Heaven on High Floors 31-40 Guide

Last updated on Aug 19, 2024 at 00:00 by Stella 5 comments

This page provides information about floors 31 through 40 of Heaven on High including enemy information and boss advice.


Heaven on High Guide for Floors 31-40

From floor 31 onwards, all avoidable damage will one-shot players. On floors 31-40, the Accursed Horde will take the form of a Gold-haloed Sack Icon Gold-haloed Sack, and Mimics can spawn from Silver Coffers. You can expect 3-9 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 5-7 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.


Floors 31-39

HoH Floorset 4 Banner

As the first floorset of the challenge floors, mechanics from individual enemies will be more complex than those on the story floors. As always, enemies without significance are excluded from the table below. The Elder Magicite can begin appearing on this floorset.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Heavenly Hornbill Sight Gust: Telegraphed circle AoE. Inflicts DoT for 30s. 31-33 Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Onmitsu Sight
  • Juji Shuriken: Telegraphed line AoE. Inflicts DoT for 30s.
  • Harakiri: Raidwide enrage AoE. Can be LoS'd. Used at 10% HP.
31-34 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep. This mob also shows up on floors 34-37 as a non-patrol enemy, with the exact same abilities and stats.
Heavenly Hanya Sight
  • Morningstar: Instant. Inflicts DoT for 15s.
  • Auto Crossbow: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE.
31-35 Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Heavenly Harakiri Sight Harakiri: Raidwide enrage AoE. Can be LoS'd. Used at 20% HP or 25s after pull. 32-35 Immmune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Heavenly Vanara Sight Butcher: Untelegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Immediately followed up with Rip, an untelegrapged cone-shaped AoE. Stay behind the enemy until this second attack resolves. 34-36 Patrol, No Immunities.
Heavenly Mokin Sight
  • Yolk Shower: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Bind for 10s if hit.
  • Bloodcurdling Caw: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Halves the duration of all buffs on targets hit.
36-38 Immune to Bind.
Heavenly Dogu Sight Shifting Light: Omnidirectional Gaze AoE. Turns the player into an Otter if hit. 36-39 Patrol. Immune to Bind and Sleep.
Heavenly Kiyofusa Sight Helm Crack: Gap closer, can be LoS'd. Damage is shared between targets. 36-39 Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Stun.
Heavenly Shishi Sight Cry: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Can be LoS'd. 37-39 No Immunities.
Mimics Proximity
  • Malice: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Can be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
31-39 Silver Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Slow.

Floor 40 Boss - Bhima

The fourth boss of Heaven on High, and the first of the challenge floorsets. Simple, and similar in execution to the Floor 10 boss, this should pose little challenge.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Tornado
  2. Ancient Aero II
  3. Ancient Aero III
  4. Ancient Aero
  5. Repeat from Ancient Aero II

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. The boss will frequently move to the middle of the arena, so position it near there to minimise movement. The boss will begin the encounter with Tornado, a stronger auto-attack that cleaves in a circle around the target. This will be cast occasionally throughout the encounter. All avoidable damage in this encounter also applies a DoT for 30s.

The boss has a rotation of three main casts. Ancient Aero II is a telegraphed circle AoE on a random player. Simply move out of this as normal. Shortly after, the boss will move to the middle of the arena and begin casting Ancient Aero III. Many whirlwinds will appear on the sides of the arena during this cast. When the cast ends, players will be knocked back away from the boss and into the wall. This cannot be negated with anti-knockback skills, but taking zero damage through the use of shields will prevent the knockback. As such, make sure you are positioned to get knocked back to a safe area on the outside of the arena.

After the knockback, the whirlwinds will explode, and the boss will cast Ancient Aero, a telegraphed line AoE on a random player.

After this point, the boss will begin to loop mechanics.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about two and a half minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about four minutes under the same conditions.



  • 19 Aug. 2024: Guide added.
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