Leveling Rotations and Tips for White Mage — Dawntrail 7.2

Last updated Yesterday at 18:00 by Piyo 6 comments

This page covers the rotation and action usage when leveling White Mage to Level 100. This page can also be used to help when doing roulettes with level scaling by using the slider to adjust the information to your desired level.



White Mage starts the game as a Conjurer at Level 1, then upgrades to White Mage upon completing the Level 30 job quest Seer Folly. This Leveling Guide will start at Level 10, the earliest level you can queue into Duty Finder with. Remember to stay up to date with your Conjurer and White Mage job quests while leveling, as most job quests from Level 30 to 70 will unlock a new action. After Level 70, job quests are fully optional. Starting from Level 80, you can unlock role quests that provide additional experience points, which can be completed once per role.


Gearing While Leveling

Just like any other job, it is important to stay up to date on your gear while leveling, but this is especially true on tanks and healers, such as White Mage. While leveling, you can generally just use the highest item level healer gear you have - do not worry about substats until you reach the current expansion's level cap. In your inventory, healer gear can be identified by the Mind stat bonus, and many pieces will have the suffix "of Healing." Use the "Equip Recommended Gear" button in the Character menu to quickly equip the highest item level gear available. Whenever you reach the level cap from each previous expansion (Levels 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90), you can purchase substantial gear upgrades for Allagan Tomestones of Poetics. These pieces are sold by Rowena's Representative in major cities, always close to the city's main Aetheryte. For White Mage-exclusive gear, also known as Artifact Armor, you can get them from the following sources:

  • Level 50: Complete your Job Quests from Level 45-50. Reacquirable from Calamity Salvagers in Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks, Old Gridania, and Ul'dah - Steps of Thal.
  • Level 60: Complete your Job Quest at Level 60. Purchasable and Reacquirable from Yolaine in Foundation with Centurio Seals.
  • Level 70: Complete your Job Quest at Level 70. Reacquirable from Calamity Salvagers.
  • Level 80: Complete the Level 80 Healer Role Quest, which is required to continue the Main Story Quests for Shadowbringers. Talk to Grenoldt in The Tempest to receive the gear for free.
  • Level 89: Progress through the Main Story Quests for Endwalker. Talk to Varsarudh in Old Sharlayan to receive the gear for free.
  • Level 99: Progress through the Main Story Quests for Dawntrail. Talk to Mewazunte in Tuliyollal to receive the gear for free.

Move the slider below to make the guide update to your level!

Level: 10


A more in depth explanation is provided in the White Mage guide, but here is a brief summary:

  • Lilies: Recharges at a rate of one Lily per 20 seconds. Players can store a maximum of three charges at a time. Charges are represented by blue Lilies on the job gauge and the current recharge timer is represented by the blue line on the Lily vine. In simple mode, the job gauge has 3 charges for Lilies that turn blue upon storage, and the current recharge timer is represented by the horizontal bar. Lilies are consumed by the healing spell Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace.
  • Lilies: Recharges at a rate of one Lily per 20 seconds. Players can store a maximum of three charges at a time. Charges are represented by blue Lilies on the job gauge and the current recharge timer is represented by the blue line on the Lily vine. In simple mode, the job gauge has three blue charges for Lilies that light up upon storage, and the current recharge timer is represented by the blue horizontal bar. Lilies are consumed by two healing spells: Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace and Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture.
  • Blood Lily: When players use a Lily, they receive a red charge for the Blood Lily. After three charges, the Blood Lily becomes active, allowing players to use Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery. After using the spell, players will have to build three Blood Lily charges again to re-enable Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery. Charges are represented by a growing Blood Lily on the job gauge. In simple mode, the bottom of the job gauge has three red charges that light up upon using a blue charge.

Action Overview While Leveling White Mage


Offensive Actions

  • Stone Icon Stone is your single-target damage spell. Use it when you have nothing else to cast.
  • Stone II Icon Stone II is your single-target damage spell. Use it when you have nothing else to cast.
  • Stone III Icon Stone III is your single-target damage spell. Use it when you have nothing else to cast.
  • Stone IV Icon Stone IV is your single-target damage spell. Use it when you have nothing else to cast.
  • Glare Icon Glare is your single-target damage spell. Use it when you have nothing else to cast.
  • Glare III Icon Glare III is your single-target damage spell. Use it when you have nothing else to cast.
  • Aero Icon Aero is your Damage over Time spell (DoT). Avoid overwriting early, and never apply to an enemy that is about to die. Maintain on bosses, but only use on mobs while the tank is pulling and you can not stand still to cast other offensive spells.
  • Aero II Icon Aero II is your Damage over Time spell (DoT). Avoid overwriting early, and never apply to an enemy that is about to die. Maintain on bosses, but only use on mobs while the tank is pulling and you can not stand still to cast other offensive spells.
  • Dia Icon Dia is your Damage over Time spell (DoT). Avoid overwriting early, and never apply to an enemy that is about to die. Maintain on bosses, but only use on mobs while the tank is pulling and you can not stand still to cast other offensive spells.
  • Holy Icon Holy is your Area of Effect damage spell (AoE) and can also stun enemies. Always use this over Stone II Icon Stone II when you can hit two or more targets.
  • Holy Icon Holy is your Area of Effect damage spell (AoE) and can also stun enemies. Always use this over Stone III Icon Stone III when you can hit two or more targets.
  • Holy Icon Holy is your Area of Effect damage spell (AoE) and can also stun enemies. Always use this over Stone IV Icon Stone IV when you can hit two or more targets.
  • Holy Icon Holy is your Area of Effect damage spell (AoE) and can also stun enemies. Always use this over Glare Icon Glare when you can hit three or more targets.
  • Holy III Icon Holy III is your Area of Effect damage spell (AoE) and can also stun enemies. Always use this over Glare III Icon Glare III when you can hit three or more targets.
  • Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind is an off-global cooldown (oGCD) buff ability that reduces your cast time, global cooldown (GCD) recast, and auto-attack delay by 20% for 15 seconds. Use this on cooldown whenever you will be casting for the entire buff duration.
  • Assize Icon Assize is an ability that provides Area of Effect damage (AoE) and healing. Use it in your opener and on cooldown for damage, but hold if you will be able to hit additional targets within a reasonable timeframe.

Single-Target Damage Priority

  1. Use Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind on cooldown, as long as you can cast for the entire duration.
  2. After using Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind, use Glare IV Icon Glare IV before the buff duration expires. This should be maximized in party buffs, Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind, or for movement when available.
  3. Use Assize Icon Assize on cooldown for damage, unless you are holding it to cleave additional targets.
  4. Keep Aero Icon Aero up as much as possible. Only refresh when the debuff is about to wear off, around 1 to 3 seconds remaining (depends on your latency).
    Do not refresh if the target is close to dying.
  5. Keep Aero II Icon Aero II up as much as possible. Only refresh when the debuff is about to wear off, around 1 to 3 seconds remaining (depends on your latency).
    Do not refresh if the target is close to dying.
  6. Keep Dia Icon Dia up as much as possible. Only refresh when the debuff is about to wear off, around 1 to 3 seconds remaining (depends on your latency).
    Do not refresh if the target is close to dying.
  7. Use Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery in party buffs, Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind, or for movement when available.
  8. Use Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace to avoid overcapping lilies, and to charge Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery.
  9. Use Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture to avoid overcapping lilies, and to charge Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery.
  10. Use Stone Icon Stone as your standard filler.
  11. Use Stone II Icon Stone II as your standard filler.
  12. Use Stone III Icon Stone III as your standard filler.
  13. Use Stone IV Icon Stone IV as your standard filler.
  14. Use Glare Icon Glare as your standard filler.
  15. Use Glare III Icon Glare III as your standard filler.
  16. Use Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace when you can not cast your standard filler due to movement.
  17. Use Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture when you can not cast your standard filler due to movement.
  18. Use Aero Icon Aero when you can not cast your standard filler due to movement.
  19. Use Aero II Icon Aero II when you can not cast your standard filler due to movement.
  20. Use Dia Icon Dia when you can not cast your standard filler due to movement.

AoE Damage Priority

White Mage has no offensive AoE actions below Level 45. Follow the single-target priority when you are below this level requirement.

  1. Use Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind on cooldown, as long as you can cast for the entire duration.
  2. Use Assize Icon Assize on cooldown for damage.
  3. Use Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery when available.
  4. Use Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery when available. Prioritize Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery over Glare IV Icon Glare IV for damage.
  5. After using Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind, use Glare IV Icon Glare IV before the Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind or Sacred Sight buffs expire.
  6. Use Holy Icon Holy if it will hit two or more targets.
  7. Use Holy Icon Holy if it will hit three or more targets.
  8. Use Holy III Icon Holy III if it will hit three or more targets.

Healing and Defensive Actions


oGCD Healing Abilities

White Mage has relatively fewer oGCD abilities compared to other healing jobs, but oGCD abilities still take priority over GCD healing spells whenever they can be freely weaved.

  • Benediction Icon Benediction is an instant heal ability for 100% of the max HP of the target. This can be used to fully heal any player at low health, and is often saved for a Dark Knight's Living Dead Icon Living Dead when they cannot recover to full health alone. You can prioritize using this ability for tank busters, as they can often bring your target to low health.
  • Asylum Icon Asylum is a ground-targeted AoE regen ability that will heal anyone within its radius every 3s for a small amount, for 24s total. Asylum is typically the first healing ability you should heal the party with, since it has a 90s cooldown and takes a while to get the full healing effect.
  • Assize Icon Assize is technically an AoE healing ability, but it is typically used on cooldown for damage and MP restoration instead. If there is upcoming party damage soon, this can be held for a few seconds to help with healing afterwards.
  • Tetragrammaton Icon Tetragrammaton is a large single-target healing ability with a 60s cooldown. This ability is typically used to keep tanks healthy and should not be saved for emergencies.
  • Tetragrammaton Icon Tetragrammaton is a large single-target healing ability with a 60s cooldown. This ability is typically used to keep tanks healthy and should not be saved for emergencies. This spell comes on a charge system, capable of holding two charges, which allows more flexibility in its use.
  • Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison is a single-target shield on a short 30s cooldown. This ability is typically used on cooldown to keep tanks healthy and should not be saved for emergencies.
  • Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison is a single-target shield on a short 30s cooldown. This ability is typically used on cooldown to keep tanks healthy and should not be saved for emergencies. This spell comes on a charge system, capable of holding two charges, which allows more flexibility in its use.
  • Plenary Indulgence Icon Plenary Indulgence applies a 10s buff to your party that triggers an additional heal to anyone healed by Medica Icon Medica, Medica II Icon Medica II, or Cure III Icon Cure III. This ability is typically used when you need some extra healing from your next GCD heal.
  • Plenary Indulgence Icon Plenary Indulgence applies a 10s buff to your party that triggers a small extra heal to anyone hit by Medica Icon Medica, Medica II Icon Medica II, Cure III Icon Cure III, or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture. This ability is typically used when you need some extra healing from your next GCD heal.
  • Plenary Indulgence Icon Plenary Indulgence applies a 10s buff to your party that triggers a small extra heal to anyone hit by Medica Icon Medica, Medica III Icon Medica III, Cure III Icon Cure III, or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture. This ability is typically used when you need some extra healing from your next GCD heal.
  • Temperance Icon Temperance has two main effects: a long 20s 10% party damage mitigation, and a personal 20% healing magic buff. Note that the healing buff only affects GCD healing spells. Temperance is best used when your party is going to take significant damage and you may need to GCD heal, although is often used for the mitigation alone.
  • Aquaveil Icon Aquaveil applies a short single-target 15% damage mitigation to your target. It is typically used for mitigation and is often saved for tank busters. However, it can also be used to mitigate auto-attacks that last for 8 seconds, such as large enemy pulls in dungeons, or to save a party member from dying to damage.
  • Liturgy of the Bell Icon Liturgy of the Bell is a 20s ground-targeted AoE direct heal ability that will heal anyone within its radius. Party members receive healing whenever you take damage, up to five instances of damage within the ability period. This ability should be prioritized whenever you will take several instances of damage, but may require supplemental healing or mitigation if the situation becomes lethal.

GCD Healing Spells

White Mage is more dependent on GCD heals than other healer jobs; they have relatively fewer oGCD heals, the job gauge is tied entirely to GCD spells, and several abilities' effects only apply to GCD healing spells. That said, GCD heals still cost players their offensive potency, so oGCD healing abilities should still be prioritized when available. The majority of White Mage's spells will not recover player health beyond 100% of their maximum HP, so players are advised to heal after damage is taken, or before upcoming damage is lethal.

Lily heals have a higher priority than other healing spells after Level 74, as they have no MP cost and refund lost damage through Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery. Lily heals can also be used in downtime and between dungeon pulls to give extra uses of Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery at no potency deficit. Lily heals cost one Lily each.

  • Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace is a single-target direct healing spell with equivalent healing potency to Cure II Icon Cure II.
  • Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture is an AoE direct healing spell that should be your priority for any party healing that cannot be covered by oGCD abilities.
  • Cure Icon Cure is your basic single-target GCD heal. Use this if a tank or party member is below 50% of their max HP. This health threshold is an approximate suggestion and will change depending on different situations. Players should determine what threshold is most comfortable for them through practice.
  • Cure Icon Cure is a basic single-target GCD heal. This spell is rarely used once you get Cure II Icon Cure II, as it provides a smaller heal at the same GCD recast. However, Cure Icon Cure is a bit cheaper and faster to cast, so can be used in dire emergencies.
  • Medica Icon Medica is your basic AoE heal. Use this to heal multiple party members.
  • Medica Icon Medica is your basic AoE heal, it is generally replaced by Medica II Icon Medica II due to its higher total potency, although less up-front healing.
  • Medica Icon Medica is your basic AoE heal, it is generally replaced by Medica III Icon Medica III due to its higher total potency, although less up-front healing.
  • Cure II Icon Cure II is your basic single-target GCD heal.
  • Cure II Icon Cure II is your basic single-target GCD heal. Prioritize Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace when available, as it has the same cure potency as Cure II Icon Cure II for no MP cost.
  • Regen Icon Regen applies a strong regen to your target, and is your go-to spell for tank health upkeep when needed.
  • Cure III Icon Cure III is a strong direct AoE heal, although has a small radius and higher MP cost. Cure III is used to heal the party when you are stacked and require immediate substantial healing.
  • Medica II Icon Medica II is your go-to AoE healing spell, it has a small up-front heal and applies a regen to everyone in range.
  • Medica II Icon Medica II has a small up-front heal and applies a regen to everyone in range. It is your go-to AoE healing spell when you have no Lilies for Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture, or are saving them for movement and need healing.
  • Medica III Icon Medica III has a small up-front heal and applies a regen to everyone in range. It is your go-to AoE healing spell when you have no Lilies for Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture, or are saving them for movement and need healing.
  • Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace is a free, instant, single-target GCD heal with equivalent healing to Cure II Icon Cure II.

Other Spells and Abilities

  • Esuna Icon Esuna removes a single debuff from yourself or an ally. Only debuffs with a blue bar on top of their icon can be removed via Esuna. This can be observed either in the debuff icons on the Party List, or on your Status Info (Enfeeblements) UI Element.
  • Raise Icon Raise is your raise spell. Best used with Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast to eliminate the long cast time.
  • Raise Icon Raise is your raise spell. Best used with Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast to eliminate the long cast time, as well as Thin Air Icon Thin Air to eliminate the MP cost.
  • Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast removes the cast time from the next spell. Players can use this to immediately direct heal target(s), use a damage spell for movement, or raise someone.
  • Lucid Dreaming Icon Lucid Dreaming restores 3850 mana over 21 seconds. While you do not want to use it on full MP, you also do not want to wait too long to use it. Try to use it when you are missing about 2000 MP.
  • Aetherial Shift Icon Aetherial Shift allows players to travel a far distance quickly after casting a spell. Players can use this ability for movement during mechanics, or when Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast is not available.
  • Surecast Icon Surecast makes you immune to most knockback effects. It also prevents heavy damage from interrupting casts.
  • Rescue Icon Rescue pulls a party member to your location. It is useful when someone is unaware of a mechanic, but try to not use it unnecessarily. It has a long 120s cooldown with no inherent damage benefits, so players should prioritize saving it for emergencies. If you can save someone who does a significant amount of damage for the party with Rescue Icon Rescue, that will be a benefit in the long run (avoids potential loss from losing them temporarily, or from you sacrificing your resources to Raise Icon Raise).
  • Thin Air Icon Thin Air reduces the MP cost of the next spell to 0. Ideally, this ability is used for high-MP cost spells, such as Raise Icon Raise, Cure III Icon Cure III, or Medica II Icon Medica II, but can also be used on filler spells if GCD heals or Raises are not needed.
  • Thin Air Icon Thin Air reduces the MP cost of the next spell to 0. Ideally, this ability is used for high-MP cost spells, such as Raise Icon Raise, Cure III Icon Cure III, or Medica III Icon Medica III, but can also be used on filler spells if GCD heals or Raises are not needed.

Duty Gameplay

Starting from Level 10, players can begin duty queuing for Guildhest duties. The main goal of Guildhests is to teach players how combat works in Final Fantasy XIV. It can be a struggle at lower levels when you only have a fraction of your kit, but the challenge is to keep your party alive while fulfilling the Guildhest completion requirements. Newer players are recommended to practice in these duties until they are comfortable enough on the job to play with other players. If you are having difficulty with understanding how Conjurer's actions work, take some time to review the spell descriptions, found in Actions and Traits under the Character menu. After reviewing, test the kit out by attacking low-level enemies or healing other players. When players reach Level 15 on Conjurer, they should begin queuing for dungeons, which will give significantly more experience points than Guildhests. Dungeons are also more difficult and longer than Guildhests, giving players opportunities to improve their gameplay.

When players reach Level 15 on Conjurer, they should begin queuing for dungeons, which will give significantly more experience points than Guildhests. Dungeons are also more difficult and longer than Guildhests, giving players opportunities to improve their gameplay. Players are also recommended to do the exercises in The Hall of the Novice, as it can provide beginner gear at Level 15. It also teaches players how to play Healers more effectively in party settings.
In a dungeon, the main challenge is keeping a tank alive during big pulls of enemy packs. At higher levels, this can feel easier due to your wide variety of healing tools, but it can be a struggle at lower levels when you only have a fraction of your kit. Keep in mind that your gear should be upgraded whenever available, as it will help improve your healing and damage output. If players would like to practice the job with non-playable characters (NPCs), they can use the Duty Support system, found under the Duty menu.

In a dungeon, the main challenge is keeping a tank alive during big pulls of enemy packs. In other duties, such as trials, your goal is to keep your party alive while executing mechanics. At higher levels, this can feel easier due to your wide variety of healing tools, but it can be a struggle at lower levels when you only have a fraction of your kit. Keep in mind that your gear should be upgraded whenever available, as it will help improve your healing and damage output. If players would like to practice the job with non-playable characters (NPCs), they can use the Duty Support system, found under the Duty menu.

In a dungeon, the main challenge is keeping a tank alive during big pulls of enemy packs. In other duties, such as trials and the different types of raids, your goal is to keep your party alive while executing mechanics. At higher levels, this can feel easier due to your wide variety of healing tools, but it can be a struggle at lower levels when you only have a fraction of your kit. Keep in mind that your gear should be upgraded whenever available, as it will help improve your healing and damage output. If players would like to practice the job with non-playable characters (NPCs), they can use the Duty Support system, found under the Duty menu.

In a dungeon, the main challenge is keeping a tank alive during big pulls of enemy packs. In other duties, such as trials and the different types of raids, your goal is to keep your party alive while executing mechanics. At higher levels, this can feel easier due to your wide variety of healing tools, but it can be a struggle at lower levels when you only have a fraction of your kit. Keep in mind that your gear should be upgraded whenever available, as it will help improve your healing and damage output. If players would like to practice the job with non-playable characters (NPCs), they can use either the Duty Support or Trust systems, found under the Duty menu.


Dungeon Pack Pulls

  • If you are having difficulty keeping up with the tank, or require additional movement, use Aetherial Shift Icon Aetherial Shift.
  • Use Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace between packs of enemies to charge Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery.
  • Use Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture between packs of enemies to charge Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery.
  • Use Regen Icon Regen on the tank while they are pulling to keep them healthy.
  • Use Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison and Regen Icon Regen on the tank while they are pulling to keep them healthy.
  • Use Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison, Aquaveil Icon Aquaveil, and Regen Icon Regen on the tank while they are pulling to keep them healthy.
  • Use Aero Icon Aero on each enemy target as the tank gathers them. Avoid overwriting early.
  • Use Aero II Icon Aero II on each enemy target as the tank gathers them. Avoid overwriting early.
  • Use Dia Icon Dia on each enemy target as the tank gathers them. Avoid overwriting early.
  • Use Assize Icon Assize if available on all enemy targets once they have been gathered.
  • Use Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery if available on all enemy targets once they have been gathered.
  • After using Presence of Mind Icon Presence of Mind, use Glare IV Icon Glare IV if available on all enemy targets once they have been gathered.
  • Use Stone Icon Stone as your filler on enemies once they are gathered.
  • Use Stone II Icon Stone II as your filler on enemies once they are gathered.
  • Use Holy Icon Holy as your filler on enemies once they are gathered.
  • Use Holy III Icon Holy III as your filler on enemies once they are gathered.

Healing in Pack Pulls

Try to exhaust oGCD options before GCDs, and use available Lily heals before other GCD heals. Make sure to use Asylum Icon Asylum for single-target healing if needed. Despite Asylum Icon Asylum being better used for AoE healing, it is great for tank health sustain in large enemy pulls.

If you use a 60 second cooldown at the beginning of a pull, it should come back up at some point during the next pull, depending on how fast the run is going. At higher levels, any actions with 90, 120, and 180 second cooldowns will generally not be up again until after the next boss, so do not blow all of them on the very first pull. Try to not use long cooldowns towards the end of a boss fight, since trash pulls require significantly more healing or damage output.


Boss Fights in Duties


Boss Fights and Trials


Boss Fights, Trials, and Raids

In general, follow the single-target damage priority listed above. Duty bosses typically require a lot less focused healing than dungeon pulls, so you will spend a lot more time doing damage without needing to worry about healing. The mechanics are harder and more punishing than dungeon pulls, so make sure to pay attention!

In general, follow the single-target damage priority listed above. Duty bosses typically require a lot less focused healing than dungeon pulls, and often the healing can be covered entirely by oGCDs, so you will spend a lot more time doing damage without needing to worry about healing. The mechanics are harder and more punishing than dungeon pulls, so make sure to pay attention!

Tanks typically need a lot less focused healing in trials than in dungeons, but they will still usually need some upkeep, so do not forget them. Most of the healing in trials is AoE party healing, as opposed to tank healing.

Tanks typically need a lot less focused healing in trials and raids than in dungeons, but they will still usually need some upkeep, so do not forget them. Most of the healing in trials and raids is AoE party healing, as opposed to tank healing.


Achieving Level 100

Congratulations! If you would like to continue on to learn how White Mage functions at max level, please continue on to our full White Mage guide, listed below.



  • 12 Nov. 2024: Updated Holy-related changes for Patch 7.1.
  • 31 Jul. 2024: Updated for Patch 7.05.
  • 03 Jul. 2024: Rewrote Guide sections and Updated for Patch 7.0.
  • 14 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 27 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 10 Jan. 2023: Guide updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 28 Aug. 2022: Guide updated for Patch 6.2.
  • 11 Apr. 2022: Guide updated for 6.1, minor adjustments to Afflatus Misery sections.
  • 02 Apr. 2022: Guide added.
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