claw (Lv 16+) None Scorpion Harness Icon Scorpion Harness and Wind-up Mithra Icon Wind-up Mithra
Don't Judge Me, Morbol Judgemental Julika (Lv 12) (X:22.2, Y:14.9) Henbane (Lv 17+) None None
When You Ride Alone The White Rider (Lv 13) (X:20, Y:13.4) Duskfall Dullahan (Lv 18+) Duskfall Dullahans only spawn at Night. None
Sing, Muse Polyphemus (Lv 14) (X:26.2, Y:15) Monoeye (Lv 19+) None None
Simurghasbord Simurgh's Strider (Lv 15) (X:28.8, Y:13.3) Old World Zu (Lv 20+) None Strider Boots Icon Strider Boots
To the Mat King Hazmat (Lv 16) (X:35.2, Y:19.7) Anemos Anala (Lv 21+) None None
Wine and Honey Fafnir (Lv 17) (X:34.6, Y:21.9) Fossil Dragon (Lv 22+) Fossil Dragons only spawn at Night. Wind-up Fafnir Icon Wind-up Fafnir
I Amarok Amarok (Lv 18) (X:8, Y:18) Voidscale (Lv 23+) None None
Drama Lamashtu Lamashtu (Lv 19) (X:8.2, Y:25.3) Val Specter (Lv 24+) Val Specters only spawn at Night. None
Wail in the Willows Pazuzu (Lv 20) (X:7.3, Y:21.7) Shadow Wraith (Lv 25+) Shadow Wraiths only spawn at Night. Pazuzu will only spawn during Gales weather. Pazuzu's Feather Icon Pazuzu's Feather, Altar to Pazuzu Icon Altar to Pazuzu and Pazuzu Card Icon Pazuzu Card

Please refer to either the Detailed Anemos Map or the Local Tracker on the Eureka Tracker website for a visual representation of the locations of NMs and their spawn mobs on the Anemos map.


What Rewards Are Available in Anemos?

Notorious Monsters in Anemos, in additon to Anemos Crystals, will also reward players with Anemos Lockbox Icon Anemos Lockboxes upon defeat, with the level 1 NM giving just five and the level 20 NM giving 25. These lockboxes can be opened by speaking to the Expedition Lockpick NPC in Port Surgate, or to R'ghonati in Kugane. Standout rewards from these lockboxes include the Tyrannosaur Horn Icon Tyrannosaur Horn, the Red Mage Barding Icon Red Mage Barding, the Wicked Winds Whisper Orchestrion Roll Icon Wicked Winds Whisper Orchestrion Roll, the No Quarter Orchestrion Roll Icon No Quarter Orchestrion Roll, Clear Demimateria III Icon Clear Demimateria III and Allagan Platinum Piece Icon Allagan Platinum Pieces.

Additionally, certain NMs have unique rewards.

  • The level 4 NM, The Emperor of Anemos, will sometimes reward the Emperor Hairpin Icon Emperor Hairpin.
  • The level 11 NM, Serket, will sometimes reward the Scorpion Harness Icon Scorpion Harness.
  • The level 15 NM, Simurgh's Strider, will sometimes reward the Strider Boots Icon Strider Boots.
  • The level 20 NM, Pazuzu, will sometimes reward the Altar to Pazuzu Icon Altar to Pazuzu.


  • 08 Mar. 2025: Guide Added.
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