Haukke Manor Dungeon Guide and Loot List
Welcome to our guide to Haukke Manor, Final Fantasy XIV's level 28 dungeon. This guide aims to prepare players so they will know what to expect, with simple mechanic instructions and notes on how to progress through the dungeon.

Once used by seedseers as a place for spiritual reflection and meditation, Haukke Manor was long frowned upon by the people of Gridania as a symbol of excess. After years of protest, the building was finally sold to a wealthy duskwight by the name of Lady Amandine. While little is known of the Lady, it was said that she was exceptionally vain, and that to maintain her impeccable beauty, she would spare no expense. From facial creams concocted from rare Coerthas honeys to shampoos derived from the milk of exotic phurbles, her daily ritual of beauty treatments escalated until it was rumored she was bathing in the blood of her virgin maidservants. No amount of man-made tinctures, however could hide the hideous scars she eventually suffered during the Calamity, and from that day forth she was forced to turn to a darker solution, signing away her very soul in a final effort to "save face."
- Minimum level required: 28
- Party size: 4
- Prerequisite quest: "Skeletons in Her Closet"
- Entrance: Central Shroud (x9, y22)
Dungeon Guide
The main mechanic to progress through this dungeon are the Tiny Keys that are littered throughout. These keys are collected and used to open doors that block progression and, in a couple cases, lead to additional rewards. The current count of keys on hand can be found in the active Duty Information. Due to the original design of the dungeon including some branching paths, some may find navigation difficult their first time through.

Upon zoning in, you will be in front of a staircase with a Sealed Barrier. We will ignore the staircase and enter the hallway on the left side. You will need to collect the key from the first room on the left, as this key will be used to unlock the room at the end of this hallway, on the right.
Optional: You can grab the key in the next room to unlock the locked room right outside the door to receive an additional treasure coffer. After this, there is a room down the hall and to the left that houses another key. You can collect this to enter the locked room all the way at the end of the hallway on the left for another treasure coffer.
You can then continue onward through the hallway to the first boss encounter, located in the Red Hall.
Manor Claviger
This boss starts with two abilities:
- Sweet Steel: A cleave attack. Face the boss away from the party.
- Void Fire II: An interruptable targeted fire AoE. Dodge when needed.
At 50% Health, the boss will add Dark Mist to it's repertoire of spells. This is a point blank AoE that can be cancelled through a stun. Otherwise, dodge away from the boss to avoid being hit.
The boss will drop a Green Key and the door behind her will open. Collect this to gain access to the next section of the dungeon, but do NOT enter the door that just opened. Instead, turn back around and go out the door you entered the boss arena with. The Ivy Door can now be unlocked.

Through the Ivy Door and at the bottom of the stairs will be another "Tiny Key" collect it and move forward. There will be a locked Carnation Door in front of you and a hallway going left and right. Head down the left path and circle around until you reach a pile of debris use the key from earlier to enter the Locked Door on the left. Inside will be a Yellow Key. Pick it up, then climb over the debris to unlock the "Carnation Door"
(Optional) When traversing the cellarage, you can explore the cells to find more keys to open optional locked doors. Most of these locked doors contain additional treasure coffers to open.
Manor Steward and Jester
This boss fight consists of two enemies.
The Manor Steward is a melee attacking skeleton that occasionally hits with a harder hitting Hell Slash and also casts Soul Drain, a point blank AoE that will drain the health of anyone it hits. This can be cancelled with a stun.
The Manor Jester is an imp that casts Blizzard as it's primary attack. The Jester also casts Blizzard Spikes, an interruptable spell which causes attackers to take ice damage and applies a Slow debuff, slowing the attackers spell and skill speed. It is generally recommended to kill the Jester first due to it's lower HP.
The boss will drop a Bloody Parchment. Pick this up and then interact with the Aetherial Flow to be returned to the foyer. Interact with the Sealed Barrier to unlock and gain access to the second floor.

(Optional) On the second floor you can skip by the Manor Servant and go down the hallway on the left. Down here will be another Locked Door that you would need one of the optional keys from the Cellarage to unlock. Inside is another treasure coffer.
Bring the Manor Servant at the top of the stairs down to 50% health to unlock the final boss of the dungeon.
Lady Amandine
The bosses main mechanic is Void Call, which can summon one of two voidsent:
- Ahriman:
- An untargetable monster that casts Petrifying Eye. Look away from the monster when the cast ends. If you do not, you will be petrified. The monster will disappear afterwards.
- Lady's Handmaiden:
- A targetable monster that will cast Stoneskin on the boss if left alive for too long, this is a shield that blocks a set amount of damage. Kill the add before the cast is finished.
On the third cast of Void Call and occasionally afterwards, Lady Amandine will summon an Ahriman, then immediately start casting Beguiling Mist, then teleport away. This will afflict the players with a Seduce debuff, causing them to walk towards the boss. After the player stops moving, you have a couple seconds to look away from the Ahriman to not get petrified.
The boss will also periodically cast:
- Void Thunder III: An interruptable tankbuster that the tank will want to mitigate.
- Dark Mist: A point blank AoE that must be dodged. This can be stopped with a stun.
This is a table of all unique dungeon drops. Aside from what is listed, treasure coffers may include level 28 Aetherial Earrings, Necklace, Bracelets, and Rings.
- 28 Jun. 2023: Guide added.
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