Palace of the Dead Floors 51-100 Guide

Last updated on May 15, 2024 at 12:00 by Stella 1 comment

This page provides information about floors 1 through 50 of Palace of the Dead including enemy information and boss advice.


Palace of the Dead Guide for Floors 51-100

The second set of 50 floors of Palace of the Dead are a step up in challenge from the first 50 floors, but still significantly easier than floors 101+. As such, they require less detail to cover. Floorsets past 100 will be given their own individual pages. On floors 51-100, the Accursed Horde will take the form of a Iron-trimmed Sack Icon Iron-trimmed Sack, and Mimics can spawn from Gold Coffers.

Across all floorsets in Palace of the Dead, Pomanders of Affluence and Flight will not appear in Gold Coffers on the final non-boss floor of a floorset. Pomanders of Resolution will not appear until floor 61.


Floors 51-59

PotD Floorset 6 Banner

As the sixth floorset of Palace of the Dead, most enemies will have at least one mechanic to watch out for. Some enemies are still excluded from the table below. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Palace Anubys Sight Spellsword: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. 51-53 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Pudding Proximity Golden Tongue: Grants 50% Damage Up to self for 15s. 51-53 Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Deepeye Sight Hypnotize: Untelegraphed cone-shaped Gaze AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 30s. 51-55 No Immunities.
Palace Gremlin Sight
  • Bad Mouth: Inflicts 25% Vulnerability Up for 10s on a random player.
  • Fire II: Telegraphed circle AoE.
51-55 Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Imp Sight Ice Spikes: Grants Counterattack to self for 5s. Can be Interrupted. 53-56 No Immunities.
Palace Idol Proximity Neck Splinter: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. 54-57 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Pot Proximity Mysterious Light: Omnidirectional Gaze AoE. Inflicts Blind for 15s. 54-58 Immune to Sleep.
Palace Taurus Sight Frightful Roar: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts 20% Vulnerability Up for 30s. 55-59 No Immunities.
Palace Vodoriga Sight Terror Eye: Telegraphed circle AoE. Can be Interrupted. 56-59 Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Arch Demon Proximity Abyssal Swing: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. 57-59 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Soulflayer Sight
  • Mind Blast: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 15s.
  • Canker: Inflicts Disease for 15s. Acts as an enrage, used 37s after pull.
57-59 Immune to Sleep.
Mimics Proximity
  • Infatuation: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Must be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
51-59 Gold Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep, Slow and Stun.

On this floorset, the special NPC encounters include the Blackening Marketeer and the Moldering Merchant.


Floor 60 Boss - The Black Rider

The sixth boss of Palace of the Dead. It has a relatively simple rotation, but poor positioning during mechanics can lead to things getting stressful quickly.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Geirrothr
  2. Hall of Sorrow
  3. Valfodr
  4. Geirrothr
  5. Hall of Sorrow
  6. Repeat from Start

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. This boss utilizes a knockback as its main mechanic, so don't be afraid to use Arm's Length Icon Arm's Length or Surecast Icon Surecast if necessary.

The boss will start with Geirrothr, a slightly stronger basic attack on the main target. Hall of Sorrow is an instant circle AoE targeting a random party member that leaves behind a lingering puddle on the floor that inflicts a DoT on anyone who steps into it.

After one Hall of Sorrow cast, the boss will use Valfodr, targeting one player with a telegraphed line AoE that will inflict a strong knockback when it hits. At the same time, multiple flames will spawn around the edges of the arena and begin casting telegraphed point-blank AoEs. These AoEs deal 70% max HP to players hit by them, to resolve this mechanic without the use of a knockback immunity skill, aim the line AoE towards an empty spot on the wall of the arena in order to avoid getting pushed into one of the fire AoEs. You have a couple of seconds after the knockback to adjust your position if needed.

The boss will now enter a loop of using Geirrothr and Hall of Sorrow twice each between each cast of Valfodr, making all future instances of the mechanic more difficult to resolve.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about three minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about four minutes under the same conditions.


Floors 61-69

PotD Floorset 7 Banner

As the seventh floorset of Palace of the Dead, most enemies will have at least one mechanic to watch out for similar to the sixth. Some enemies are still excluded from the table below. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Palace Elbst Sight Acid Shower: Instant. Inflicts 30% Vulnerability Up for 10s. 61-63 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Raptor Sight Foul Breath: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts DoT for 12s. 61-63 No Immunities.
Palace Tyrannosaur Sight Primordial Roar: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Stun for 4s. 61-64 Immune to Bind.
Palace Sarcosuchus Sight Critical Bite: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. 61-66 No Immunities.
Palace Blade Sight
  • Third Leg Forward: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE.
  • Third Leg Back: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Used after Third Leg Forward if anyone is behind it.
64-66 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Croc Sight
  • Flatten: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE.
  • Caudal Swipe: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Used after Flatten if anyone is behind it. Inflicts Stun for 3s.
64-68 No Immunities.
Palace Diplocaulus Proximity Foregone Gleam: Untelegraphed cone-shaped Gaze AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 20s. 65-69 No Immunities
Palace Mylodon Sight Slowball: Telegraphed circle AoE. 67-69 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Pteranodon Proximity Lightning Bolt: Telegraphed circle AoE. 67-69 No Immunities.
Mimics Proximity
  • Infatuation: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Must be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
61-69 Gold Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep, Slow and Stun.

On this floorset, the special NPC encounters include the Bloated Archer, the Bloated Conjurer and the Bloated Pugilist.


Floor 70 Boss - Yaquaru

The seventh boss of Palace of the Dead. Required to be moved around the arena to avoid taking excess damage, but with high Aetherpool this part of the fight can be ignored.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Drench
  2. Electrogenesis
  3. Douse
  4. Fang's End
  5. Repeat from Start

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. This boss has an even simpler rotation than some of the bosses on the introductory floorsets, but this is made up for with the addition of its main mechanic.

The boss will start with Drench, a cleaving attack on the main target. Next is Electrogenesis, a telegraphed circle AoE on a random player.

After this is Douse, a telegraphed point-blank AoE that leaves behind a puddle of water for a significant length of time. Standing in this as a player has no detrimental effects, but the boss will gain the Haste buff while inside the puddle. Simply pull the boss out of this puddle to remove the buff.

Finally, the boss will cast Fang's End, an instant attack that inflicts Heavy for 15s. At this point, the boss will begin to loop mechanics, though it will use Drench and Electrogenesis twice between each cast of Douse instead of once.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about two and a half minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about three and a half minutes under the same conditions.


Floors 71-79

PotD Floorset 8 Banner

As the eighth floorset of Palace of the Dead, enemies continue to remain at roughly the same level of strength as the last two floorsets. Some enemies are still excluded from the table below. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 4-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Palace Anzu Sight
  • Sonic Boom: Instant. Inflicts DoT for 20s.
  • Flying Frenzy: Instant circle AoE, used when below 30% HP. Inflicts Stun for 2s and 50% Vulnerability Up for 10s.
71-73 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Bear Sight Savage Swipe: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. 71-75 No Immunities.
Palace Dhalmel Proximity
  • Whiplash: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE.
  • Whistle: Grants 50% Damage Up to self for 15s.
73-76 No Immunities.
Palace Cyclops Sight
  • Eye of the Beholder: Untelegraphed half-donut shaped AoE. Inflicts DoT for 12s.
  • 100-tonze Swing: Untelegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts knockback to players hit.
74-76 Patrol. Immune to Bind.
Palace Sasquatch Proximity
  • Stool Pelt: Telegraphed circle AoE.
  • Ripe Banana: Grants 100% Damage Up to self for 15s. Only used outside of combat.
74-77 Immune to Bind.
Palace Aurochs Sight Seismic Rift: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. 75-79 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Stun.
Bird of the Palace Proximity Revelation: Telegraphed circle AoE. Inflicts Confused for 10s. 76-79 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep, Slow and Stun.
Palace Coeurl Sight Megablaster: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 15s. 76-79 No Immunities.
Palace Lion Sight Cry: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. 76-79 No Immunities.
Mimics Proximity
  • Infatuation: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Must be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
21-29 Gold Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep, Slow and Stun.

On this floorset, the special NPC encounters include the Emaciated Engineer and the Putrid Plutocrat.


Floor 80 Boss - Gudanna

The eighth boss of Palace of the Dead, and a step up in complexity and danger from previous bosses.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Thunderbolt
  2. Charybdis
  3. Thunderbold
  4. Trounce (from East)
  5. Charybdis
  6. Thunderbolt
  7. Charybdis
  8. Trounce (from West)
  9. Repeat from Start
  10. Ecliptic Meteor (once at 10% HP)

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. This boss will require more focus than previous ones, due to the presence of lingering AoEs and powerful cleaves.

The boss will start with Thunderbolt, a telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. This is followed up with Charybdis, a telegraphed circle AoE on a random player that will leave behind a lingering tornado for a long time. These will regularly cast Maelstrom, a telegraphed point-blank AoE that will draw in any nearby players. Any player who steps inside or is drawn into a tornado will be inflicted with a DoT for 20s.

After another cast of Thunderbolt, the boss will walk to the east wall and cast Trounce, a telegraphed cone-shaped AoE on a random player. Getting hit by this will inflict 20% Vulnerability Up for 20s. Stay close to the boss in order to dodge this more easily. In order to simplify this, try to bait Charybdis casts away from the west and east walls of the arena.

After this point, the boss will use two more Charybdis casts, with a Thunderbolt in the middle, then move to the west wall and repeat the cast of Trounce. After this, the boss will begin to loop mechanics.

Once the boss reaches 10%, it will begin to cast Ecliptic Meteor, a raidwide that deals 80% of player max HP. Make sure you are fully healed should this go off, though the cast time is extremely long. Once the attack is done, the boss will return to its regular rotation.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about three minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about four and a half minutes under the same conditions.


Floors 81-89

PotD Floorset 9 Banner

As the ninth floorset of Palace of the Dead, there is a small increase in challenge due to certain strong enemies being more common. Some enemies are still excluded from the table below. You can expect 3-7 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 3-5 Treasure Coffers per floor, 3-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Palace Bomb Sight Self-Destruct: Instant sacrificial AoE. Deals 70% max HP. Used 35s after pull. 81-84 No Immunities
Palace Vinegaroon Sight
  • Third Leg Forward: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE.
  • Third Leg Back: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Used after Third Leg Forward if anyone is behind it.
81-85 Immune to Bind.
Palace Wamoura Sight Poison Dust: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Poison for 15s. 81-85 Patrol. Immune to Sleep.
Palace Chimera Proximity
  • The Dragon's Breath: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Paralysis for 15s.
  • The Lion's Breath: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts DoT for 21s.
  • The Ram's Breath: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Heavy for 10s.
81-89 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Stun.
Flame Dragon Sight Fireball: Telegraphed circle AoE. Inflicts DoT for 15s. Also used outside of combat. 81-89 Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Stun.
Palace Gallimimus Sight Flash Evaporation: Telegraphed circle AoE. Inflicts DoT for 9s. 83-86 No Immunities.
Palace Hapalit Sound Elbow Drop: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Used if anyone is behind it. 84-86 Patrol. Immune to Heavy, Sleep and Stun.
Palace Worm Sound
  • Sand Cyclone: Instant. Inflicts DoT for 12s.
  • Sand Breath: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Blind for 10s.
84-88 Immune to Sleep.
Palace Claw Sight Inspire: Instant. Draws in target and follows up with Impale, dealing damage. 85-89 Immune to Sleep.
Palace Eruca Sound Incinerate: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts DoT for 24s. 86-89 Immune to Sleep.
Mimics Proximity
  • Infatuation: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Must be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
81-89 Gold Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep, Slow and Stun.

On this floorset, the special NPC encounters include the Insentient Inquisitor and the Necrose Knight.


Floor 90 Boss - The Godmother

The ninth boss of Palace of the Dead. A significant spike in boss difficulty up to this point, and very dangerous if mechanics are not dealt with properly.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Scalding Scolding
  2. Sap
  3. Adds spawn, kill Grey Bomb
  4. Sap (twice)
  5. Kill Grey Bomb (no Adds)
  6. Scalding Scolding
  7. Sap (twice)
  8. Adds spawn, resolve Giddy Bomb
  9. Repeat from Start

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. The first mechanic, Scalding Scolding, is a stronger basic attack. This is then followed up with Sap, a telegraphed circle AoE targeting a random player.

The boss will then summon several untargetable Adds and a Grey Bomb, which must be killed before it finishes casting Burst, a raidwide that deals 80% max HP to all players. Avoid the untargetable adds, as they will cast telegraphed point-blank AoEs after a short time.

The boss will cast Sap two more times, and another Grey Bomb will spawn. Deal with it in the same way as the previous one. Another Scalding Scolding, and two more Sap casts later, the boss will summon Adds again, this time with a Giddy Bomb.

This is the main challenging mechanic of the fight. Immediately after summoning, the boss will begin to cast Massive Burst, a raidwide that will deal 99% max HP to all players if not interrupted. In order to do this, you must ensure that the boss is hit by the point-blank AoE from the Giddy Bomb. Attacking the Giddy Bomb will push it in the direction you are currently facing relative to it and interrupt its cast, allowing you to safely position it to resolve the mechanic. Be sure to avoid the point-blank AoEs from the untargetable Adds while doing this.

After interrupting Massive Burst, the boss will begin to loop mechanics.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about four minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about six minutes under the same conditions.


Floors 91-99

PotD Floorset 5 Banner

As the tenth floorset of Palace of the Dead, and the final floorset of the story floors, this is the strongest that enemies will get before entering the challenge floors. As always, enemies without significance are excluded from the table below. You can expect 3-9 kills to be required to proceed between floors, 3-6 Treasure Coffers per floor, 4-6 rooms per floor and 2-3 enemies per room outside of Treasure Rooms, which will have significantly more Coffers and enemies.

Enemy Aggro Abilities Floors Notes
Palace Wraith Proximity Scream: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Terror for 15s. Can be Interrupted. 91-93 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Mummy Proximity Rotting Bandages: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts Stun for 6s. 91-94 Immune to Sleep.
Palace Roselet Sound Swift Sough: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Inflicts knockback on players hit. 91-95 Immune to Sleep.
Dark Dragon Sight
  • Dark Thorn: Telegraphed circle AoE. Also used outside of combat.
  • Chaos Breath: Telegraphed cone-shaped AoE. Not used against solo players.
91-99 Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep and Stun.
Palace Hippocerf Sight Shriek: Telegraphed point-blank AoE. Inflicts Stun for 6s. 93-96 No Immunities.
Palace Iron Corse Proximity Butterfly Float: Instant. Damaging gap-closer. 94-97 Patrol. Immune to Bind, Heavy and Sleep.
Palace Knight Proximity Ossify: Grants 100% Damage Up to self for 8s. Used 40s after pull. 95-99 Immune to Sleep.
Palace Gravekeeper Sound Vengeance Soul: Instant circle AoE. Not used against solo players. 97-99 Patrol. Immune to Sleep and Stun.
Mimics Proximity
  • Infatuation: Inflicts Pox for 10 minutes. Must be interrupted.
  • Deathtrap: Telegraphed point-blank AoE.
91-99 Gold Coffers. Immune to Bind, Heavy, Sleep, Slow and Stun.

On this floorset, the special NPC encounter is the Mortifying Magnate.


Floor 100 Boss - Nybeth Obdilord

The tenth boss of Palace of the Dead, and the final one of the story floors. Stressful in presentation, but easier than the floor 90 boss once you know what to do. At least one Pomander of Resolution is heavily recommended to defeat this boss, with one Pomander of Lust if solo. Pomanders of Strength and Steel are also extremely helpful here.

Boss Rotation Quick-Guide:
  1. Abyss
  2. Repeat until 90% HP
  3. Summon Darkness
  4. Abyss
  5. Shackle
  6. Repeat until 65% HP
  7. Summon Darkness
  8. Abyss
  9. Shackle
  10. Word of Pain
  11. Repeat until 40% HP
  12. Summon Darkness
  13. Doom
  14. Abyss
  15. Word of Pain
  16. Shackle
  17. Abyss
  18. Word of Pain
  19. Repeat from Doom

The arena is a circle, with the boss starting at the far side. The boss starts with Abyss, an instant circle AoE. Until the boss reaches 90% HP, no other abilities will be used. Once this happens, the boss will cast Summon Darkness, summoning two undead Adds. These adds will attack players for moderate damage until defeated. Some time after death, they will resurrect.

The boss will now alternate between Abyss and Shackle, a telegraphed line AoE that inflicts 50% Vulnerability Up for 30s to any players hit by it. Once the boss reaches 65% HP, it will cast Summon Darkness again, summoning two more undead Adds.

The boss will now use Word of Pain after Shackle, an instant raidwide. This simple trio of mechanics will continue until the boss reaches 45% HP, at which point it will use Summon Darkness for the final time, summoning three more undead Adds for a total of seven.

From 45% until defeated, the boss will enter a new rotation. Doom is a telegraphed cone-shaped AoE that inflicts the Doom debuff for 20s to any players hit by it. This debuff can be removed with Esuna Icon Esuna, and players will die instantly if the debuff is not removed before the duration on it reaches 0. After this, the boss will use Abyss, Word of Pain, Shackle, another Abyss, and another Word of Pain, before casting Doom again and restarting its rotation.

There are many strategies for this fight. Leaving the adds alive for too long will lead to a significant amount of damage accumulating on the tank or solo player, especially as more get summoned. The common solo strategy is to ignore the first pair of Adds until the boss reaches 65% HP and the second pair spawn. At this point, use a Sustaining Potion Icon Sustaining Potion followed by a Pomander of Lust, and use Void Fire II to quickly kill all the adds while also applying vulnerability stacks to the boss, which will make the rest of the fight go faster. Remain in this form unless you need to leave it to heal up.

Once the boss reaches 45% HP and begins to summon the third set of adds, click off the Transformed buff if it is still on, and after using another Sustaining Potion Icon Sustaining Potion, use a Pomander of Resolution. The damage inflicted by Heavenly Judge is significantly increased against undead enemies, including this boss. It will also permanently kill the adds if they die to it, preventing them from resurrecting. Remain in this form until it runs out, or if you need to leave it to heal up.

On a DPS, you can expect a killtime of about four minutes, or faster with the aid of a Pomander of Strength. On a tank or healer, you can expect a killtime of about five minutes under the same conditions.



  • 15 May 2024: Guide added.
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