Heaven on High Floors 1-30 Guide

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024 at 00:00 by Stella 5 comments

This page provides information about floors 1 through 30 of Heaven on High including enemy information and boss advice.


Heaven on High Guide for Floors 1-30

The first 30 floors of Heaven on High are relatively simple in comparison to the later floors, and do not require as much detail to cover. Future floorsets will be given their own individual pages. On floors 1-30, the Accursed Horde will take the form of a Silver-haloed Sack Icon Silver-haloed Sack, and Mimics can spawn from Bronze Coffers.

Across all floorsets in Heaven on High, Pomanders of Affluence, Flight and Altercation will not appear in Gold Coffers on the final non-boss floor of a floorset.


Floors 1-9

HoH Floorset 1 Banner

As an introductory floorset, most enemies here have very basic mechanics that are not overly punishing to fail. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Unique to this floorset, Bronze Coffers and Magicite will not appear before floor 7. Elder Magicite will not appear before floor 31. Additionally, Pomanders of Altercation, Purity, Petrification, Concealment or Raising will not appear before floor 7.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Heavenly Naked Yumemi Sight Auto-attacks inflict Heavy for 4s. 1-2 No Immunities.
Heavenly Mutsu Sight Seaspray: Instant. Inflicts 50% Vulnerability Up for 9s. 1-3 No Immunities.
Heavenly Shark Sight Jaws: Untelegraphed tankbuster. Can be outranged. 1-3 Patrol. Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Bombfish Sight 1000 Spines: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 15s. 1-4 Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Onryo Proximity Tentacle: Instant. Inflicts DoT for 15s. 3-5 Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Coralshell Sight
  • Bubble Bath: Instant cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Sleep for 9s.
  • Bubble Shower: Instant cone-shaped AoE.
4-5 No Immunities.
Heavenly Amikiri Sight Shuck: Untelegraphed tankbuster. Inflicts DoT for 30s. Can be outranged. 4-6 Patrol. Immune to Bind and Heavy.
Heavenly Gyuki Sight Aqua Blast: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts DoT for 15s. 5-7 Immune to Bind, Heavy and Stun.
Heavenly Uwabami Sight Stone Gaze: Omnidirectional Gaze AoE. Inflicts Petrify for 15s if hit. 6-7 No Immunities.
Heavenly Kraken Proximity Water III: Telegraphed circle AoE. 6-9 Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Yumemi Sight
  • Static Charge: Grants Counterattack to self for 6s.
  • Blanket Thunder: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
7-9 Patrol. Immune to Bind and Heavy.
Heavenly Ango Sight Flounder: Telegraphed line AoE. Inflicts knockback on players hit. 8-9 Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Matamata Sight
  • Scalding Breath: Inflicts DoT for 30s.
  • Embalming Earth: Inflicts knockback. Can be Interrupted or Stunned.
8-9 No Immunities.
Mimics Proximity
  • Malice: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Can be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
7-9 Bronze Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Slow.

Floor 10 Boss - Mojabune

The first boss of Heaven on High, and one of the simplest. Use of gap-closing abilites or Sprint Icon Sprint will be very helpful for the main mechanic of this fight.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Concussive Oscillation
  2. Overtow (will move middle first)
  3. Amorphous Applause
  4. Repeat from Start

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. With its extremely simple rotation of one baited AoE, a knockback and a half-room cleave, this boss is not a significant threat.

The first mechanic of the fight is Concussive Oscillation, a telegraphed circle AoE targeting a random player. After a few auto-attacks, the boss will move to the middle of the arena and cast Overtow, a knockback that pushes all players out to the walls of the arena. This knockback cannot be ignored with skills such as Arm's Length Icon Arm's Length or Surecast Icon Surecast.

The boss will now turn to face a random player and begin to cast Amorphous Applause, a telegraphed half-room cleave AoE. Simply walk forwards and behind the boss to avoid this. You can choose to use a gap-closer or Sprint Icon Sprint for this too, which will make it even safer. Each cast of Amorphous Applause is just over 30 seconds apart, so jobs with gap-closing abilities should make sure to limit their use of these skills outside of this mechanic.

After this point, the boss will begin to loop mechanics.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about two minutes at level 67, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about three minutes under the same conditions.


Floors 11-19

HoH Floorset 2 Banner

As the second floorset of Heaven on High, enemies become slightly more threatening. Some enemies without significance are excluded from the table below. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Heavenly Korpokkur Sight Spiritus: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts DoT for 30s. 11-13 No Immunities.
Heavenly Namazu Sight Tingle: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 30s. 11-14 Patrol. No Immunities.
Heavenly Shiomushi Sight Shatter: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. 11-14 Immune to Sleep.
Heavenly Hakagiri Sight Scale Ripple: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts knockback on players hit. 13-15 No Immunities.
Heavenly Hand Sight Wash Away: Point-blank enrage AoE. Used after 25s. Can be Interrupted. 14-16 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Heavenly Unkiu Sight Flush: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. 14-16 No Immunities.
Heavenly Apa Proximity Water III: Telegraphed circle AoE. Telegraph follows the marked player. 15-17 Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Otokage Sight Nightmarish Light: Omnidirectional Gaze AoE. Inflicts Seduced for 6s if hit. Followed up with Garish Light, a telegraphed point-blank AoE inflicting Minimum for 6s. 15-17 No Immunities.
Heavenly Tatsunoko Sight Hydrate: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts knockack on players hit. 16-19 Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Amagoi Sight
  • Tortoise Stomp: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
  • Harden Shell: Grants 90% Vulnerability Down to self for 20s.
17-19 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Stun.
Heavenly Aomino Sight
  • Ceras: Instant. Inflicts DoT for 30s.
  • Hydrocannon: Telegraphed line AoE. Inflicts knockback on players hit.
17-19 Patrol. Immune to Bind and Heavy.
Heavenly Shioname Sight Saltstorm: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Accuracy Down for 30s. 17-19 Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Mimics Proximity
  • Malice: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Can be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
11-19 Bronze Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Slow.

Floor 20 Boss - Beccho

The second boss of Heaven on High. Staying close to the boss and not greeding damage during the gaze mechanic will see it cleared without issue.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Proboscis
  2. Psycho Squama
  3. Proboscis
  4. Neuro Squama
  5. Psycho Squama
  6. Repeat from Start

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. Pulling it to the middle of the arena and staying close to it will allow you to easily dodge one of the two main mechanics of the fight.

The boss begins with Proboscis, a stronger basic attack. This is followed up with Psycho Squama, a telegraphed cone-shaped AoE targeting a random player that inflicts Confused for 10s to any player hit by it. The closer you are to the boss, the easier it will be to avoid it.

After another Proboscis, the boss will cast Neuro Squama, an omnidirectional Gaze AoE that also inflicts Confused for 10s to any player hit by it. At the same time as this, butterfly adds will spawn around the outside of the arena. These will begin to cast Fragility, a point-blank AoE that inflicts Paralysis for 30s on any players hit. These AoEs will go off at the same time as the next cast of Psycho Squama ends, directly after Neuro Squama

After this point, the boss will begin to loop mechanics.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about two and a half minutes at level 70, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about seven to three and a half minutes under the same conditions.


Floors 21-29

HoH Floorset 3 Banner

As the third floorset of Heaven on High, enemies will once again become slightly more challenging, with a few specific ones needing to be watched for. This is also the final floorset of the 'story' part of the dungeon, and everything after this is meant as a challenge to players who are willing to attempt it. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 3-4 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Heavenly Onibi Proximity Blinding Burst: Omnidirectional Gaze AoE. Inflicts Accuracy Down for 20s. 21-22 Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Halgai Sight Cure: Heals self for 30% max HP. 21-23 No Immunities.
Heavenly Katasharin Sight Crimson Mandate: Telegraphed + shaped AoE. Inflicts Suppuration for 30s. 21-24 Patrol. Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Dhruva Sight
  • Aetherial Spark: Telegraphed line AoE. Inflicts DoT for 15s.
  • Tornado: Telegraphed circle AoE. Inflicts knockback on players hit.
21-25 Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Sai Taisui Sight Malediction of Water: Grants 30% Damage Up to self. 22-25 No Immunities.
Heavenly Menreiki Sight Paralyze III: Untelegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 15s. Can be Interrupted. 24-26 Patrol. Immune to Sleep.
Heavenly Hatamoto Proximity
  • Tenka Goken: Untelegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts knockback on players hit.
  • Midare Setsugekka: Enrage. Only used after Yukikaze, Gekko and Kasha.
24-27 Immune to Sleep.
Heavenly Tenaga Sight Ovation: Telegraphed line AoE. Inflicts Heavy for 30s. 25-27 Immune to Sleep and Stun.
Heavenly Keukegen Sight Implosive Curse: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Accuracy Down for 30s. 26-28 Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Slow.
Heavenly Wanyudo Sight Midnight Mandate: Telegraphed circle AoE. Inflicts DoT for 15s. 26-29 Patrol. Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Yuki Proximity
  • Enter Night: Draws players in. Followed up with Shadow Fang, an instant cone-shaped AoE.
  • Bloodburst: Raidwide enrage AoE. Used 55s after pull.
26-29 Immune to Sleep.
Heavenly Koja Proximity 1000 Barbs: Telegraphed line AoE. Inflicts DoT for 30s. 27-29 Immune to Stun.
Heavenly Tengu Sight
  • Isso: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE.
  • Wile of the Tengu: Omnidirectional Gaze AoE. Inflicts Hysteria for 3s.
27-29 Immune to Bind and Stun.
Mimics Proximity
  • Malice: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Can be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
21-29 Bronze Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Slow.

Floor 30 Boss - Hiruko

The third boss of Heaven on High. This boss has significantly more mechanics than previous bosses, but is still not overly challenging to deal with.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Lightning Strike
  2. Cloud Call
  3. Shiko
  4. Lightning Strike
  5. Lightning Strike
  6. Lightning Strike
  7. Supercell
  8. Cloud Call
  9. Shiko
  10. Supercell
  11. Repeat from third Lightning Strike

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. While this fight can seem overwhelming to begin with, the main mechanic is simple to deal with both solo and in a party.

The first mechanic, Lightning Strike, is a telegraphed line AoE. Next, Cloud Call will summon clouds to cover the entire arena. Finally, the boss will cast Shiko, a proximity AoE that will knock all players into the air upon them receiving damage. In order to resolve this combination of mechanics, move away from the boss and stand underneath a cloud. When knocked into the air, any player standing underneath a cloud will pass through it, destroying it. As players land, all remaining clouds will cast Lightning Bolt, a point-blank AoE that inflicts a 20% Vulnerability Up for 1m to any player hit by one.

The boss will now cast three Lightning Strikes in a row. Next, Supercell is a telegraphed half-room cleave AoE targeting a random player, so get behind the boss to avoid this. The boss will use Cloud Call again, followed by Shiko, so resolve this as before. However, this time the boss will follow up with Supercell. Wait a moment for the Lightning Bolts to resolve, then move behind the boss again. Sprint or gap-closing abilities can help here.

After this point, the boss will begin to loop mechanics.

On a dps, you can expect a kill-time of about three minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a kill-time of about four minutes under the same conditions.


Continuing your Adventure

This is the end of the basic floorsets for Heaven on High. Upon completing the quest On the Shoulders of Giants, players will be able to progress to floors 31 and onwards with a fixed party.



  • 19 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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