White Mage Healing Rotation, Ability Priority, and Cooldowns — Dawntrail 7.2

Last updated Yesterday at 18:00 by Piyo 6 comments

On this page, you will learn how to best use your healing spells in single-target and multi-target situations to keep your party members alive during fights. We also cover cooldown usage, ensuring the best usage of them, as well as differing damage levels, to allow you to adapt your healing as necessary as a White Mage Healer in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail (Patch 7.2).


White Mage Healing Guide

This guide focuses on the healing aspect of White Mage's playstyle at Level 100. While this guide cannot cover everything, it aims to summarize the basic principles and understanding needed to resolve general healing situations as a White Mage.

As a precursor, you can find the leveling guide for White Mage here:

You can also learn about the White Mage's damage rotation here:



To learn how White Mages can heal, a fundamental understanding of White Mage's healing actions and a basic concept for how other healers' kits work is necessary at minimum. While a complex understanding for other jobs is not required to play White Mage, you can learn how to improve your playstyle based on what mitigations other jobs may have available at the same time. For example, learning tank mitigation will assist in deciding which tools you can use to help with tankbusters. Alternatively, learning when your Red Mage or Summoner can assist with Raises (their equivalents of Raise Icon Raise) will help you better prioritize when recovering in duty.

For this guide, we will cover the following topics:

  • Healing Action Priority
  • Healing Actions Summary (Single-Target and Party-Wide)
  • Healing Potency Buffs

This guide does not cover the action kits for other jobs in the game, but players are recommended to check out their respective guides for more information.


It is important to cover the action priority first, before explaining how each action is generally used. Especially at Level 100, if you cannot attack due to healing spells sharing the same recast as damage spells (or vice versa), your lack of sufficient damage contribution may cause the duty to fail. Alternatively, only focusing on damage may cause the duty to fail due to a lack of healing contribution. This is covered in the Damage Rotation guide, but it does impact how much White Mages and other Healers should be healing and attacking per fight.

This does not mean you should employ a "damage-only" mindset, nor "heal-only" extremities either. You cannot heal unless you have the resources available, so it is important to have a balance of healing, resources, and damage. This balance can vary greatly between players, but learning what works for you will benefit playing as a White Mage in stressful situations.

Thankfully, White Mage's actions, as well as other Healers' kits, allow players the flexibility to balance both damage and healing relatively well. As a result, you can always use the following general healing priority throughout your rotation:

  1. oGCD Abilities: No MP Cost, Independent Cooldowns
  2. GCD Lily Spells: No MP Cost
  3. GCD Spells: MP Costs without Thin Air Icon Thin Air*

Though the priority can change depending on personal playstyle and situation, this is generally considered the most efficient way to manage your overall resources on White Mage.
Some actions may not be suitable for the situation, so you would look further in the priority for another action that works better. For example, Asylum Icon Asylum is a party-wide oGCD ability that may not be suited for healing a single player fast enough. In which case, a single-target action, such as Tetragrammaton Icon Tetragrammaton, Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace, or Cure II Icon Cure II may be better suited for the situation instead.

*Please Note: Though the MP Cost for Spells can be ignored via Thin Air Icon Thin Air, it is a short conditional benefit that has a longer cooldown than Lily generation. As such, Thin Air Icon Thin Air is usually recommended when you want to save on spells with heavy MP costs, like Raise Icon Raise, Medica III Icon Medica III, or Cure III Icon Cure III.


Healing Actions Summary

As a White Mage, most of your healing actions will not replace each other. This means that Cure Icon Cure is not the same spell as Cure II Icon Cure II and Cure III Icon Cure III, despite sharing the same base spell name "Cure". The same goes for Medica Icon Medica and Medica II Icon Medica II. Therefore, your Level 100 hotbar will likely consist of every healing action White Mage has had since Level 2.

As of Dawntrail, there is now an exception: By Level 96, Medica II Icon Medica II will directly upgrade to Medica III Icon Medica III; it is the same action on your hotbar. You can review action upgrades anytime through your Actions & Traits menu.

White Mage's healing actions can be divided into separate categories, each having utility in different scenarios:

  • Raw Healing
  • Afflatus Lilies
  • Regenerative Healing Over Time (aka. HoT, Regen)
  • Barrier Healing
  • Damage Reduction

A brief summary of each category, relative to White Mage, is provided below. The section following places each healing action in a quasi-priority separated by single-target and party-wide healing. Note that this is not a hard-set priority that must be followed, as which "best" action to use may change, depending on several possible conditions. Players are advised to review the actions and determine how to play, based on their personal understanding of the job.


White Mage Healing Action Categories

Raw Healing Afflatus Lilies Regenerative Healing Barrier Healing Damage Reduction

Raw Healing

Arguably, White Mage has the most potent raw healing actions in the game, with Astrologian being comparable or on par. Though Scholar and Sage do not have as many raw healing actions in their respective kits, both jobs are more focused on providing potent barrier healing instead.

There is nothing notable about raw healing actions, as all they do is restore HP with no added benefits. They are very reliable for recovering health, but usually come with either larger MP costs for stronger heals, or requires Lilies to execute.


Afflatus Lilies

White Mage's Healing Gauge system is known as the Lily Gauge. Lilies generate every 20 seconds in combat, including during downtime, and each "Lily heal" costs one blue Lily. A total of three blue Lilies can be stored at a time. Lily heals are not always used purely for healing, and their offensive use is covered more extensively in the Damage Rotation Guide.

There are two Afflatus Lily healing spells in the White Mage's kit:

  • Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace: Single-Target
  • Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture: Party-Wide

You will generally prioritize Lily heals over regular spells, as using any Lily will contribute to building the Blood Lily for Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery. In addition, Lily heals are instantaneous, strong, and cost no MP, all of which your other healing spells will require additional assistance to mimic (via Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast and Thin Air Icon Thin Air).

More information about each Lily spell is covered in their respective target categories.


Regenerative Healing Over Time (HoT or Regen)

Actions that are regenerative healing over time, or also commonly known as HoT or Regen actions, will restore HP progressively. You will not see the full healing effect immediately, but they are usually more potent than raw healing actions (so long as most or all of the effect is applied). However, if players require an immediate heal, such as for an emergency or fast-paced mechanic, they should consider using faster healing measures instead, such as Lilies or raw healing.

A lot of White Mage's specialty revolves around providing strong raw healing as well as regenerative healing. As this type of healing cannot affect damage before application, players are advised to use Regen actions either as soon as damage is taken, or when the full HoT effect can be used.

Do note that if you cast multiple Medica III Icon Medica IIIs in succession, the Regen effect will only overwrite each other, not stack. However, if you are playing with multiple White Mages, the Regen effects can overlap. The same can be said for Regen Icon Regen, if it is applied to the same target.


Barrier Healing

Though White Mage does not have many barrier actions available, the few they have are enough to assist with the most potent instances of damage out there. Barrier actions are useful for essentially giving "free temporary HP" to players.

In order to mitigate with barrier healing, the barrier action must be applied before damage occurs. If players do not have enough raw health to survive an attack after the barrier is removed, they will still die.


Barrier Priority

White Mage's barrier options, which include Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison and Divine Caress Icon Divine Caress, cannot be overwritten by other barriers in this game. Instead, they stack with each other to create a larger barrier. However, due to removal priority, specific party compositions, and damage reduction, it is possible for the White Mage's barrier(s) to not be removed if insufficient damage is taken.

If all of White Mage's barrier options are used together, Divine Caress Icon Divine Caress will be removed first, then Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison. They may not be removed if barrier actions from other jobs are also applied. For more information on the priority, please refer to the "Dawntrail Shield Priority" found in The Balance Discord.


Damage Reduction

Every job in this game has damage reduction in their kit, and White Mage is no exception. It is slightly similar to barrier healing, where damage reduction ensures players do not take lethal damage from an attack. However, it is not the same, as damage reduction does not change your current health points. Damage reduction is often multiplicative, where overlapping more can significantly reduce damage taken.


White Mage Actions Sorted by Single-Target and Party-Wide

Single-Target Abilities Single-Target Spells Party-Wide Abilities Party-Wide Spells

Single-Target Abilities

Whenever you need to heal or mitigate, these actions should be prioritized first when available, as they cost no MP and will not affect your damage contribution.

  1. Aquaveil Icon Aquaveil
    • A damage reduction ability that is similar or equal in potency with Tank mitigation actions, such as Holy Sheltron Icon Holy Sheltron and Oblation Icon Oblation.
    • Despite not having multiple charges, this ability is worth using for heavy tankbusters or immediate mitigation during single-target recovery.
  2. Divine Benison Icon Divine Benison
    • A barrier ability that has two charges. The barrier has the same heal potency as Cure Icon Cure, so you can save a possible Cure Icon Cure from impacting your rotation.
    • It is good for covering tankbusters or auto-attacks when available.
  3. Tetragrammaton Icon Tetragrammaton
    • A raw healing ability with two charges. Players can use it on two players, such as recovering from a double tankbuster; or just on one player for extra healing.
    • Do note that each charge has its own cooldown of 60 seconds.
  4. Benediction Icon Benediction
    • A raw healing ability with infinite potency, as it will always restore a player's HP to full.
    • This is most often used for recovering players with low HP, or when a Dark Knight cannot drain enough HP for Living Dead Icon Living Dead.
    • The priority fluctuates depending on the situation. Regardless, it should always be used if an unnecessary death can be avoided, and no other ability or spell will be as effective.

Single-Target Spells

Notably, though some party-wide actions can also work for single-target, players are highly recommended to avoid this, as it often costs significantly more MP or longer cooldowns for a similar or lower amount of healing potency.

  1. Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace
    • Your strongest raw healing spell for single-target; costs one Lily each.
    • As Lilies have no MP cost, they are highly recommended if players need to single-target heal anytime or move without casting.
  2. Regen Icon Regen
    • Your only regen healing spell for single-target.
    • This spell will heal significantly more than Cure Icon Cure over time, at the same cost.
    • Prioritize this if you have no Lilies available, know the full HoT buff will apply, and only one player needs to be healed.
    • This will mostly be used in player recovery or when there is combat downtime. Do not use this for quick emergencies, as the full benefit takes a while to happen.
  3. Cure II Icon Cure II
    • Your strongest raw healing spell that uses MP.
    • This has the same potency as Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace, so you should only use Cure II Icon Cure II if you have no Lilies available, and you have already expended your oGCD ability options.
    • This will heal more than Regen Icon Regen on application, but less when Regen Icon Regen's full HoT effect has been applied.
  4. Cure Icon Cure
    • Your weakest raw healing spell for single-target.
    • This is only recommended to use if you run out of lilies for Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace, and have no MP for Cure II Icon Cure II.
    • You have a low 15% chance of getting a no MP cost buff for your next Cure II Icon Cure II upon use, but it is usually not worth spending your MP to obtain it specifically.

Party-Wide Abilities

Just like with Single-Target priority, players should prioritize their abilities first before spells when reasonable. Please note that White Mage's party-wide abilities are situationally useful, so the priority can vary greatly between players.

  1. Temperance Icon Temperance
    • An ability that provides buffs for increased healing potency and damage reduction. In addition, it also enables players to use Divine Caress Icon Divine Caress.
    • Players can also use Divine Caress Icon Divine Caress in addition to Temperance Icon Temperance, so the overlapping mitigation buffs can help players manage heavy raidwides more effectively.
    • This is best used in co-ordination with your co-healer and party, either to stack multiple mitigations together for one mechanic, or to spread across multiple mechanics. The most effective method will depend on the fight and party composition.
  2. Divine Caress Icon Divine Caress
    • An ability that initially applies a small barrier to party members within range. After the barrier is removed, a regen healing effect is applied to all affected players.
    • This ability is only available after Temperance Icon Temperance is used.
    • As the ability is conditionally available, players can choose to use this ability together with Temperance Icon Temperance, or wait until after Temperance Icon Temperance runs out.
    • This is best used in co-ordination with your co-healer and party, either to stack multiple mitigations together for one mechanic, or to spread across multiple mechanics. The most effective method will depend on the fight and party composition.
  3. Liturgy of the Bell Icon Liturgy of the Bell
    • Your strongest raw healing ability that must be placed on the field.
    • You get the strongest potency from taking multiple attacks yourself, up to 5 times.
    • The best way to use this ability is to set it up prior to you taking damage. As you can decide when you want the ability to expire (within the given timer), this ability provides the flexibility of both immediate and periodic healing.
  4. Asylum Icon Asylum
    • Your only regen healing ability that must be placed on the field.
    • This ability will heal more than Assize Icon Assize at one use, but is slightly less when the player executes their second Assize Icon Assize.
    • Prioritize this if most of your party members will benefit from the full HoT effect.
    • You can also use this ability if you want a potency buff for any healing actions done by anyone to anyone while in the designated area. It does not affect players outside the area.
    • This will mostly be used for raidwides, or if players are going to be in the area for a long period of time. Do not use this for quick emergencies, as the full benefit takes a while to happen.
  5. Assize Icon Assize
    • Your weakest raw healing spell that provides both damage and extra MP.
    • Because the damage potency is significant over the course of a fight, players should prioritize using this ability when available.
    • The extra MP recovery is also a gain, as it minimizes the need for action gaps in your rotation.
    • After two uses, this ability will have the same base heal potency as a full Asylum Icon Asylum, so it is highly advised to use Assize Icon Assize off cooldown.
    • If drifting is not an issue and a raidwide is coming up soon, players can also choose to hold Assize Icon Assize until after players take damage, so there is less healing required for recovery.
    • If too much drifting occurs, players may have a lower damage contribution as a result.
  6. Plenary Indulgence Icon Plenary Indulgence
    • An ability that provides additional healing for party-wide spells. It can provide both raw healing and regen healing, depending on which spell is used.
    • This ability is incredibly useful for heavy raidwides, as it significantly reduces the number of overall healing spells used in a fight. It also affects Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture, which can heal more than Cure III Icon Cure III when buffed.
    • However, this ability only affects spells used after the buff effect is applied on players. Any prior spells must be refreshed to benefit from Plenary Indulgence Icon Plenary Indulgence.
    • This is best used in co-ordination with your co-healer and party, as using any healing spells can reduce your damage contribution. The most effective method will depend on the fight and party composition.

Party-Wide Spells

Though these spells are very potent compared to their abilities or single-target variants, they often come with high MP costs. This can be mitigated with the priority use of Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture or Thin Air Icon Thin Air.

  1. Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture
    • A decent raw healing spell that requires no MP; costing one Lily to use.
    • Just like its single-target variant, Afflatus Solace Icon Afflatus Solace, players can use this spell to build the Blood Lily (for Afflatus Misery Icon Afflatus Misery) or movement.
    • Generally, it should be prioritized over other spells, as it can prevent players from overcapping Lilies. In addition, the spell uses no MP, which helps with MP management.
    • While it is not as potent as Medica III Icon Medica III (at its full effect) or Cure III Icon Cure III, this instant cast spell provides the most flexibility of use.
  2. Medica III Icon Medica III
    • Your only regen healing spell that affects all players in the area.
    • This spell will heal more than Cure III Icon Cure III or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture at its full effect.
    • Prioritize this if most of your party members will benefit from the full HoT effect. Note that applying multiple Medica III Icon Medica IIIs by yourself will only refresh the buff timer, not increase the healing potency.
    • This will mostly be used for raidwides, or if players will not take too much damage after application. The regen effect is very useful for multi-hitting raidwides.
    • Do not use this for quick emergencies, as the full benefit takes a while to happen. It is good for recovering situations, where you cannot act while being occupied (such as multi-raising).
  3. Cure III Icon Cure III
    • Your strongest raw healing spell that also costs the most MP.
    • This spell will provide more immediate healing than Medica III Icon Medica III or Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture.
    • Prioritize this if most of your party members need strong healing as soon as possible, such as in party-wide emergencies or heavy multi-hitting raidwides.
    • If you do not need Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast for any Raise Icon Raises, Swiftcast Icon Swiftcast can be used to remove the cast for Cure III Icon Cure III.
    • In addition, Thin Air Icon Thin Air can also remove the MP cost for this spell.
  4. Medica Icon Medica
    • A decent raw healing spell that costs the least MP of its category.
    • This spell has the same potency as Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture, but because it has a cast time and requires MP, players should always prioritize using Afflatus Rapture Icon Afflatus Rapture first.
    • Players can also use this if they need additional healing through spells, have no Lilies, and do not want to re-apply Medica III Icon Medica III before the HoT effect expires.

Healing Potency Buffs

White Mages have a lot of strong healing spells alone, but they can increase the recovery amount further through healing potency buffs. These buffs come in two variations, where the buff increases healing done:

  1. By you, and only from your spells ("Increases Healing Magic Potency")
  2. By everyone, and from any actions ("HP Recovery via Healing Actions")

For White Mage, they have two abilities that fits the first category, which are Temperance Icon Temperance and Plenary Indulgence Icon Plenary Indulgence. These abilities only affect spells, so players cannot use the increased healing buff for oGCD abilities. In addition, other players cannot use the buff for their actions either, as it is exclusive to the White Mage player alone. Other White Mages in the party will need to use their own abilities to buff their actions.

In the second category, White Mage only has one ability that functions this way: Asylum Icon Asylum. This ability provides additional healing for all healing actions done within the area, and does not affect anyone or any healing action done outside. This means that it can be used to buff healing actions from your co-healer (or certain actions from other roles), or increase healing potency for oGCD abilities (as it affects all healing actions, not just spells).

Most often, to increase healing potency from a player's actions significantly, your party should stack actions that fall under the second category. For example, players can overlap actions such as Mantra Icon Mantra, Physis II Icon Physis II, and Magick Barrier Icon Magick Barrier together. This method is effective for mitigating heavy raidwides that require both healing spells and abilities to be used in quick succession. Keep in mind that other non-healer jobs may also have access to these actions, so even if you only play White Mage, it is helpful to know how other jobs may benefit your healing rotation in a fight.



Hopefully this guide helped you understand how White Mages can use their healing tools effectively in party-based duties. While most of it is subjective and cannot be used for every scenario or party composition, the most efficient and effective way to improve your healing performance is to communicate with your co-healer, tanks, and DPS players. While playing more of Final Fantasy XIV in general will help, high-level duties often require party co-ordination of both mechanics and mitigation. Knowing where certain actions are being used will help you determine when and how to heal.



  • 12 Jul. 2024: Rewrote Guide and Updated for Patch 7.0.
  • 14 Oct. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.5.
  • 27 May 2023: Updated for Patch 6.4.
  • 09 Jan. 2023: Updated for Patch 6.3.
  • 28 Aug. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.2.
  • 20 Apr. 2022: Updated for Patch 6.1.
  • 04 Apr. 2022: Guide added.
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