Red Mage DPS Rotation, Openers, and Abilities — Dawntrail 7.1
On this page, you will learn how to optimise your opener and rotation in both single-target and multi-target situations. We also cover the use of your cooldowns, to ensure you can achieve the best use of them every time as a Red Mage DPS in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7.1).
Red Mage Rotation Guide
This page covers the endgame rotation for Red Mage. The base rotation for Red Mage is fairly straightforward, but it also has a lot of flexibility. As a resource-based job, your goal on Red Mage is to spend resources to put as much damage into buff windows as possible.
Casting Phase
The casting phase will revolve around casting short spells to proc Dualcast
and then instantly casting long spells.
Verthunder III and
Veraero III are your single-target long cast spells and should never be
hardcasted outside of the opener.
Jolt III,
Verstone are your short cast spells you will be hardcasting throughout
a fight.
Jolt III is always available, while
Verfire and
Verstone have a 50% chance to become available after using
Verthunder III and
Veraero III, respectively.
A single or two-target dualcast pair should look like this:
Verfire or
Verstone. If neither are available, use
Jolt III
Verthunder III or
Veraero III
A three-or-more target dualcast pair should look like this:
Verthunder II or
Veraero II.
You should alternate spell casts to build both Black Mana and White Mana while keeping the difference
lower than 30. For one or two targets, prioritize picking your long cast spell based on what proc you do not have available
to minimize the amount of times you must cast Jolt II throughout a fight.
If there is downtime during a fight, Vercure can be used to proc
and begin the next phase with an instant long cast spell.
Melee Combo
Your melee combo costs 50 Black Mana and 50 White Mana. Once you have enough to execute a combo, your rotation will look like this:
Enchanted Riposte
Enchanted Zwerchhau
Enchanted Redoublement
Verholy or
For AOE (three or more targets), it should look like this:
Enchanted Moulinet
Enchanted Moulinet Deux
Enchanted Moulinet Trois
Verholy or
Because a melee combo costs 50 Black and White Mana, and you can store up to 100 Black and White Mana, your melee combo is flexible and does not have to be used immediately. This allows you to take advantage of your melee combo to use it for mobility or to put more damage into buffs, which will be explained further below.
Damage Off-Global Cooldowns
One of the strongest parts of Red Mage's damage is its off-global cooldowns. Fleche,
Contre Sixte,
Engagement (or
are all oGCDs that should be used as much as possible to maximize damage throughout a fight.
Fleche and
Contre Sixte should both be used on cooldown after the opener to keep
their cooldown timer rolling. Because the cooldown on both of these is relatively short, it is easy to lose a
usage of each through a fight or phase, hindering your overall damage.
Engagement, and
Displacement should also be used
as much as possible to keep their cooldown timer rolling, but these abilities are more flexible due to having two charges.
Corps-a-corps will cause you to jump to the boss, which can be taken advantage of when needed
in addition to the damage it does.
Engagement and
Displacement both have equal
potency and share a cooldown timer, so you will primarily be using
Engagement for safety.
The order in which damaging oGCDs should be prioritized is as follows:
Contre Sixte
Engagement or
Other Off-Global Cooldowns
Other off-global cooldowns Red Mage has as a part of its DPS rotation are Embolden,
Acceleration, and
Embolden is a raidwide 5% party buff that lasts for 20 seconds. It should be used on cooldown to
align with other party buffs unless the full group is holding buffs for a specific purpose. Moreover, in Dawntrail, Embolden changes into
Vice of Thorns upon use, which should be used in raid buffs and/or AOE.
Manafication grants Magicked Swordplay for 15 seconds, which makes our next three melee combo weaponskills cost 0 mana.
It also grants a 5% damage buff on the next six GCDs used. This means that we should always use
Manafication before
a melee combo to align our finishers and the 5% damage boost. Moreover, at level 100, after consuming six Manafication stacks, we gain access to one
use of
Prefulgence, a 900 potency oGCD that should be saved for buffs and/or AOE.
Because Manafication has a cooldown of 110 seconds, this means using it on cooldown will drift
it out of raid buffs. What is optimal will be fight dependent and killtime dependent. In fights where
Manafication will allow you to gain an extra usage, this will be optimal: not only does it
result in an additional melee combo, but it also results in an extra Prefulgence (which can be held for 30 seconds for raid buffs).
However, in fights where your killtime will not gain you an extra usage,
Manafication can be held for ten seconds
every buff window to align with
Embolden and other party buffs.
Swiftcast is a role action that causes your next GCD to be cast instantly. Its primary use is for oGCD alignment after
a single melee combo or a triple melee combo (more on oGCD alignment below). The main oGCDs to keep aligned as much as possible are
Contre Sixte, and
Embolden. A short explanation
of this is that each of these ability cooldowns is a multiple of five seconds, and each of our dualcast pairs takes five seconds, meaning our
oGCDs will become available to use again during an instant cast GCD each time. Our melee combo, however,
takes around 12.7 seconds to execute, meaning our dualcast windows become swapped with each use. This will
cause our oGCDs to come off cooldown during a hardcast and drift, which will add up over time and cause lost usages.
Swiftcast occupies a single 2.5 second GCD window, it achieves the same result of swapping our dualcast windows.
A short video demonstration of this concept with timestamps can be found here. Note that the content is outdated (Endwalker), but the concept is still relevant:
Acceleration is a Red Mage-specific ability that has multiple functions. It allows an instant cast of key spells
with bonus effects:
Verthunder III (guaranteed proc),
Veraero III (guaranteed proc), or
Impact (damage boost). In Dawntrail, it also grants "Grand Impact Ready", allowing us to cast
Grand Impact.
Grand Impact should be considered a completely separate instant-cast spell that is a DPS gain on both single target and AOE.
This means using
Acceleration grants us two instant casted spells: one cast of
Verthunder III
Veraero III
Impact, and one cast of
Grand Impact. Ultimately, this means it
is best to use one charge on cooldown for damage, and the second charge is saved for movement to handle mechanics so you can cast those
instant-casted spells back-to-back. It can be used for temporarily managing oGCD alignment, but its primary use should be movement or damage.
In Dawntrail, Red Mage can adjust openers for different needs. Three options are as follows:
Standard Opener
The standard opener puts the most damage into buffs, but follows a stricter sequence for the first two minutes.

Early C6 Opener
The early C6 opener offers more flexibilty to use movement abilities for mechanics and may be preferable in some fights with stricter
Contre Sixte timings.

Single Weave Potion Opener
While 7.0 has changed potion animation locks, it is still harder to double weave due to item queuing issues. This opener allows for easier potion weaving for slightly lower overall damage and potion-boosted damage, but relatively high feeding of potency into buffs.

Playing into Buffs and Potion
The flexibility of Red Mage's melee combo allows you to play into buffs efficiently. Keeping
Embolden aligned with other party buffs will allow you to maximize your damage during buff windows.
Your basic goal is to fit one melee combo into every buff window. If you do not need an extra melee combo elsewhere for
mobility, it is also possible to fit an extra three finishers into 20-second buffs, including your own
every buff window. To accomplish this, you must have a minimum mana count of 92|81, or have enough for a full melee combo and
Manafication if you are not using it on cooldown. Begin your first melee combo five seconds before
Embolden comes off cooldown, and weave
Embolden after
Enchanted Redoublement.
By doing this, you will be able to fit the following into buffs:
Verholy or
Enchanted Riposte
Enchanted Zwerchhau
Enchanted Redoublement
Verholy or
Keep in mind that while Embolden only affects our personal magical damage and
therefore does not affect all of our oGCDs, it is nonetheless ideal to fit at least one charge of
Corps-a-corps and
Engagement into buff windows when possible. If unable to start a melee combo five seconds before buffs, doing so one
second before buffs and using Embolden after
Enchanted Riposte is also acceptable.
For our potion window, our priority is to fit two full melee combos under a potion. If holding
Manafication for each buff window, it is possible to fit three uses of
Scorch and
Resolution into a potion for a small potency
gain. To do this, you must have 73|73 mana and
Manafication available for use.
Start your first melee combo when there is around 17 seconds left on the cooldown for
Embolden (15 seconds is an acceptable sidegrade), and use a potion after your first
Verholy or
Verflare. Such a potion window would look like this:
Enchanted Riposte
Enchanted Zwerchhau
Enchanted Redoublement →
Embolden +
Verholy or
Enchanted Riposte
Enchanted Zwerchhau
Enchanted Redoublement
Verholy or
- 23 Nov. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.1.
- 03 Jul. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.0.
- 20 Jan. 2024: Reviewed for Patch 6.55.
- 05 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5.
- 28 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4.
- 14 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3.
- 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1.
- 14 Feb. 2022: Guide added.
Guides from Other Classes

Argen has been playing since Alphascape, but got involved in higher-end raiding during Eden’s Verse, where he helped the community learn about Red Mage’s often overlooked optimization potential. He has been blessed by enough RNG to achieve top 10 rankings in multiple raids, become a Red Mage mentor at the Balance discord, and not get forced to play another job in any of his statics. Argen can also be found in Elemental DC party finder or on his Youtube channel.
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