Variant Dungeon Guide for Aloalo Island
This guide aims to guide players through the twelve paths of the Variant Dungeon Aloalo Island, providing explanations on how to unlock different endings and how bosses change based on the path taken.
Guide to All Paths in Aloalo Island
Aloalo Island will be the third Variant Dungeon released in Patch 6.51 of Endwalker. Players can complete different paths in the Variant Dungeon to unlock different endings, and finishing all twelve endings rewards players with special rewards. To learn more about Variant Dungeons, visit the Variant Dungeon hub.
Aloalo Island Bosses
Aloalo Island has a total of five bosses. The first boss is the same no matter what, but the second boss changes based on the path taken. There are three main final bosses and one secret final boss. Failing any boss mechanic will inflict one stack of a vulnerability debuff.
Quaqua is the first boss in all paths and has the following base mechanics.
- Made Magic: Light raidwide magic damage. The first cast will create a danger ring on the outside of the arena. Summons orbs on the arena.
- Arcane Armaments: Tethers to orbs on the arena. Images of weapons
slowly float towards the orbs, and after they reach the orb there will be a
mechanic at the orb location.
- Chakrams indicate a donut AoE on each orb.
- Axes indicate a circle AoE on each orb.
- Hammer Landing: Quaqua will summon hammers with Arcane Armaments. The boss will jump to each orb in order of 1 to 3, doing a knockback from the orb.
- Rout: Quaqua will summon swords with Arcane Armaments, then dash across the arena with line AoEs.
- Violet Storm: A frontal conal AoE.
Ketuduke, the Soul of the South Seas, is the final boss in the left path and has the following base mechanics.
- Tidal Roar: Light raidwide magic damage. The first cast will create a danger zone on the outside of the arena.
- Spring Crystals: Spring Crystals drop onto the floor. Spheres will do a circle AoE on the ground, while crystals will do a line AoE towards the wide sides.
- Bubble Net: Spawns bubbles which envelop Spring Crystals and adds. Players can step inside empty bubbles. All items in bubbles including players will be impacted by wind abilities by the boss.
- Fluke Typhoon: A knockback from the side of the arena, which moves bubbled items in the direction of the knockback by two squares.
- Strewn Bubbles: Bubbles spawn which move and leave a trail, and the two squares of the trail will explode.
- Receding Twintides: A point-blank AoE from the boss followed by Far Tide, a fast donut AoE.
- Encroaching Twintides: A donut AoE from the boss followed by Near Tide, a fast point-blank AoE.
- Hydrobomb: Ground AoEs targeted on players.
- Blowing Bubbles: Bubbles appear from the edge of the arena and move across. Players hit by a bubble will be trapped.
Lala, the Timeless Guardian, is the final boss in the middle path and has the following base mechanics.
- Inferno Theorem: Light raidwide magic damage. The first cast will create a danger zone on the outside of the arena.
- Arcane Blight: A 270 degree AoE from the boss, with one cardinal safe. Every cast after the first, the Lala will make this attack rotate in the direction indicated by 90 degrees.
- Arcane Plot: Tiles will glow with an arrow, and the glowing area will travel in the direction indicated. Glowing tiles deal damage and inflict a bleeding DoT.
- Analysis: Players are inflicted with an Unseen debuff which makes them vulnerable to attacks from all sides but the open one.
- Targeted Light: Damage towards all players from the boss. Players must point the open side to the boss. This can be rotated 90 degrees later in the fight.
- Strategic Strike: A three-hit tankbuster on #1 in threat.
- Calculated Trajectory: Players are inflicted with a Face debuff which makes them move in the direction indicated relative to where they are facing when the debuff resolves. This will be rotated 90 degrees in the direction indicated.
Statice, the Long-lost Faerie, is the final boss in the right path and has the following base mechanics.
- Hidden Mine: Upon engaging the boss, a mine will appear in the middle of the arena that deals moderate damage and knocks players up.
- Surprise Balloon: A ballon will spawn on the arena. Upon being struck by a pin, it will explode and knock players back.
- 4-tonze Weight: Circle AoEs on the edge of the arena.
- Trick Reload: Statice will reload their gun in order from 1 to 6, but two bullets will be duds. The numbers that were duds corresponds to the safe spots for Trigger Happy.
- Pinwheel: Rotating lines of fire at the edge of the arena. There is a safe space in the line AoE.
- Aero IV: Light raidwide magic damage.
- Dartboard: Statice changes the arena into a dartboard with three
colours: red, blue, and yellow. A Homing Pattern add is spawned and will move
around, and the position it lands on corresponds to the mechanic that happens
at the end.
- The red meteor deals moderate damage with a knockback from the middle.
- The yellow hammer creates a proximity marker.
- The blue hexagon drops an AoE on all players.
Loquloqui, the Forgotten Figure, is the secret boss of Aloalo Island. It is only accessible through the right path and requires the players to complete all steps outlined in the guide below in Conservation Record 12. It has the following mechanics.
- Long-lost Light: Light raidwide magic damage. The first cast will create a danger zone on the outside of the arena.
- Summoning Rite: Summons either birds or lizards. Birds do a line AoE across the arena, and lizards do a circle AoE underneath them.
- O Life, Flourish: Marks certain animals summoned by Summoning Rite to glow. The AoEs from those adds will expand in size.
- Protective Will: A magic tank buster on #1 in threat.
- O Petals, Unfurl: Summons petals which slowly move towards a marked spot. These spots will erupt in a large circle AoE.
- Land Wave: Loquloqui looks towards one side of the arena and cleaves it.
- O Isle, Bloom: Summons flowerfields that bloom across the arena. These will erupt and deal damage in the order which they bloomed.
- O Sky, Be Mine: Loquloqui channels the pwoer of the tree, increasing in size.
- Sanctuary: Deals proximity damage from the middle of the arena.
- Stirring of Spirits: Creates AoEs at the edge of the arena and repeatedly does knockbacks from the centre of the arena.
Aloalo Conservation Records
Each Conservation Record is gained by completing one of twelve endings by going down paths. Players will initially choose one of three gates, which locks them into three distinct paths through the dungeon.
Left Path
On the left path, players will go fish with Matsya and encounter the sea creature Ketuduke. This provides conservation records 1 to 4.
Prior to Quaqua, the weather will either stay Fair Skies or change to Thunder. If fair skies, the adds summoned by Howl will do line AoEs. If Thunder, the adds will do circle AoEs from the edge of the arena.
Conservation Record 1: A Not-quite Deserted Island
To unlock this ending, players must refuse Matsya's request to stay and fish. Do not assist the Lalafell NPC Zeal-blind Zozone when he appears and let him take aggro of the mobs. Once his HP reaches 0, he will flee. Zozone will appear while fighting Ketuduke and summon two Apa adds which tether to players. Players need to stretch the tether to avoid taking lethal damage.
Conservation Record 2: The First Settlers of Aloalo Island
To unlock this ending, players must refuse Matsya's request to stay and fish. Assist the Lalafell NPC Zeal-blind Zozone when he appears by taking aggro of the mobs and killing them before he dies. Ketuduke gains Tidal Wave, a knockback from one side of the arena and Hydrosurge, a line of water down the centre separating the arena into two. Players need to dodge Ketuduke's Spring Crystal variant by going into a bubble to cross to the other side of the arena.
Conservation Record 3: God Of Heaven And Sea
To unlock this ending, players must let Matsya fish to his heart's content. Acquire bait from the sand pile and give it to him. Ketuduke will summon the Zaratan fished up by Matsya, which cast Hundred Lashes, cleaving one side of the arena. One will be trapped in a bubble - go on the side that add is cleaving, as it will go in the air due to Updraft.
Conservation Record 4: A Noxious Gift
To unlock this ending, players must let Matsya fish to his heart's content. Acquire bait from the mound of rocks and give it to him. Ketuduke will summon the Ogrebon fished up by Matsya, which casts Aerial Shock. Avoid the air if it's trapped in a bubble, otherwise go up in a bubble if it's not.
Middle Path
On the middle path, players will enter the Thavnairian ruins and encounter the Lala. This provides conservation records 5 to 8.
Prior to Quaqua, there will be poisonous bubbles on the ground. Popping four or more will cause the ground to turn poisonous. Quaqua will use the spear variant of Arcane Armaments during the fight. If the ground is poisonous, it will create expanding poison puddles. If the ground remains normal, it will spawn two cross AoEs that rotate - move along the middle of the arena.
Conservation Record 5: The Roots of Arcanima
To unlock this ending, players must simply kill all the mobs leading up to the Lala without triggering any requirements for the other endings. Do not kill the Treant first in the first trash pack, and do not scare the armadillos off. The Lala will use Faunal Figure, summoning the armadillos which jump across the arena doing proximity damage.
Conservation Record 6: Under the Boughs of the Great Tree

To unlock this ending, players will kill all the mobs leading up to the Lala while scaring off the armadillos off by standing near them. The armadillos are located in a hidden path not shown on the minimap at the end, and there are two paths with two sets of armadillos. The Lala will use Floral Figure, summoning adds that do a donut AoE.
Conservation Record 7: A Dear Friend

To unlock this ending, kill the Treant mob first on the first trash pack, then kill the four Crawler mobs on the rune on the right side of the platform. The rune will glow for each mob killed successfully. On the last trash pack, do not target Jolly-tailed J'jhimei and let her run away. The Lala will use Constructive Figurine, which spawns untargetable Wood Golems at the edge of the arena that do a line AoE across the arena.
Conservation Record 8: Fish For The Mind
To unlock this ending, kill the Treant mob first on the first trash pack, then kill the four Crawler mobs on the rune on the right side of the platform. On the last trash pack, target Jolly-tailed J'jhimei and she will run away afterwards. The Lala will use Volcanic Coordinates, which puts ground AoEs on players.
Right Path
On the right path, players will be at the whims of a long-lost Faerie, Statice. This provides conservation records 9 to 12, with record 12 being a secret boss, Loquloqui.
Prior to Quaqua, there will be two interactable statues on the path. If you fix both statues, Quaqua will cast Arcane Pursuit and summon dark orbs that chases players. The statues will do a friendly line AoE that destroys the orb. If the statues are not fixed, the statues on the edge of the arena will do gaze attacks that require players to look away.
Conservation Record 9: A Familiar History
To unlock this ending, agree to go with Statice. Follow the path until the very end. Statice will gain the abilities Whoopee Cushion and Fair Flight. Reveal the cushion by stepping on it, then stand on it to break the fall from Fair Flight.
Conservation Record 10: The Remnants of Faith
To unlock this ending, players must refuse Statice three times. Do not open a chest, and continue going to the end of the path with the foliage; Statice will appear and open the way. Interact with the lever, and follow the path until the very end. Statice will gain the ability Present Box, which summons adds that chase players and shoot line AoEs that them. Staves will also appear which do donut AoEs.
Conservation Record 11: A Lalafell Or A Fish?
To unlock this ending, players must refuse Statice three times. Open a chest, kill the mobs, and continue. Interact with the lever, and follow the path until the very end. Statice will gain the ability Jack-in-the-box, which summons treasure chests. The three that move will do a giant AoE.
Conservation Record 12: Wellspring of Golden Memories

To unlock this ending, players must refuse Statice three times. Afterwards, on the secret path players must do certain actions in front of the statues in order. To begin the ritual, type the exact sentence without the quotations - don't forget the period at the end. Once the rite starts, the player will gain a buff and the circle in front of the statue will glow. Every time the player does a step correctly, the circle will pulse and a sound effect will play. Completing a statue's actions wholly will make the statue glow.

In front of the sparrow statue:
- In say chat, type "O dancer of the skies, hear me."
- Use the Blow Kiss emote (/blowkiss).
- Circle clockwise once around the statues, passing the turtle statue and the whale statue, stopping on the circle in front of the sparrow circle.
- Use the Thavnairian Dance (/tdance) or Dance (/dance) emote.
In front of the whale statue:
- In say chat, type "O messenger from beyond the horizon, hear me."
- Circle clockwise twice around the statues, passing the sparrow statue and the turtle statue each time, stopping on the circle in front of the whale statue.
- Circle counterclockwise once around the statues.
- Use the Thavnairian Dance (/tdance) or Dance (/dance) emote.
In front of the turtle statue:
- In say chat, type "O wayfarer of land and sea, hear me."
- Circle counterclockwise twice around the statues, passing the sparrow statue and the whale statue each time, stopping on the circle in front of the turtle statue.
- Use the Bow emote (/bow).

Afterwards, a secret passage will appear. Engage the mobs that appear, and Whasbyrm will appear with statues in hand. Defeat him to acquire the statues, then place them on the three worn pedestals in the following order: sparrow, whale, and turtle. The sparrow is placed furthest from the end, the whale in the middle, and the turtle closest to the end. This will unlock the hidden boss, Loquloqui.
Aloalo Island Rewards
Completing all paths unlocks the Good-willed Hunting achievement, which rewards players with a Spectral Statice Whistle mount. The Repulu and Uolosapa minions can drop from Personal Spoils within the dungeon.
Aloalo Potsherds are rewarded from defeating bosses in the dungeon. These can be exchanged for items at Trisassant in Old Sharlayan (x12, y13).
Item | Type | Aloalo Potsherd(s) |
![]() |
Emote | 9 |
![]() |
Glamour | 15 |
![]() |
Glamour | 27 |
![]() |
Glamour | 9 |
![]() |
Glamour | 12 |
![]() |
Glamour | 9 |
![]() |
Minion | 3 |
![]() |
Orchestrion Roll | 9 |
![]() |
Hairstyle | 6 |
- 01 Nov. 2023: Guide updated for content release.
- 24 Sep. 2023: Page added.
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This guide has been written by Lyra an accomplished raider in FFXIV and has written raid guides for the game for the past five years. You can follow him on Twitter and he streams raids on Twitch.
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