Gunbreaker Tank Advanced Optimization Guide — Dawntrail 7.2

Last updated on Mar 24, 2025 at 00:00 by Tor 14 comments

On this page, you will find information regarding advanced techniques and optimization geared towards Gunbreaker. The information presented is not for beginners and may include intermediate math or non-standard rotational changes.


Introduction to Advanced Gunbreaker Techniques

Credit for this information must be given to Krom, Azazel, Aletin, Kyo, and the rest of The Balance's Gunbreaker team for theorycrafting and fact checking this information.

The following sections assume that the reader has read and understands how the basic GNB rotation works, and therefore will not be going over the basics of the rotation. Please refer back to the standard Gunbreaker Rotation Guide if you are not familiar with the basics.


Standard 2.50 Gunbreaker Opener


Due to the fact that 2.50 can only fit eight GCDs inside of No Mercy Icon No Mercy, there is no room for error whatsoever when fitting GCDs inside the buff when Bloodfest Icon Bloodfest is available. The Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang combo, Lion Heart Icon Lion Heart combo, Double Down Icon Double Down, and Sonic Break Icon Sonic Break add up to a total of eight GCDs. The Keen Brutal No Mercy opener fits these skills inside of No Mercy Icon No Mercy, while also aligning with standardized raid buff timings as much as possible for maximum potency in party buffs. An additional benefit to this opener is that it forces a "0/2 (Zero-Two) Loop", providing a bit of extra potency by allowing for Hypervelocity Icon Hypervelocity to be inside the No Mercy Icon No Mercy buff three out of every four windows. This loop will be explained in detail in a later section.


2.50 Rotation Priorities

After the opener and between No Mercy Icon No Mercy windows, continue the rotation with the following filler priorities:

  1. Use Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang combo and Blasting Zone Icon Blasting Zone as soon as they are ready. Ensure you have a Cartridge to use Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang immediately!
  2. Use Burst Strike Icon Burst Strike to avoid overcapping Cartridges.
  3. Use the Solid Barrel Icon Solid Barrel combo to generate Cartridges.

No Mercy Icon No Mercy should be used as soon as it is ready, and this should result in it being early-weaved every time it is ready.

Aim to have three cartridges on odd minutes. During odd minute No Mercy Icon No Mercy windows, use the follow priorities under the buff:

  1. Use Double Down Icon Double Down, Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang, Blasting Zone Icon Blasting Zone, and Bow Shock Icon Bow Shock as soon as they are ready.
  2. Finish the rest of the No Mercy Icon No Mercy window with Burst Strike Icon Burst Strike with any remaining cartridges, and Solid Barrel Icon Solid Barrel combo GCDs otherwise.

During even minute No Mercy Icon No Mercy windows, use the following priorities under the buff:

  1. Burst Strike Icon Burst Strike before entering No Mercy Icon No Mercy, then weave No Mercy Icon No Mercy followed by Hypervelocity Icon Hypervelocity to get some extra potency in the buff.
  2. Use Double Down Icon Double Down, Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang, Blasting Zone Icon Blasting Zone, Bow Shock Icon Bow Shock, and Bloodfest Icon Bloodfest as soon as they are ready. Bloodfest Icon Bloodfest should be used after Double Down Icon Double Down.
  3. Use Sonic Break Icon Sonic Break after Double Down Icon Double Down. This will mirror where it was used in the opener.
  4. Finish the Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang combo, then use the entire Lion Heart Icon Lion Heart combo inside of No Mercy Icon No Mercy's buff.

Mitigations and How They Stack

All mitigation in FFXIV interacts multiplicatively, like all other buffs in the game. However, perhaps counterintuitively, mitigation stacking gives less than the sum of the individual mitigations used. For example, using Heart of Corundum Icon Heart of Corundum does not give 30% mitigation for 4 seconds. Instead, it gives 15% * 15% mitigation for 4 seconds, which equals out to 28% mitigation for the first 4 seconds, and 15% mitigation for the final 4 seconds. This is because the way the game calculates the mitigation in is terms of %damage taken by the player.

This formula is always represented as 100 * (1-mitigation value as a decimal), repeating the * (1-mitigation value) for each individual mitigation source. Using Heart of Corundum Icon Heart of Corundum again as an example, the damage formula would be calculated as 100 * (1-0.15) * (1-0.15) = 72. This means the player takes 72% of incoming damage, which is the same as saying 28% mitigation, instead of 70% damage taken or 30% mitigation as some might expect. This effect is even more noticeable when stacking multiple mitigations. Heart of Corundum Icon Heart of Corundum, Rampart Icon Rampart, and Great Nebula Icon Great Nebula when used at the same time do not equal 70% mitigation. Instead we again use the damage taken formula of 100 * (1-0.15) * (1-0.15) * (1-0.40) * (1-0.20) = ~34% damage taken, or 66% mitigation. Please note that it is not exactly 34%/66%, as there is some rounding that the game systems do on the backend. However, this is good enough for explanation of how mitigation interacts.


Application Delay

All abilities have some time between when they start their ability clock and when they actually apply the damage. This is called application delay. This delay can be extremely important to know because there are situations where using a higher potency ability on paper is a loss because it ghosts, or in other words the damage does not apply before the target becomes invulnerable due to fight phasing or the target dies. Please note that application delay does not have any effect on whether an ability retains a buff or not. Buffs are snapshot when the cooldown clock begins to spin for instant cast abilities. Especially in the case of Gunbreaker having some abilities with fairly long application delays, it is possible for an ability such as Solid Barrel Icon Solid Barrel to be used with the No Mercy Icon No Mercy buff still active, the buff expires, and then the damage applies. Because the buff was present for the snapshot, the damage will be buffed despite being applied after the buff expired.

Below is a list of Gunbreaker application delays. For abilities that apply a buff, such as No Mercy Icon No Mercy or Great Nebula Icon Great Nebula, the time between the skill activating and the buff applying is between 0.5 and 0.6 seconds on average.

Skill Name Type Delay Length (in seconds)
Keen Edge Icon Keen Edge Weaponskill 0.89
Brutal Shell Icon Brutal Shell Weaponskill 1.07
Solid Barrel Icon Solid Barrel Weaponskill 1.65
Burst Strike Icon Burst Strike Weaponskill 0.71
Hypervelocity Icon Hypervelocity Ability 0.76
Gnashing Fang Icon Gnashing Fang Weaponskill 0.62
Jugular Rip Icon Jugular Rip Ability 0.80
Savage Claw Icon Savage Claw Weaponskill 0.62
Abdomen Tear Icon Abdomen Tear Ability 0.76
Wicked Talon Icon Wicked Talon Weaponskill 1.16
Eye Gouge Icon Eye Gouge Ability 0.98
Double Down Icon Double Down Weaponskill 0.72
Sonic Break Icon Sonic Break Weaponskill 0.62
Bow Shock Icon Bow Shock Ability 0.62
Blasting Zone Icon Blasting Zone Ability 0.62
Lightning Shot Icon Lightning Shot Weaponskill 0.72
Reign of Beasts Icon Reign of Beasts Weaponskill 1.16
Noble Blood Icon Noble Blood Weaponskill 1.65
Lion Heart Icon Lion Heart Weaponskill 1.79
Demon Slice Icon Demon Slice Weaponskill 0.62
Demon Slaughter Icon Demon Slaughter Weaponskill 0.62
Fated Circle Icon Fated Circle Weaponskill 0.54
Fated Brand Icon Fated Brand Ability 1.16