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Victorjdn started following Dark Knight PvP Guide
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Victorccn started following FFXIV - Seekers of Eternity Patch 7.2 Now Live!
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Montanangy started following Raid comp buff/debuffs addon?
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Game Pass members can now unlock 30 Heroes in Heroes of the Storm for free. Here’s how to claim your in-game perks. Game Pass Ultimate and PC Game Pass members are getting a fresh batch of in-game perks this week, and Heroes of the Storm is officially part of the lineup! Starting now, subscribers can unlock 30 playable Heroes in Blizzard's free-to-play MOBA just by linking their account.
wolverine49007 changed their profile photo
htaletqoav started following Heroes of the Storm Patch Notes: October 14th
Why do I keep getting this every time I tried to zone in queued dungeon? Every time I tried, the loading screen did nothing at all, then "Transfer Aborted: instance not found" error message appear. Then I tried again, same result. I'm sick of this stupid error, to the point where it kept me from queuing dungeons every 13-15 min. I even tried relog and disable all addons to no avail. WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?!?!?!
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JasonFAF started following Dark Knight PvP Guide
bozheers started following Maximizing Arcane Shot and Stuns
rukan changed their profile photo
How much interest would there be in a bot designed to recommend a class and spec from responses to a questionnaire? I've been messing around with Claude and have something put together, but have no real knowledge or expertise with implementation. I'd be happy to discuss in private message with a mod, even provide the raw files for implementation on this site or Discord or... wherever, really. I'm not looking for remuneration, maybe just some credit if it turns out to be viable and useful.
Amorfus changed their profile photo
LesClaypool changed their profile photo
Thank you for the reply. I look forward to the redesign. I much prefer I-V as my source of MMO news.
Patch 7.2 of Final Fantasy XIV is out now! Here is everything that was added or updated during this new version of the game. The patch notes for Seekers of Eternity are live. The new update will follow the Warrior of Light's encounter with the returned Queen of Reason as Alexandria descends into unrest, and features the new trial, Recollection, along with the new raid dungeon, the Arcadion: Cruiserweight Division. The patch also sees the reintroduction of the Borderland Ruins (Secure) for Frontline, updates to group pose depth of field effects, and a host of other additions and adjustm
sonamoccult changed their profile photo
Valanze changed their profile photo
Arc Discharge generally doesn't affect our spending priorities for Stormbringer. There's some super minor alterations that can min-max within margin to avoid wasting stacks, but the conditionals and number of opportunities to mis-manage it is so high it's not mentioned here. It only really takes precedent over Elemental Blast in the event of you having 2 stacks already present and Blast already charging - which is relatively rare due to Tempest taking over the button. It never alters the Maelstrom Weapon spend conditional
vuabet changed their profile photo
Ephinesia changed their profile photo
Hey RaineArii, It's not sponsored. We are building out our SEO authority for expansion on "Other Games site". We have to grow as a business :) Simultaneously we are working on a re-design of Icy Veins that will have the option to filter by what YOU want to see. Our tech is getting old and unfortunately we can't do that yet, but hopefully we release it this year. I speak to the devs if we can move this to it's own section instead of the front page, but it's going to be a bit of time.
Why am I brought to a Monk PVP comment section? I was on the Devastation Evoker PVP guide and the comment section brings me here. The Evoker PVP section clearly hasn't been updated for season 2 as it's still showing season 1 gear.
The latest leaks revealed new changes made to Hugo Vlad's kit! Find out what was fixed or modified here! Vivian was not the only Agent receiving some changes during the latest leaks from the Zenless Zone Zero Beta 1.7.2! The second upcoming Agent, Hugo Vlad, also received some modifications to his kit. Similar to Vivian, Hugo received a few nerfs for the time being. You can take a look at the detailed changes on the following Reddit post: It seems only his Core Passive's Level F and his Additional Ability have received a few small changes, and the Daze from his Ex Special
What I did was level up a tons of chars to max-level during the 20th anniversary event that was crazy fast. To keep up with the gear, I simply get two weekly chests that grant me Veteran gear. I kill the weekly boss in Undermine that guarantees Warband-bound loot on the first kill each week and then just spam delves like crazy for Champion gear/Hero-track gear in next week's Vault. After a few weeks, I will have Hero-track gear on nearly all slots and Champion-track gear in the rest without having to run M+.
mythic [Draenor][H] <Gordian Knot> (2/8M)
Tialha replied to Athlios's topic in EU - English Speaking
Hello all, we are still recruiting for mythic raiding. Raiding Days and Times are: Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00) Sunday: 20:15 to 23:15 (Invites start at 20:00) If you want to raid in a mature and relaxed environment, having fun while getting some decent progress please reach out to us for a chat. We are currently looking for the following: High: Evoker: all specs Priest: shadow Shaman: elemental & restoration Warior: all specs Medium: Monk -
Hello Lads, Sory to bother you, but I have small issues with summoning Golem and skeletons. For some reason yesterday during the game I press something or I did and can't summoning Golem and Skeletons anymore. I play on PS5 console I'll attach few pictures to give you idea what I did or I gave to do to fix the problem.
Thought Tama updated it for Season 2, I will remove it, thank you.
mythic [Draenor][H] <Gordian Knot> (2/8M)
Sephyra replied to Athlios's topic in EU - English Speaking
Hello, We are currently looking to expand our roster for the mythic raiding team with the following: High Demand: Evoker: All specs Priest: Shadow Shaman: Elemental & Restoration Warrior: All specs Medium Demand: Monk: Windwalker Rogue: All specs ❗️ We always welcome socials and exceptional applicants, regardless of active recruitment ❗️ Raiding Days and Times are: Wednesday: 20:15 to 23:15st (Invites start at 20:00st) -
She was REALLY strong and needed a bit of a bump down but I just hope they don't tear her to shreds. We saw with Pulchra how they have the ability to just shred a new agent before they are released.
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Upcoming Agent Vivian has received some number changes during the latest 1.7.2 beta. Here is everything you need to know! Latest Leaks for version 1.7 of Zenless Zone Zero have revealed that the upcoming Mockingbird agent Vivian has received some important changes on her Base AM and Multipliers! You can take a look at the following Reddit post for all the details: Most of her multipliers have been nerfed on her Basic Attack. Her Ex Special Skill's damage multiplier has also been lowered slightly, as well as for some other abilities. This was mostly done in order to keep the
Can someone make me a guide for this specialty?
Loving the guides and have been using it since I came back to wow a year ago. My request is if you can make it even better for solo players. Lots of us came back for delves and items on that level. Big parts of the guide is useful, but a lot of it is geared towards mythic plus and raiding. Biggest example is gear and bis. So the best items are really heroic from vault. Would be nice with tier list for trinkets dropping in delves for example. Guide how to craft best item using stuff outside raiding etc. I know you have talent spec for delves which is great.
You are still linking to Tama's weak aura, but it hasn't been updated for season 2. Do you have any other suggestions? If not, perhaps remove the one that's out of date. Thanks for doing the weekly list!
- Earlier
Your delve ability list for DPS/Heal/Tank needs way more explanation. Pinged Augment Chip is a liability. Mechasaur EZ Build is ludicrous since an egg is a rare drop at best. Pacifist Rig is a low DPS option and for some characters like hunters desummons pets when it happens. Higher levels of delves Goblomatic Grenade is far more useful in most circumstances as an additional interrupt. Three Dimentional Bioprinter is a reliable increase to DPS without risk.
Trying to keep up with 4 characters/classes is proving to be a huge stress/time suck. I’d like to know and also share my experience (when I have the full picture). e.g. Remember you can catch up your alts with Sparks later - so don’t feel you have to do them every week. (Is this true?) Or (if true) Complete the storyline with one character asap to get the Story Mode raid quest and a Runed Carved Crest (for a 658 item - usually main hand). And then maybe your alts can take a shortcut through the questing? Or (if true) clear the Undermine raid versus 5-8 delves as the most
Are they sponsored? There's even more now and again, this is the only non-multiplayer game getting this many articles posted.
It's still a very good Trinket, but House of Cards is generally better than it (the shorter cooldown's desync with Call of the Wild is now no longer an issue).
Thanks for the info! I have one more question, how does that new build affect our top trinket Signet of Priory, because in the trinket page you say its the best when used with Call of the Wild. Is it still the best trinket with this new build?