Purple and Orange Scrip Farming for Crafting and Gathering in FFXIV Dawntrail

Last updated Today at 09:00 by Shikhu 1 comment

Scrip farming is an integral part of the DoH/DoL endgame providing you with a currency to obtain materia, gear, materials and more! This scrip farming guide will cover everything related to farming both Purple Scrips & Orange Scrips in FFXIV, such as the best items to farm for Crafting Scrips & Gathering Scrips.


Orange Scrip and Purple Scrip Farming Guide for FFXIV

Scrip farming is an important part of crafting and gathering, providing the equivalent to Allgan Tomestones for your DoH/DoL classes.

Scrips come in two forms, the 'leveling' Scrip and the 'endgame' Scrip. Currently, this is Purple Scrips for leveling and Orange Scrips at endgame. This should not change until 8.0.

That being said, both Scrips have a range of uses at endgame with the leveling Scrip also providing the majority of your materia for your endgame meld sets.


What are Scrips Used for in FFXIV?

Crafting and Gathering Scrips have several main uses which are:

  • Leveling gear - Purple Scrips
  • Masterbooks and Folklore tomes - Purple Scrips.
  • Materials used to craft gear for Crafting, Gathering and Combat. - Both
  • Lower Grade Materia - Purple Scrips
  • Grade XII Materia - Orange Scrips
  • Materials used in Crafing and Gathering relics - Purple Scrips
  • Mount Tokens - Orange Gathering Scrips

Materia is by far your biggest expenditure when it comes to Scrips. Your common endgame crafting melds take hundreds of thousands of Scrips sometimes to complete a meld set.


Other Types of Scrips

On top of Orange and Purple scrips, there are also other similar types of currencies. These are:

Neither of these types of currencies are what people tend to refer to when talking about "scrips" because they do not directly tie into your main progression loop as a crafter/gatherer.


Purple Scrips While Leveling

Purple Scrips are the only currency available while leveling both your crafting and gathering classes. The main use for Scrips at this point will be to purchase gear at level 60, 70, 80 and 90 to help you progress into the next expansions worth of leveling.

Scrip farming is also a very good source of experience points while you level giving you a 2-for-1. This can make it one of the most efficient leveling methods due to your gear, Masterbooks and even some endgame materia already being handled.

To farm Scrips while you level, you simply want to target the highest level items that you can. If the materials are awkward to obtain feel free to farm a collectable at a lower level instead.


Farming Purple Scrips at Endgame in FFXIV

Purple Scrips are the currency you will mainly use while crafting and gathering. The most efficient item to craft at level 100 is Sykon Bavarois Icon Sykon Bavarois which you can quickly craft with Trained Eye. The other recommended item is Rarefied Stuffed Peppers Icon Rarefied Stuffed Peppers. For non-CUL options, ALC 97 and 99 crafts tend to be the next best.

Below is a table for each Purple Scrip craft at level 99. These give 165/181/198 Purple Scrips at Tier 1/2/3 respectively.

Class Purple Scrip Craft
Carpenter Rarefied Claro Walnut Grinding Wheel Icon Rarefied Claro Walnut Grinding Wheel
Blacksmith Rarefied Ra'Kaznar War Scythe Icon Rarefied Ra'Kaznar War Scythe
Armorer Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Greaves Icon Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Greaves
Goldsmith Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Orrery Icon Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Orrery
Leatherworker Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers Icon Rarefied Gargantuaskin Trousers
Weaver Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves Icon Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Gloves
Alchemist Rarefied Gemdraught of Vitality Icon Rarefied Gemdraught of Vitality
Culinarian Rarefied Stuffed Peppers Icon Rarefied Stuffed Peppers

The best Gathering Scrip farm for purple scrips is using Fishing. With the addition of Ambitious Lure Icon Ambitious Lure some older fish from various expansions have become incredibly efficient.

Out of these, the best is Thunderbolt Eel Icon Thunderbolt Eel by an incredibly large margin but has time restrictions. While Fleeting Brand Icon Fleeting Brand tends to be the more general option.

If you do not have fisher or would like to Scrip farm with Mining & Botany nodes then you just want to hit every Purple Scrip node available starting with the ones from this expansion. For specific rotations, please refer to the Gathering Collectable Guide:


Farming Orange Scrips in FFXIV

Orange Scrips are the other Scrip you will be using while crafting and gathering which focuses more on endgame and the highest grade of materia available. The best Orange Scrip craft is Rarefied Tacos de Carne Asada Icon Rarefied Tacos de Carne Asada which is incredibly simple to make. Otherwise Rarefied Claro Walnut Fishing Rod Icon Rarefied Claro Walnut Fishing Rod is the best non-gemstone option.

Below is a table for each Orange Scrip craft at level 100. These give 120/134/144 Orange Scrips at Tier 1/2/3 respectively.

Class Purple Scrip Craft
Carpenter Rarefied Claro Walnut Fishing Rod Icon Rarefied Claro Walnut Fishing Rod
Blacksmith Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Round Knife Icon Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Round Knife
Armorer Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Ring Icon Rarefied Ra'Kaznar Ring
Goldsmith Rarefied Black Star Earrings Icon Rarefied Black Star Earrings
Leatherworker Rarefied Gargantuaskin Hat Icon Rarefied Gargantuaskin Hat
Weaver Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Culottes Icon Rarefied Thunderyards Silk Culottes
Alchemist Rarefied Claro Walnut Flat Brush Icon Rarefied Claro Walnut Flat Brush
Culinarian Rarefied Tacos de Carne Asada Icon Rarefied Tacos de Carne Asada

The best Gathering Scrip farm for Orange Scrips would be Fishing. Copper Shark Icon Copper Shark and Zorgor Condor Icon Zorgor Condor are your best options.

With Dawntrail, there are a few "Special" fish that grant significantly higher rewards at Tier 3. These fish however are often harder to catch and T3 specifically requires Big-game Fishing Icon Big-game Fishing to catch at that collectability.



  • 25 Mar. 2025: Reviewed for 7.2.
  • 10 Nov. 2024: Updated for 7.1.
  • 03 Jul. 2024: Crafting info added for Dawntrail.
  • 26 Jun. 2024: Tentative updates for Dawntrail.
  • 24 May 2023: Guide added.
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