Jeuno: The First Walk Alliance Raid Guide
Welcome to our guide to Jeuno: The First Walk, the first wing of the Echoes of Vanadiel Alliance Raid. This guide aims to provide players with a quick explanation of mechanics encountered so they have an idea of what to expect in the raid.
Jeuno: The First Walk is the first Alliance Raid in Dawntrail.

How to Unlock Jeuno: The First Walk
To unlock Jeuno: The First Walk, players must start the sidequest "An Otherworldly Encounter" by talking to the Hoobigo Messenger at Tuliyollal (x13.0, y11.6). Players must have completed the Dawntrail main scenario quests to unlock the raid.
Strange happenings in Yak T'el have cast a pall of unease over the forest. After an armor-clad stranger was found unconscious in the Skydeep Cenote, bereft of memory, the shade of Gulool Ja Ja was spotted stalking the woods with a young girl. What appeared to be unrelated events take a turn when Bakool Ja Ja confronts the Dawnservant's shadowy impostor. The armor-clad stranger recognizes the girl as Prishe, a friend seemingly turned enemy, who retreats with Gulool Ja Ja's shade into the blinding light of an otherworldly rift. In search of answers, and to safeguard Tural, Bakool Ja Ja bids you join him as he follows the incongruous pair into the unknown.
The First Walk Raid Guide
Prishe of the Distant Chains
Prishe of the Distant Chains is the first boss fought in The First Walk. Clear the trash pack leading up to her and use the portal to be sent to her arena. Note that you can fall off of this platform!
Prishe's Mechanics
Prishe of the Distant Chains uses the following mechanics.
- Banishga: Raidwide magical damage.
- Knuckle Sandwich: Prishe jumps to the middle of the arena and begins to charge her fist, creating three rings. The number of times she swings her fists indicate the number of rings that will be hit with a large circle AoE. Afterwards, a donut AoE is created with the safe spot being the first circle AoE.
- Nullifying Dropkick: A 3-person stack physical tank buster on the current main tank.
- Banish Storm: Prishe's summons staves which have arrow indicators. These will spawn moving circle AoEs in the directions shown by the arrows.
- Holy: Marked circle AoEs on many players, inflicting a Light Resistance Down debuff and doing magical damage.
- Crystalline Thorns: Spawns thorns on tiles around the arena, leaving safe tiles on the outside.
- Auroral Uppercut: Players are marked with a distance indicator only they can see. Prishe swings her fists, with the number of times she swings indicating how far the player will go. The colour of the ground also will indicate the distance: yellow for short, orange for medium, and purple for long.
- Banishga IV: Raidwide magical damage. Spawns orbs around the arena which explode in circle AoEs. These will explode starting from inside out or outside in.
- Asuran Fists: A multi-hit stack tower in the middle of the arena. This deals physical damage eight times, with the eight hit dealing more damage.
Boss Tips
Here are some tips for defeating the boss successfully.
- Make sure you're always watching her fists, as they indicate the radius of Knuckle Sandwich and the distance of Auroral Uppercut.
- It's always better to get knocked into the thorns than off the arena for Auroral Uppercut. The latter is an instant death while the former stuns and gives a DoT.
- Later in the fight, you'll have to dodge the AoEs from Banish Storm and Banishga IV while watching the fist. Dodge the AoEs first while looking carefully, then move into position for Knuckle Sandwich or Auroral Uppercut.
Fafnir the Forgotten
Fafnir the Forgotten is the second boss fought in The First Walk. Clear the trash pack leading up to it, pulling wall to wall to ensure quick progress. The outside of the arena becomes a death wall quickly into the fight.
Fafnir's Mechanics
Fafnir the Forgotten uses the following mechanics.
- Dark Matter Blast: Raidwide magical damage.
- Offensive Posture: Fafnir's tail, mouth, or claws will begin to glow.
It does an AoE based on the tell.
- If its tail glows, the message "Fafnir raises its tail" will appear. This is a 270 degree backwards cleave.
- If its claws glow, the message "Fafnir makes ready to land" will appear. This is a point-blank AoE that is slightly larger than its hitbox.
- If its mouth glows, the message "An intense heat radiates from Fafnir's mouth" will appear. This is a slow moving donut AoE that creates a fire puddle outside of Fafnir's hitbox. This puddle begins to disappear the same way it spawned.
- Baleful Breath: A multi-hit line stack marker that deals magical damage.
- Sharp Spike: A circle AoE tank buster on all three tanks that deals physical damage.
- Darters: The message "Darters gather in the aery." appears. These need to be tanked. These cast Pestilent Sphere, dealing damage.
- Hurricane Wing: Multiple hits of raidwide magical damage. Ring AoEs appear on the outside of the arena and move inside. Additionally, tornadoes spawn that knock players up; large ones will kill players.
- Horrid Roar: Ground AoEs on random players.
- Absolute Terror: A large line AoE if Fafnir's mouth glows, or AoEs on the sides of the arena if its wings glow.
Boss Tips
Here are some tips for defeating the boss successfully.
- Offensive Posture takes a while to go off. Look for the tell and move out of the AoE.
- Tanks should pick up Darter adds as soon as possible.
- It's better to rotate along with the large tornadoes than to get hit by one, as it will instantly kill you. Focus on dodging the rings second.
Ark Angels
The Ark Angels are the third boss fought in The First Walk and is a council-style encounter. Clear the trash pack leading up to them, pulling to the large golem. The outside of the arena becomes a death wall quickly into the fight.
Ark Angel Mechanics
The Ark Angels use the following mechanics. Three Ark Angels will be targetable at the beginning of the fight, and each alliance should target theirs until later on.
- The Decisive Battle: Each Ark Angel will tether to a party, inflicting them with Epic Hero. This prevents players from damaging other Ark Angels with a debuff that does not much theirs.
- Cloudsplitter: A large circular magical tank buster casted by Ark Angel MR.
- Meikyo Shisui: Ark Angel GK covers the arena in overlapping line AoEs with a crystal that casts a gaze and a small lotus circle. Dodge the line AoEs while looking away from the gaze. The lotus circle expands into a large AoE while the crystal does conal AoEs. Finally, there will be a donut AoE where the lotus first spawned.
- Meteor: Casted by Ark Angel TT. This needs to interrupted by a tank or physical ranged DPS.
- Havoc Spiral: Casted by Ark Angel MR. Rotating conal AoEs that ends in Spiral Finish, a knockback from the centre of the arena.
- Dragonfall: Casted by Ark Angel GK. A stack marker appears on one player from each alliance party. He jumps to all three markers, dealing damage.
- Guillotine: Casted by Ark Angel TT. The boss jumps near the edge, faces in, and does a large frontal cleave. Get behind it.
- Utsusemi: Casted by Ark Angel HM. Summons clones that tether to and chase random players with Mighty Slash.
- Dominion Slash: Casted by Ark Angel EV. Raidwide magical damage. Leaves behind pulsing AoE puddles on the floor.
- Cross Reaver: Casted by Ark Angel HM. A large plus-shaped AoE on the ground.
- Holy: Casted by Ark Angel EV. Raidwide magical damage.
- Mijin Gakure: Casted by Ark Angel HM. Ark Angel EV summons a shield which makes Ark Angel HM invulnerable. The shield must be killed and this ability needs to be interrupted.
- Rampage: Casted by Ark Angel MR. Dashes across the arena, and then does a large circle AoE.
- Arrogance Incarnate: Casted by Ark Angel EV. A multi-hit stack marker.
Boss Tips
Here are some tips for defeating the boss successfully.
- At the beginning of the fight, only your alliance's Ark Angel can be damaged. After the first Dragonfall, Ark Angel HM and Ark Angel EV spawn and have no damage restrictions.
- After Mijin Gakure is successfully interrupted, the first three Ark Angels spawn in succession each doing their signature mechanic. They will no longer have targeting restrictions, meaning players can AoE all five down. Tanks should stay together if possible, though some bosses will jump for certain mechanics.
- The first phase introduces all the mechanics. After all five appear at the same time, they will combine their mechanics. Keep dodging until the mechanic set is done.
Shadow Lord
The Shadow Lord is the final boss in the First Walk. The outside of the arena is a death wall to begin.
Shadow Lord Mechanics
The Shadow Lord uses the following mechanics.
- Giga Slash: The Shadow Lord readies his blade, spawning up to two indicators of where he will do wide cleaves in order. Stay close to the middle and dodge. These occur extremely quickly.
- Umbra Smash: Multiple line AoEs in succession which spawn cascading rectangular AoEs.
- Flames of Hatred: Raidwide magical damage.
- Implosion: The Shadow Lord gathers energy in his hands. One orb will expand, and he does a point-blank AoE as well as an arena cleave on that side.
- Cthonic Fury: Raidwide magical damage. Changes the arena into four circles with paths connecting them, or changes the arena back to normal.
- Burning Moat: Circle AoEs or a large square AoE appear. These have sigils pointing either in or out: if pointing inside it's an AoE on the inside of the AoE indicator, and if pointing outside it's an AoE on the outside.
- Dark Nebula: A knockback line. Get knocked back to the other side.
- Echoes of Agony: A multi-hit stack marker dealing magical damage.
- Nightfall: The Shadow Lord ascends, enhancing his abilities and casting Tera Slash afterwards, dealing massive raidwide physical damage.
- Giga Slash: Nightfall: Giga Slash with three indicators.
- Shadow Spawn: Spawns up to two clones which copy his attacks.
- Unbridled Rage: A line tank buster on the three tanks. Dark Nova circle AoEs will appear on non-tanks afterwards.
- Binding Sigil: Three sets of AoE indicators. They will explode in the order they appeared in. Stay in the third set and dodge into the first.
- Damning Strikes: Three towers spawn which must be soaked by multiple players. The boss jumps to the indicators on the ground and does an AoE on the towers.
- Doom Arc: Massive raidwide magical damage that inflicts a bleed DoT.
Boss Tips
Here are some tips for defeating the boss successfully.
- This is mainly a memorization fight. The boss will show multiple indicators that players need to memorize the safe spots for when the mechanic actually resolves.
- Focus on dodging mechanics, as the resolution of the memorization mechanics occur quickly in succession. Move with the party if you're unsure!
- Most attacks won't instantly kill players, but also inflicts a bleed DoT that will kill them quickly after if not healed up.
- When Shadow Spawn starts being casted, watch the clone as the boss finishes casting his animation to see what the clone is casting.

The final treasure coffer contains a Nano Lord, 3x
Tattered Sheet Music,
and 3x Shadow Lord Card. Full loot tables for individual bosses will be
posted when available!
- 12 Nov. 2024: Guide added.
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This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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