How to Obtain Manderville Relic Weapons in FFXIV
This guide will explain how to unlock and upgrade the Manderville weapons which are the level 90 relic weapons for Dawntrail. Join Godbert on his adventure to try and recreate the magnificent Manderville relic weapons.
Manderville Weapons Relic Guide in FFXIV
Manderville Relic weapons are the level 90 Endwalker Relics. Once fully upgraded, these relics were the best-in-slot for each respective class by the end of the expansion. With the relase of Dawntrail, these weapons are primarily glamour with unique glowing effects.
Unlike previous Relics, this series has no additional side content tied to it that you must progress through to obtain your weapon, making Manderville relics much simpler and easier in comparison.
They do however, require a very long quest chain to unlock which has been detailed below.
Unlocking your Manderville Relic Weapons (Step 1)
To get to the point where you can unlock these tools, you must complete a quest chain with 42 quests involved. The story is a fan favourite so you may want to get comfy and enjoy, otherwise it will take several hours to complete if you skip all cutscenes.
The chain starts with The Rise and Fall of Gentlemen and ends with The Imperfect Gentleman. On the lodestone the quest chain is split into multiple segments based on the expansion. Here are the links to follow through:
- A Realm Reborn Hildibrand Adventures
- Heavensward Further Hildibrand Adventures
- Stormblood Even Further Hildibrand Adventures
- Endwalker Somehow Further Hildibrand Adventures
There are no level 80 Hildibrand Adventures.
Once these quests have been completed, you can begin the quest
Make It a Manderville. This
quest will then task you with obtaining three Manderium Meteorite which can
be purchased by speaking to Jubrunnah in Radz-at-Han (X:12, Y:11).
Each Manderium Meteorite will cost you 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics or 1500 total. The
quest will then give you the first i615 Manderville Weapon.
Purchasing Additional Manderville Weapons
Once the quest has been completed for the first time, additional Manderville
Weapons can be purchased through the same method of three Manderium Meteorite
for 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each. This is through the repeatable quest
Make Another Manderville.
This will cost you 28,500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics total for all classes including the 1,500 from the initial quest.
Amazing Manderville Weapons (Step 2)
Upgrading your weapons involves a very similar process to the initial purchase of the weapons. That is, using more Allagan Tomestones of Poetics.
To unlock the ability to upgrade your weapons you need to complete the quest Generational Bonding to then unlock Well-Oiled. Well-oiled will then give you your first relic as completion of the quest. Further relics must then be purchased while undertaking the quest The Next Mander-level.
Each of these weapons will require three Complementary Chondrite which again,
cost 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each. Costing 28,500 total for all
Gallery of All Amazing Manderville Weapons
Below you will find examples of each tool in their upgraded 'Amazing' form and glow to help you make a decision on what tools you want to aim for. A gallery of all tools in their 'Majestic' form can be found further below.
Amazing Manderville Sword and Kite Shield

Amazing Manderville Axe

Amazing Manderville Zweihander

Amazing Manderville Gunblade

Amazing Manderville Cane

Amazing Manderville Codex

Amazing Manderville Torquetum

Amazing Manderville Milpreves

Amazing Manderville Knuckles

Amazing Manderville Spear

Amazing Manderville Knives

Amazing Manderville Samurai Blade

Amazing Manderville Scythe

Amazing Manderville Harp Bow

Amazing Manderville Revolver

Amazing Manderville Chakrams

Amazing Manderville Rod

Amazing Manderville Index

Amazing Manderville Rapier

Majestic Manderville Weapons (Step 3)
The upgrade your weapons to Majestic Mandeville weapons you need to
complete the quest A Spirited Reforging. This
will then ,after several comedic story beats, task you with obtaining 3 Amplifying Achondrite. Further relics can be obtained from the repeatable quest In Need of Adjustment
Amplifying Achondrite is purchased for again, 500 Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each. Costing 28,500 total for all
classes. During the upgrade, you will be given the ability to choose the substats
for your chosen weapon.

Two substats will cap at 293 while the third only gives 72. You can only select Three substats, and there is no control over the exact amount of points for each stat in this current stage. In the example above, the Paladin's sword and shield stat splits are shown in brackets.For recommendations on each job's substats, check each classes substat priority on their job guide.
You can change your stat selection at any time by exchanging a single Amplifying Achondrite.
Gallery of All Majestic Manderville Weapons
Below you will find examples of each tool in their upgraded 'Majestic' form and glow to help you make a decision on what tools you want to aim for.
Check each jobs substat priority for advice on what stats you should choose.
Majestic Manderville Sword and Shield

Majestic Manderville Bardiche

Majestic Manderville Greatsword

Majestic Manderville Bayonet

Majestic Manderville Wand

Majestic Manderville Codex

Majestic Manderville Orrery

Majestic Manderville Wings

Majestic Manderville Fists

Majestic Manderville Spear

Majestic Manderville Knives

Majestic Manderville Samurai Blade

Majestic Manderville War Scythe

Majestic Manderville Harp Bow

Majestic Manderville Pistol

Majestic Manderville Chakrams

Majestic Manderville Staff

Majestic Manderville Index

Majestic Manderville Degen

Mandervillous Weapons (Step 4)
For the final step you will be upgrading your weapons to become Mandervillous weapons. To begin this stage, you need to complete the final questlines for this expansions Manderville story quests.
- Of Duplicity and Duplication
- Gentlemen at Heart
You will then be able to complete the quest "Resonating with Perfection". Further relics can be obtained from the repeatable quest "Positively Mandervillous".
Cosmic Crystallite is the tomestone upgrade material for this
final stage. As with all other stages you need to purchase 3 items for 500
Allagan Tomestones of Poetics each. Costing 28,500 total for all
classes. During the upgrade, you will be given the ability to choose the substats
for your chosen weapon.
Much like the previous upgrade, you can choose 3 attributes for your Mandervillous weapon with one stat being lower than the other 2. For recommendations on each job's substats, check each classes substat priority on their job guide.
You can change your stat selection at any time by exchanging a single Cosmic Crystallite.
Gallery of All Mandervillous Weapons
Below you will find examples of each tool in their final 'Mandervillous' form and glow to help you make a decision on what tools you want to aim for.
Check each jobs substat priority for advice on what stats you should choose.
Mandervillous Falchion and Kite Shield

Mandervillous Battleaxe

Mandervillous Greatsword

Mandervillous Gunblade

Mandervillous Cane

Mandervillous Codex

Mandervillous Torquetum

Mandervillous Wings

Mandervillous Fists

Mandervillous Trident

Mandervillous Knives

Mandervillous Samurai Blade

Mandervillous Zaghnal

Mandervillous Compound Bow

Mandervillous Revolver

Mandervillous Chakrams

Mandervillous Rod

Mandervillous Index

Mandervillous Rapier

- 26 Jun. 2024: Updated for Dawntrail.
- 16 Jan. 2024: Updated for 6.55.
- 18 Jul. 2023: Updated for 6.45.
- 21 Mar. 2023: Guide created.
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This guide has been written by I'nanghal Shikhu (Discord - Shikhu). He is a Crafting & Gathering theorycrafter, mentor for The Balance and also a guide maker for Teamcraft alongside Icy Veins. He also managed to obtain 10 top 12's on the leaderboard during the Ishgard Restoration rankings.
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