Guide and Overview to Eureka in FFXIV

Last updated Today at 13:00 by Stella

Learn everything we know about Eureka in FFXIV, your ultimate guide to unlocking Stormblood's Forbidden Land and Exploratory Content! Read about the four immersive zones available as well as how to progress through Eureka as well as the rewards available.


What is Eureka in FFXIV?

The Forbidden Land, Eureka is the Field Operations content released across the 4.x patch series of Stormblood, and serves as the source of the Stormblood Eurekan Relic Weapons. Players explore unmapped terrain and battle against the inhabitants of said terrain, growing stronger in the process.


What Different Zones are Available Within Eureka?

There are four zones that make up Eureka:

  • Eureka Anemos, the land of Wind.
  • Eureka Pagos, the land of Ice.
  • Eureka Pyros, the land of Fire.
  • Eureka Hydatos, the land of Water.

In addition to these four zones, Hydatos contains a special dungeon called The Baldesion Arsenal that has unique entry requirements and allows up to 56 players to work together to clear the content.


Can Eureka Be Completed Solo?

Community and collaboration are driving forces behind all field content, especially Eureka. Players are often seen teaming up with strangers in order to spawn FATEs and farm loot, and the /shout chat channel sees constant usage, from the calling of FATE spawns and Elemental Fairy locations, to players asking for raises or 'taxis' (requesting someone with a multi-seater mount take them to a FATE location they cannot safely reach alone). While this content can be completed without ever communicating or partying with other players, players who take this path will have a less rewarding journey to its completion.


How Can I Unlock Eureka, and What Preparations Should I Make?

The Forbidden Land, Eureka can be unlocked by completing the quest And We Shall Call It Eureka. Players must have a Disciple of War or Magic at level 70 to enter. Additionally, players may wish to purchase two Cryptic Seal Icon Cryptic Seals or three Damascene Cloth Icon Damascene Cloths from the Marketboard, and exchange them at the Nostalgic Fellow for a chestpiece that will given them increased stats inside Eureka areas.

Players may also wish to obtain two consumables: Potion of Harmony Icon Potion of Harmony, and Eurekan Potion Icon Eurekan Potions. The former of these can be bought from the Marketboard or crafted with materials found inside Eureka, while the latter can be bought from the Expedition Provisioner NPC within Eureka itself. Potions of Harmony will increase your EXP gained inside Eureka by 10% for up to 90 minutes, and Eurekan Potions provide a strong regen for 40s.


What Can I Expect to Be Doing in Eureka?

Exploration and Combat are the main focus of Eureka, and will be how players progress. By partaking in battles, players can raise their Elemental Level, which will greatly influence the outcome of battles. Players can also gain an advantage through the use of the Magia Board, a unique system that allows players to spec into offense or defence as they see fit. See below for more information on this system.

Once the player reaches Eureka Pyros, they will gain access to Logograms and Logos Actions, powerful limited-use abilities that can turn the tide of combat. See below for more information on this system.


How can I progress the story of Eureka?

The story of Eureka will progress through quests offered by Krile as you increase your Elemental Level. This level can be raised by defeating stand-alone mobs in the area, clearing FATEs (also referred to as 'Notorious Monsters'), and completing the Eureka-specific section of the weekly Challenge Log. EXP can be increased by drinking a Potion of Harmony Icon Potion of Harmony, or finding an Elemental Fairy and receiving an EXP buff from it.

When completing the story in one area of Eureka, it is usually recommended to gain 1-2 levels past the level cap of the current area before moving to the next one, as levelling at the start of a new zone can be extremely slow if not prepared.


What are the unique systems used in Eureka?

There are two main unique systems: The Magia Board, and Logos Actions. The latter of these are not available until Pyros, but the Magia Board is accessible to the player from the moment they arrive in Anemos.

The Magia Board consists of a wheel, upon which the six elements are placed. The six elements are split into two groups of three:

  • Lightning is strong against Water.
  • Water is strong against Earth.
  • Earth is strong against Lightning.
  • Fire is strong against Ice.
  • Ice is strong against Wind.
  • Wind is strong against Fire.

Players will receive Magicite as they progress through the story of Eureka Anemos, up to a maximum of five. A sixth and seventh magicite can be obtained in Pyros and Hydatos respectively by trading rare drops earned from specific FATEs. These items can also be bought and sold on the Marketboard. These magicite can be slotted into any element, and the board can be rotated in order to alter which elements the magicite are attuned to. Each magicite gives a bonus to attack (if in the element the target is weak to) or defence (if in the element the target is attuned to), which more magicite in one element giving a stronger bonus.

Common magicite layouts include a 4-1 split for DPS and Healer jobs (four in Lightning, one in Water when assigning) and a 1-4 split for Tank jobs (two in Lightning, three in Water when assigning). Alternatives to these include 3-2, 2-3, 0-5 and so on. With access to all seven magicite, these layouts change to a 5-2 split for DPS and Healer jobs, and either a 2-5 or 3-4 split for Tank jobs.

To rotate the Magia Wheel in the field, there are three methods available to players:

  1. Manually rotate the Wheel by clicking on the UI element. Controller players will need to cycle to it with Touchpad or Select, then use the displayed commands.
  2. Open the subcommands menu through its assigned keyboard keybind on your targeted enemy (this is the left face button on controller by default). As a non-tank, select the option 'Set Magia Board aspect to Offensive.', and as a tank, select the option 'Set Magia Board aspect to Defensive.'.
  3. Use the command '/magiaauto attack' or '/magiaauto defense' in order to make the wheel rotate automatically each time an enemy is targeted. This can be turned off with the command '/magiaauto off'.

Logos Actions are accessed by giving items known as Logograms to the NPC Drake, who will appraise the item in order to extract the 'Mneme' within. There are nine different Logogram items: Conceptual, Fundamental, Offensive, Protective, Curative, Tactical, Inimical, Mitigative, and Obscure. Each one of these items has a pre-set chance to become one of a list of specific Mnemes upon its appraisal, with there being a total of 28 base Mnemes.

These Mnemes can be played in either the Astral Array or Umbral Array in order to transform them into usable actions. While there are only 28 base Mnemes, there are a total of 56 available actions to unlock and use, which can be created through combining specific base Mnemes together to create new abilities. 30 unique actions must be registered in order to complete the Pyros stage of your first Eurekan relic weapon, 50 are required to unlock the Elemental Armour in Pyros, and all 56 are required to unlock the Elemental Armour +2 in Hydatos.

For a full list of actions and their combinations, please refer to the logograms page of the community-made Eureka Tracker website.


What Rewards Are Available in Eureka?

There are many rare, valuable and prestigious rewards available from Eureka, including titles, hairstyles, minions, mounts, emotes and gear.

  • Completing the storyline rewards the player with the Eurekan Explorer title.
  • The Modern Aesthetics - Form and Function Icon Modern Aesthetics - Form and Function hairstyle can be obtained from Happy Bunny Lockboxes in Eureka Pyros.
  • The The Prince of Anemos Icon The Prince of Anemos, Wind-up Mithra Icon Wind-up Mithra and Wind-up Fafnir Icon Wind-up Fafnir minions can be obtained from FATEs in Eureka Anemos.
  • The Copycat Bulb Icon Copycat Bulb minion can be obtained from Happy Bunny Lockboxes in Eureka Pagos, and is one of the most expensive minions in the game on the Marketboard with an average price of 15-25 million gil depending on world server.
  • The Wind-up Elvaan Icon Wind-up Elvaan and Calca Icon Calca minions can be obtained from FATEs in Eureka Pyros. The Dhalmel Calf Icon Dhalmel Calf minion can be obtained from lockboxes in Eureka Pyros.
  • The Yukinko Snowflake Icon Yukinko Snowflake minion can be obtained from lockboxes in Eureka Hydatos.
  • The Conditional Virtue Icon Conditional Virtue minion can be obtained from a chest in The Baldesion Arsenal.
  • The Eldthurs Horn Icon Eldthurs Horn mount can be obtained from Happy Bunny Lockboxes in Eureka Pyros.
  • The Eurekan Petrel Horn Icon Eurekan Petrel Horn mount can be obtained from Happy Bunny Lockboxes in Eureka Hydatos.
  • The Shiver, Scheme and Fist Pump emotes can be obtained from element-warped lockboxes in Pagos, Pyros and Hydatos respectively.
  • Alongside Eurekan Relic weapons and Elemental gear, The Cassie Earring Icon Cassie Earring and Blitzring Icon Blitzring are both available from FATEs in Eureka Pagos, selling for 10-20 million gil each depending on world server. These two items provide notable stat bonuses inside Eureka.


  • 08 Mar. 2025: Guide Added.
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