Gathering (DoL) Collectables Guide for FFXIV Patch 7.2

Last updated Yesterday at 09:00 by Shikhu 11 comments

This guide will explain the collectable system and ephemeral nodes for gathering, in addition to providing rotations that you can use for both leveling and endgame.


Gathering Collectables Guide

Collectables have several purposes. They unlock scrips that can be used for materia, gear, and endgame nodes. They also help support crafting by allowing you to obtain aethersands by using Aetherial Reduction, which is the act of breaking down specific collectables into sands you can craft with.

While leveling, collectables are an easy method to gain experience points. While this is not the fastest method, because collectables grant scrips, it is the most efficient after around level 70.

To unlock the collectable system at level 50, you must first complete the main story quest "The Better Half" and the side quest "Inscrutable Tastes." Additionally, there are side quests for each scrip exchange that are located beside said NPC for each expansion.

Unlike crafting classes that use their regular skills to make collectables, Mining and Botany instead have unique skills that are only used for collectables. Fisher toggles an action called Collect Icon Collect, which turns certain fish into collectables based on their size.


Your Skills and the Collectable UI

Gathering Collectable UI in Dawntrail

As mentioned above, Mining and Botany have unique skills with the sole purpose being for gathering collectables. Some cost GP. Others do not and have various effects which impact your Integrity and Collectability.

The skills can be pressed inside of the collectable menu, meaning you can even move those skills off your hotbars and save some space. If you hover over the skills, the circle above will show you your predicted Collectability rating, and there are also toggle buttons below to see the prediction with certain buffs applied.

The top of the menu shows your Collectability out of the max rating of 1000 and predicts ratings when you hover over skills. For the skill Brazen Prospector Icon Brazen Prospector, it shows the range your rating can be between.

The Primary Actions include Scour Icon Scour, Brazen Prospector Icon Brazen Prospector and Meticulous Prospector Icon Meticulous Prospector alongside Collect Icon Collect. This also includes the nodes Integrity as well as the % chance of Meticulous's integrity saving effect occurring.

The Secondary Actions & Bonuses include Scrutiny Icon Scrutiny, Collector's Focus Icon Collector's Focus and Priming Touch Icon Priming Touch as well as your Intuition Rate (which grants increased collectability) as well as Collectors Standard (which buffs Brazen and Meticulous).

It is also worth knowing a few extra things, Scrutiny Icon Scrutiny scales on both Gathering and Perception (unlike what the skill says), and you can also use non-collectable skills where relevant. The main use being Solid Reason Icon Solid Reason/Ageless Words Icon Ageless Words which grant you additional integrity and therefore more collectables from each node.

For a more in-depth explanation of FFXIV's Mining and Botany skills, check out our dedicated guide linked below.


Types of Gatherable Collectables

Listed below is each "type" of gatherable related to the collectable system. This includes Items obtained via Ephemeral Nodes, Prime/Subline items, collectable Fish and Rarefied Items.


Rarefied Collectables

Rarefied Collectables are your "normal" collectables so to speak, the items that you hand into Rowena for Scrips. These often come from unspoiled nodes however there are a few untimed options (that are not worth using).

Simply go up to the node a use a Good Rotation to gather collectables to exchange.


Collectable Fish

Unlike Miner and Botanist, fish used as collectables can also be caught normally. Fishers instead use Collect Icon Collect as a stance before they begin fishing, fish that can be caught as a collectable will then become a collectable.

Collectability for fishes correlates with the size of a fish, a larger fish means a higher collectability. So using skills that catch large fish are key in obtaining high collectability fish. Do not confuse large fish with big fish however! Those are different mechanics.


Ephemeral Nodes

Ephemeral nodes have items that you also gather as collectables in a similar way to other collectables. The difference is that their only purpose is for the items to be broken down using Aetherial Reduction. When reduced, items turn into aethersands, crystals, and clusters for crafting. It is the equivalent of desynthesis. Fishing classes can also reduce specific fish into aethersands using the same methods.

To unlock reduction, you need to complete the level 56 quest "No Longer a Collectable" and the quest "The Better Half" that unlocks the scrip exchange.

An item giving a bonus of 6 sands.

Once you hit 400 Collectability rating on these items, you have a chance to obtain aethersands. At 1000 Collectability, you have a chance to gain a bonus that can grant you up to 10 sands per item.

While your chances at sands will increase every 100 collectability after 100, this is only a small increase and not worth your GP. You always want to aim for either 400 or 1000 - don't waste GP aiming for anything different.


Prime and Sublime Collectables

"Prime" collectables can be found on a select range of legendary nodes exclusively in Endwalker. When gathered, "Prime" items have a chance based on your gathering stat (to a cap of 25%) to upgrade to "Sublime". Both Prime and Sublime collectables can be reduced into specific items to be used in crafting where Sublime items have a much higher chance at giving you the desired item.


Endgame Collectable Rotations

Collectable rotations for Dawntrail's endgame are listed below. Click on any of these images to see an enlarged version.

It is important to understand that you do not necessarily need the GP listed on the rotation. That is the total GP that it costs, but you gain 6 GP per hit meaning you can have a little less GP than the rotation asks for. The exact amount of GP required depends on the nodes integrity.


Using the Lv90 Relic Tools at Lv100

The Level 90 Splendorous Tools can be incredibly useful for collectables even at level 100. This is due to the unique effect these tools have, "Increases the chance to trigger Collector's Intuition by 20% when gathering collectables". This means that you can gain more collectables on each node.

The important thing to be aware of, is that your stats need to be high enough that you are not missing out on any Breakpoints for the collectable you want to gather. The following collectables can be gathered more efficiently using your Lv90 relics:

  • Any Collectable from older expansions.
  • All Ephemerals.
  • All Purple Scrip collectables.
  • All Orange Scrip collectables (only high-tier set).

1000GP Collectable Rotation

This is the main endgame rotation you can follow in Dawntrail to utilise the new Collector's High Standard trait whenever it procs. Collector's Standard generally procs less than 20% of the time and therefore this will not occur regularly. When it does however, it is a huge benefit.


800/900GP Collectable Rotation

This is a variation of the 1000GP Rotation but instead adjusted for less than 1000 GP by using Priming Touch Icon Priming Touch. This rotation can either cost 800 or 900 GP depending on where you use Priming Touch.


Low Stat Collectable Rotation

This rotation instead is setup to allow you to reach 1000 collectability even with the lowest stats possible. It will cost 600GP unless you get really unlucky which it will then cost 800GP instead.


Leveling Collectable Rotations

Listed are some of the older rotations which are suitable before level 100.

While leveling, 600 rating is enough for quests and Custom Deliveries but is only the minimum for Rowena's Splendors. Instead, try to aim for 1000 for those items.


700GP Standard Rotation

This is main leveling rotation if you reach the stat requirements for the item. The easiest way to know, is if you hit 200 collectability on Scour Icon Scour and 250 on Scrutiny Icon Scrutiny. Lower stats can also use this rotation, but you might need to spend more GP on collectable skills.


400/600GP Low Stat Rotation

This is the lower stat rotation if you do not hit close to the max Collectability rating. It trades off yield for collectability because the max rating (1000 in most cases) is always better. Depending on your stats, you will need either 400 or 600GP.


0GP Ephemeral Rotation

This is simply an example of an ephemeral rotation you would use to hit 400 rating when you have no GP. 400 is required to be able to get a chance at sands and while higher collectability can give you an increased chance at sands. It is not worth spending your GP on and you should instead wait for the GP to perform a better rotation.

Using a 0GP rotation will give you more sands than waiting for your enhanced GP to regenerate between nodes, the main reason is because you can proc Revisit Icon Revisit which will give you all your GP back. But even without Revisit, it is still better than waiting.



  • 25 Mar. 2025: Reviewed and updated for 7.2.
  • 10 Nov. 2024: Updated for 7.1. Added notes about the Lv90 relic and 0GP rotations as well as updated the infographics for the old rotations.
  • 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
  • 13 Jan. 2022: Guide added.
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