Variant Dungeon Guide for The Sil'dihn Subterrane
This guide aims to guide players through the twelve paths of the Variant Dungeon The Sil'dihn Subterrane, providing explanations on how to unlock different endings and how bosses change based on the path taken.
Guide to All Paths in the Sil'dihn Subterrane Variant Dungeon
The Sil'dihn Subterrane is the first Variant Dungeon released in
FFXIV and was introduced in Endwalker Patch 6.25. Variant Dungeons allow a
party of one to four players to make their own decisions on how the dungeon
progresses, allowing them to complete twelve different routes of the dungeon.
The Sil'dihn Subterrane requires a minimum item level of 575 to enter, and syncs to item level 635.
After completing all twelve unique routes, called Sil'dihn Survey Records, players will
complete the achievement Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane. They may then claim the
Silkie Whistle from the achievement's menu, allowing them to summon the Silkie mount.
To learn more about Variant Dungeons, visit the Variant Dungeon hub.
Sil'dihn Subterrane Bosses
The Sil'dihn Subterrane contains five possible bosses. The first boss will be the same no matter which route the player takes. The second boss the party will face is determined by which specific route the party takes. There is one boss for each main path, and a secret boss that replaces the usual second boss when the party chooses that route.
Geryon the Steer
Geryon is the first boss the party will face, regardless of which variant route they decide to take. Geryon has the following mechanics:
- Colossal Strike: A telegraphed tankbuster that will target the player with aggro.
- Exploding Catapult: A raidwide damage attack that summons barrels around the room. If the barrel has an orange top, it will explode in a point-blank AoE around it. If the barrel has a blue top, it will explode in a donut AoE with directly under the barrel safe.
- Colossal Slam: A telegraphed conal AoE from the boss that will target a random player.
- Subterranean Shudder: An attack that has six possibilies depending on which route the party takes. The possibilities are as follows:
- If the party is following the left path, and cleared the clogged drain: One of the drains on the walls of the room will glow blue and spawn a knock back AoE that can be resisted with Arm's Length/Surecast.
- If the party is following the left path, but did not clear the clogged drain: Two drains on each side of the room will instead glow orange and spawn mud puddles that will apply the Sludge damage-over-time debuff to the player upon entering the puddle. The boss will jump to the north or south wall and then channel a knockback ability. Players will need to be knocked back into an open spot to avoid taking heavy damage.
- If the party is following the middle path, and the Bulkhead Handle is turned to the left>: A set of fans on the sides of the room will begin to spin and the players will be sucked toward the fans.
- If the party is following the middle path, but the Bulkhead Handle is turned to the right instead: Boulders will spawn on the sides of the room and roll in a straight line to the opposite side of the room, dealing damage to players in their path.
- If the party is following the right path, and the pipe does not burst: Two opposite quadrants of the arena will indicate that they will explode, then the other two quadrants will do the same, before all four quadrants explode in the order that they indicated.
- If the party is following the right path, but ceruleum bursts from the pipe instead: Two adjacent quadrants will explode and leave damage over time puddles behind, making these quadrants unsafe until the puddles disappear.
- Colossal Launch: A small raidwide attack that flips every barrel to the opposite type of barrel.
- Colossal Charge: The boss jumps to one side of the room and spawns a shield. Arrows will appear on the floor indicating which direction players and barrels in the boss's path will get knocked back. Any blue barrels on the side the boss is pushing things into will no longer be safe as a barrel in the middle will be pushed and cover the safe spot, leaving only the side the boss is not pushing toward safe.
- Gigantomill: The boss will jump to the middle of the room and telegraph a plus shaped AoE as well as a clockwise or counterclockwise arrow. At the end of the channel, the boss will slam the original telegraph, then slam the ground four more times after. Each subsequent slam rotates the AoE until the fifth slam is rotated a total of 90 degrees.
- Colossal Swing: The boss will jump to the middle of the room and face a random cardinal direction before doing a half-room cleave in that direction.
Silkie is the second boss the party will face if they follow the left path. Silkie has the following mechanics:
- Total Wash: Raidwide damage attack that deals moderate damage.
- Squeaky Right/Squeaky Left: The boss will swipe in a cone in front of it twice before swiping toward the side indicated by the name of the attack, leaving behind the boss in the opposite direction of the cast name safe.
- Carpet Beater: A tankbuster targeting the player with aggro.
- Chilling Suds: The boss's tail glows blue indicating it will use a plus sign shaped ice spell later.
- Bracing Suds: The boss's tail glows green indicating it will use a wind spell with the only safe spot under the boss's hitbox.
- Soap's Up: The boss will use the spell indicated by the previous Chilling Suds or Bracing Suds cast.
- Slippery Soap: The boss will dash a short distance indicated by a rectangular AoE. At the end of the dash, the boss will use the spell indicated by the previous Chilling Suds or Bracing Suds cast.
- Spot Remover: Several AoE puddles will appear around the room applying a heavy damage over time effect to any player that steps in them.
- Dust Bluster: A knock back attack from the center of the room. This can be resisted with Arm's Length/Surecast.
- Fresh Puff: Three puff ball "brooms" that look like the boss's tail will spawn around the room. The boss will then cast Chilling Suds, followed by Squeaky Left or Squeaky Right, which will then cause any puff ball hit to also later cast the same plus shaped ice AoE that the boss does.
- Soaping Spree: The boss and the puff balls will all use the Chilling Suds plus sign ice aoe at the same time. The puff balls will all be oriented to shoot in cardinal directions, while the boss will orient facing whoever has aggro.
- The boss has four additional mechanics that are determined by the specific choices the party makes before reaching Silkie.
They are as follows:
- If the door puzzle was solved, and the party discovered the Ewer: Several Ewers will spawn along the edge of the arena and slowly travel toward the other side, dealing high damage to any player caught in their paths.
- If the door puzzle was solved, but the party did not discover the Ewer: A jet of water will spawn on the side of the arena and then knock back players toward the opposite side of the arena.
- If the door puzzle was failed, and the party touches all of the cotton puffs: Several white silken puff AoEs will spawn around the arena. The boss will then cast a variant of Fresh Puff that summons several puff ball "brooms" on the edge of the room. The puff "brooms" will travel from one side of the room to the other, dealing damage to anyone in their path. As the puff "brooms" reach the silken puff AoEs on the ground, they will momentarily pause in place while doing a small AoE to "clean" the ground. During this mechanic, the boss will execute a Chilling Suds/Bracing Suds and a Soap's Up.
- If the door puzzle was failed, and the party does not touch the cotton puffs: Several puff balls will appear along the side of the arena, and then will slowly move to the other side. These puffs will cast AoE attacks as they go.
Gladiator of Sil'dih
The Gladiator of Sil'dih is the second boss the party will face if they follow the middle path. The Gladiator has the following mechanics:
- Flash of Steel: Raidwide damage attack dealing moderate damage.
- Ring of Might: The boss will summon a yellow, orange, and red circle on the floor. During the channel, a meter will appear on the boss that will fill up to a yellow, orange, or red marker. At the end of the channel, any marker that the gauge has filled to will cause the floor inside the circle of the same color to explode, leaving the safe spot outside of the colored circles that are exploding. Immediately after, the remainder of the room that did not initially explode will explode.
- Sculptor's Passion: The boss will turn to face a random player, and at the end of the channel will fire a line AoE in the direction that player was. Dodge to the side of the boss as soon as the channel starts.
- Mighty Smite: Tankbuster attack that targets the person with aggro.
- Rush of Might: The boss will jump to a corner of the room and begin channeling the same meter as Ring of Might. An arrow going toward the opposite corner will spawn with a yellow, orange, and red mark. At the end of the channel, the boss will dash to whichever arrow marker that the guage filled up to and immediately do a 180 degree cleave in the direction that it dashed. Immediately after he will cleave the section of the room that was not hit with the initial cleave.
- Wrath of Ruin: Two sets of glowing orbs will spawn around the edges of the room. The orbs will fire a line AoE straight across to the other side of the room, creating a checkerboard pattern of safe spots. After the first set fires, the second set will shoot every spot that was safe from the first set.
- Sundered Remains: An AoE will spawn in the middle of the room, followed by several AoEs appearing and rotating around the room. The AoEs will explode in the order they appeared. The boss will use Ring of Might during this mechanic.
- The boss has four additional mechanics that are determined by the specific choices the party makes before
reaching the Gladiator of Sil'dih. They are as follows:
- If the party did not balance the pedestal, and used the left lever: Four proximity AoEs will spawn around the room, each leaving a rock in its place. Three rocks will be cracked, and one will not. The boss will channel Shattering Steel, which must be line-of-sighted by putting the uncracked rock between the party and the boss. The rock will then explode shortly after Shattering Steel finishes.
- If the party did not balance the pedestal, and used the right lever: Four vents will appear on the floor. The boss will cast Shattering Steel. The party will stand on the vent with a large green arrow in order to get launched into the air and avoid Shattering Steel.
- If the party balanced the pedestal, and used the Statue of Thal: Two statues will appear and fire line AoEs. After each AoE, the statue will rotate slightly and fire again until the statues have rotated a total of 90 degrees.
- If the party balanced the pedestal, and used the Statue of Nald: Several statues will appear with two faces. One face of each statue will fire an AoE, leaving a small section of the room safe.
Shadowcaster Zeless Gah
Zeless Gah is the second boss the party will face if they follow the right path. Zeless has the following mechanics:
- Show of Strength: Raidwide damage attack that deals moderate damage.
- Firesteel Fracture: A large frontal cleave tankbuster targeting the player with aggro.
- Infern Brand: Please note that this cast name does multiple different things throughout the fight and also does different things depending on the Sil'dihn Survey Record path the party has chosen. Typically, this cast will summon fireballs that will explode in a point-blank style AoE after some time. These fireballs may sometimes have teleporter scepters that spawn with them, that will activate when the boss casts Cryptic Portal. Infern Brand may also summon scepters that have a laser beam animation. If touched, this laser will damage and stun the player.
- Infern Ward: Extends the length of the laser beam scepter summoned by a previous Infern Brand.
- Pure Fire: Summons a baited AoE under each player that explodes shortly after appearing.
- Cryptic Portal: If the boss summoned teleportal scepters with a previous cast of Infern Brand, this cast will command them to activate, teleporting anything on top of them to their indicated destination.
- Cast Shadow: Summons two sets of shadow cone AoEs from the boss that will explode in the order they appear. Stand in the second set and move into the first set after they explode.
- Shadowcaster Zeless Gah has three variant mechanics that are determined by which Survey Record choices the party has made. They are as follows:
- If the party chose the left lift, and answered "the blessed spark": Zeless will now be able to cast Infern Gale, which summons a knock back scepter that will push the players after a short delay.
- If the party chose the left lift, and answered "the sacred fire": Zeless's Infern Brand cast will now sometimes summon fire panels that will shoot the entire row they are on. These panels can be teleported by Cryptic Portal.
- If the party chose the right lift, killed the drakes in order of Drakefather, Drakemother, Drakebrother, Drakesister, Drakeling, and picked up the Myrrh Incense Burner: Zeless will now be able to cast Infern Well which will pull players toward it after a short delay and immediately fire a point-blank style AoE. Players must be far enough away that when pulled in, they are not pulled into the AoE.
Thorne Knight
The Thorne Knight is the secret boss that can only be encountered while doing Record 12. Please see the Variant
Routes section for information on how to encounter this boss. Unlike the other four bosses, the Thorne Knight does not
have any variant actions, and will instead do the same mechanics every time it is encountered. The Thorne Knight has the
following mechanics:
- Cogwheel: Raidwide damage AoE that deals moderate damage.
- Spring to Life: The Thorne Knight will channel a blue triangle effect or orange circle effect toward two adjacent sides of the room. This will command the mammets or cannons with the matching symbol to shoot a line AoE at the end of the cast, leaving a checkerboard pattern of safe zones.
- Blistering Blow: Tankbuster attack targeting the player with aggro.
- Fore Honor: 180 degree cleave in the direction the boss is facing.
- Slashburn: The Thorne Knight will spawn two blue cleave AoEs and one orange line AoE, then attack those areas at the end of the cast. If there are arrows arround the boss's body, it will swap the AoEs at the end of the cast, striking the blue Aoes in the direction of the original orange AoE and vice versa.
- Signal Flare: Three sets of AoEs will spawn, exploding in the order they appeared. Stand in the third set until the first set explodes, then move into the first set.
- Blaze of Glory: Spawns two Ball of Fire enemies that cannot be targetted. They will each channel "Explosion" and then explode in a plus sign AoE.
Variant Routes (Sil'dihn Survey Records)
Sil'dihn Survey Records are completed by finishing a unique variant route. As such, only one Sil'dihn Survey Record can be
completed each time the party enters the dungeon. After completing all twelve unique routes, players will complete the
Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane achievement and be able
to claim the
Silkie Whistle from the achievements menu.
At the start of the dungeon, players will be given a choice of three doors. After selecting a door, the party will be locked into one of the three major routes; the left, middle, or right route. Each major route has four unique subroutes that each grant completion of one Sil'dihn Survey Record.
Left Route
In this route, players will be able to complete Sil'dihn Survey Record 1, 2, 3, and 4. During this route, players will encounter the bosses Geryon the Steer and Silkie.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 1: Whom the Silkie Serves
After the party reaches a room with a locked door with two pedestals and several sacks around the room, only pick up the green/gray sack immediately to the right of the exit door, and the yellow sack in the far right corner as soon as you come through the entrance door (see images below). Use the pedestals after picking up these sacks, then take the teleporter that appears and defeat the enemies that are waiting for you. Nanamo will run toward a gate, do not follow her yet. Instead, open the Barred Door to the left of where the party was teleported. Inside you will find a large Ewer, then you may rejoin Nanamo and continue to the second boss.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 2: Pride and Acceptance
After the party reaches a room with a locked door with two pedestals and several sacks around the room, only pick up the green/gray sack immediately to the right of the exit door, and the yellow sack in the far right corner as soon as you come through the entrance door. Use the pedestals after picking up these sacks, then take the teleporter that appears and defeat the enemies that are waiting for you. Ignore the door to the left of where the party was teleported, and instead follow Nanamo to the second boss.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 3: A Spot in the Sunlight
After reaching the room with the pedestals and sacks, pick any sacks that are not the two correct ones described in Record 1 and 2. Run through all of the cotton puff patches before defeating all of the enemies. Proceed to the boss room and defeat the second boss.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 4: A Key Memory
After reaching the room with the pedestals and sacks, pick any sacks that are not the two correct ones described in Record 1 and 2. Be careful to avoid all of the cotton puff patches and defeat all of the enemies. Proceed to the boss room and defeat the second boss.
Right Route
In this route, players will be able to complete Sil'dihn Survey Record 5, 6, 7, and 12. During route 5, 6, and 7, players will encounter the bosses Geryon the Steer and Shadowcaster Zeless Gah. During route 12, Shadowcaster Zeless Gah is replaced with the Thorne Knight.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 5: In Father's Stead
After defeating the first boss, the party will find a fork in the path. When given the choice, the party should choose to take the left lift. Defeat all enemies until ariving at a mysterious door. When given the choice, select "the blessed spark," then destroy the door after it refuses to open and enter the boss arena. Interact with the sarcophagus and defeat Shadowcaster Zeless Gah.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 6: Ul'dah's Sin to Bear
After defeating the first boss, the party will find a fork in the path. When given the choice, the party should choose to take the left lift. Defeat all enemies until ariving a mysterious door. When given the choice, select "the sacred fire," and enter the boss arena. Interact with the sarcophagus and defeat Shadowcaster Zeless Gah.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 7: To Learn More of Myrrh
After defeating the first boss, the party will find a fork in the path. When given the choice, the party should choose to take the right lift. After encountering a pack of drakes, kill them in the order of Drakefather, Drakemother, Drakebrother, Drakesister, Drakeling. Progress through the dungeon until finding some wraiths. Kill them then interact with the Myrrh Incense Burner. Continue to the boss arena and interact with the sarcophagus, then defeat Shadowcaster Zeless Gah.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 12: In Parchment We Trust
After defeating the first boss, the party will find a fork in the path. When given the choice, the party should choose to take the right lift. After encountering a pack of drakes, kill them in the order of Drakefather, Drakemother, Drakebrother, Drakesister, Drakeling. Progress through the dungeon until finding some wraiths. Kill them then interact with the Myrrh Incense Burner. Do not interact with the sarcophagus. Instead, target it and use the following emotes: /bow, /respect, /vpose, /kneel. The emotes must be done in the order listed. You may need to pause slightly between emotes to give the game time to register them. If done correctly, a secret door will open, leading the party to the Thorne Knight. Defeat this boss to complete Record 12.
Middle Route
In this route, players will be able to complete Sil'dihn Survey Record 8, 9, 10, and 11. Players taking this route will encounter the bosses Geryon the Steer then the Gladiator of Sil'dih.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 8: Ul'dah and Sil'dih
After arriving at the room with the scales and levers, ignore the scales and activate the right lever. Proceed to fight the Gladiator of Sil'dih.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 9: Raising the Flag
After arriving at the room with the scales and levers, ignore the scales and activate the left lever. Proceed to fight the Gladiator of Sil'dih.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 10: My Mother's Eyes
After arriving at the room with the scales and levers, place the Helmet on the left scale and the Fruit on the right scale. Interact with the statue of Nald, then proceed to fight the Gladiator of Sil'dih.
Sil'dihn Survey Record 11: The Thorne Legacy
After arriving at the room with the scales and levers, place the Helmet on the left scale and the Fruit on the right scale. Interact with the statue of Thal, then proceed to fight the Gladiator of Sil'dih.
Sil'dihn Subterrane Rewards
Completing all twelve unique Sil'dihn Survey Records unlocks the achievement
Dig Deep: The Sil'dihn Subterrane, allowing the player to collect the
Silkie Whistle from the achievements menu, which can be used to summon Silkie as a mount.
Variant dungeons use personal loot, meaning each player gets their own rewards every time.
Each boss except for Silkie can award a Triple Triad Card of themselves.
Personal Spoils chests can randomly drop the following items:
Item | Type |
![]() |
Currency |
![]() |
Minion |
![]() |
Minion |
![]() |
Fashion Accessory |
![]() |
Housing Item |
![]() |
Housing Item |
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Housing Item |
Additionally, Sil'dihn Potsherds can be exchanged for other rewards at the vendor Trisassant, found in Old Sharlayan (X:12.0, Y:13.3).
They can be exchanged for the following:
Item | Type | Sil'dihn Potsherd Cost |
![]() |
Glamour | 15 |
![]() |
Glamour | 27 |
![]() |
Glamour | 9 |
![]() |
Glamour | 12 |
![]() |
Glamour | 9 |
![]() |
Glamour | 3 |
![]() |
Emote | 9 |
- 15 Apr. 2024: Page added.
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Torael Valdis, or Tor for short, is an experienced raider in FFXIV who has been playing the game since the tail end of the Heavensward expansion. His experience includes multiple Week 1 Savage Tier kills as well as completion of each Ultimate Raid in the patch they were released. You can find him in The Balance Discord where he currently is active as a melee DPS mentor. He also occasionally streams early prog on his Twitch.
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