Summoner Melding, Stat Priority, and Consumables — Dawntrail 7.0
On this page, you will find the best melding choices and consumables, as well as the stat priority they are based on, for Summoner in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7.0).
Materia Melding, Stat Priority, and Consumables for Summoner
This section specifically covers materia melding, stat priority, and optimal consumable choices for Summoner. For specific best-in-slot builds and gear combinations, please check out our gear page.
Summoner Stat Priority
Summoner maintains two separate stat priorities, based upon the utilization of Spell Speed:
Minimized Spell Speed Priority
- Weapon Damage;
- Intelligence;
- Critical Hit;
- Direct Hit;
- Determination;
- Spell Speed.
High Spell Speed Priority
- Weapon Damage;
- Intelligence;
- Spell Speed;
- Determination;
- Direct Hit;
- Critical Hit.
Understanding Stats
To best understand the various stats at play, these stats can be broken down into their core sections:
- Weapon Damage
- Main Stat
- Substats
Weapon Damage
Weapon Damage is the most important stat per point gained for Summoner. Weapon Damage will be based on the Magic Weapon Damage stat shown on your weapon tooltip. The higher item level the weapon, the higher Weapon Damage stat it will have, meaning you will prioritize the highest item level weapon available to you.
Main Stat
Main Stat will be the next most important stat per point gained for Summoner. As Summoner is a magical ranged DPS job, its main stat will be Intelligence. Intelligence can be found on ANY piece of casting gear, and like Weapon Damage, scales from the item level associated with that piece of gear. You will generally prioritize the highest item level piece in each gear slot that falls in line with your stat priority.
Substats are the remaining stats available to you and function based on stat tiers. This means that gaining just one point of any substat will NOT guarantee any actual gain - you will need to reach the next tier in order to do so. If you would like to know more about substat tiers or at which value a tier exists, you can find more information on Allagan Studies.
- Critical Hit
- Direct Hit
- Determination
- Spell Speed
Critical Hit affects both your Critical Hit Chance and Critical Bonus Damage %s. This combined interaction allows Critical Hit to be the strongest scaling substat available to you, and it should always be prioritized.
Direct Hit affects your Direct Hit Chance %, while bonus damage is fixed to 25%.
Determination is a direct, flat % increase to your attack and healing potency. Determination scales linearly and will usually be prioritized third.
Spell Speed increases your base cast time speed, as well as interacting
with the cooldown of your Summon Bahamut and
Summon Phoenix.
Why Two Separate Priorities?
The reason Summoner in Endwalker can utilize two different stat priorities is due to the
interaction of Spell Speed on your rotation. Since the cooldown on your Summon Bahamut
Summon Phoenix can be reduced with Spell Speed, Spell Speed has
a much greater impact than with previous iterations of the job. This means you technically can opt for
either stat priority, and in more optimized scenarios, would utilize both priorities for fight-specific
Consumables for Summoner
Food: For high Critical Hit builds, the best food for Summoner to use
as of Patch 6.4 is Baked Eggplant. For high Spell Speed builds, you should
Caviar Sandwich instead.
Potions: The best potions available to Summoner are
Grade 8 Tincture of Intelligence. Tinctures provide a flat main stat
bonus for 30 seconds, with HQ Tinctures on a 270-second cooldown. Tinctures
should be prioritized around your highest burst windows to maximize damage
- 20 Nov. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.1
- 04 Jul. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.0
- 23 Jan. 2024: Updated for Patch 6.55
- 15 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5
- 27 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4
- 13 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3
- 23 Aug. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.2
- 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1
- 26 Feb. 2022: Updated for Endwalker.
- 13 Nov. 2021: Guide added.
Guides from Other Classes

Elevation is a long time theorycrafter and World First raider for Echo Esports. Starting all the way back in Patch 3.2, Elevation has remained as one of the best caster players, primarily focused around Summoner. Not only has he achieved top placements in the Race to World First, but has also pushed top rankings in the optimization scene over the course of multiple expansions, including several personal Rank 1 parses. Elevation is known for providing a multitude of guides for Magical Ranged DPS, for both extensive job optimization knowledge, as well progression related tips and advice.
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