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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/19/2017 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 2 points
    Every once in a while r/WoW goes into a craze over a topic or theme, whether it's Class Hall hot tubs, super holes in one, the Inky Black Potion, they always grab on to a detail and just run with it. The most recent of these heroic deeds features the Warchief of the Horde, as a a specific shot from the Battle for Azeroth cinematic has inspired redditors. It all started innocently enough, as users wondered how she would look in her pre-undead form: Source. Source. Which moved on to "if Sylvanas looked more like her ingame model": Source. Then we started digging
  3. 2 points
    Rotface isn't really good. Bad stats for very high mana cost generating minions you have no control of. But Mr. Hellscream is always great :) Anyway... I never know what to make of warrior, you play some face hitting or taunt/control deck, both totally boring imo. Tempo Warrior has some potential for fun but doesn't last long. I think the nature of the warrior class makes it hard to create something that's more enjoyable. Well, if you enjoy sitting behind your taunts and bore your opponent to death or like hitting the face without really interacting with your opponent warrior might b
  4. 2 points
    Thanks for the info guys appreciate it. Have a great Thanksgiving Holiday.
  5. 2 points
    Black Friday is hitting the Nexus next week and while we do not have any specific details yet, the usual collection update will not happen. While we do not have any specific information regarding this year's Black Friday promotion, the usual collection update will not happen next week. In the meantime, you can check out this week's sale and we'll keep you updated as the Black Friday promotion draws closer. Black Friday 2016 (Source) Last year, Blizzard placed two Heroes and Legendary skins on sale during Black Friday, along with two Bundles and let's not forget the 360 day Stimp
  6. 1 point
    Would have been AWESOME if she looked like that in that cinematic. Much prettier. Same for Anduin, he looks like a girl in that cinematic, yet in his in-game model he has Varian features, a true Manduin.
  7. 1 point
    Ugh, it was just user error... >.< Privacy Badger was the culprit, which definitely should have been one of the first things to try... although I also use that on Chrome, which was what initially threw me off that trail.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    My first primal was was Scoundrel token with gain access to skills... >_>
  10. 1 point
    Thank you for the explanation. And it's not a big deal it was just, when I clicked on this deck, "8 epics? 4k dust? wtf?" :D But if blizz continues to do as they do it looks like about 6k will be budget soon and the 10k just a mid budged. We already have decks which cost more than 12k. I always assume someone is not a cash cow so that will be like hell for every new or low time/money player especially if they find no fun in the cheaper classes like Hunter.
  11. 1 point
    That's why I preferred the old system for marking decks as budget. Decks that were "cheap" compared to the full deck (such as control warrior at 6k dust compared to 10k dust full version - this deck would have been in this category as well) has Mid Budget tag, while decks that were really cheap but didn't qualify for the Cheap tag (such as ramp druid at 1.4k dust) has Low Budget tag. This way it was easier to find the decks based on your collection. Not sure why that system was abandoned. So yeah, I agree the current system is not the best one, as many of us are used to decks marked as bu
  12. 1 point
    I'm not sure why you think you should be doing 1m DPS - also, what fight? Was it ST or AoE? A log would be far more useful than what you have provided. See here: https://www.warcraftlogs.com/help/start/
  13. 1 point
    Well I tried it again, and could solo one of the Cursed Hollow golems, but only after I had learned the Echo of Heaven talent.
  14. 1 point
    With Alexstrasza out, it's time to look at Hanzo. Kendric got a chance to play the Hero at this year's BlizzCon! Oxy also played Hanzo and you can find his hands-on impressions here. In the following video, Kendric sat down with Heroes of the Storm 3D Animator Lana Bachynski and played Hanzo on Volskaya Foundry.
  15. 1 point
    Without seeing any logs and just by looking at your armoury I can tell 3 main reasons why your dps is low. 1-) No set bonus. Set bonus makes a big difference for boomies. 2-) Sub-par trinkets. Try to get better ones. 3-)Sub-par legendaries. One of them is a defensive legendary (chest) and the other one (soul) is good only for aoe. You also have a lot of crit, converting some of it to haste or mastery might boost your dps a little but its hard to tell without simming. I am assuming you change your lvl 100 talent to balance of power on single target. Without set bon
  16. 1 point
    Thanks for helping to answer!
  17. 1 point
    People jumping into a well from a very long way away. Because. Back in my day™ all we did was idle on the old Orgrimmar bank roof all day and it was totally exciting. This newfangled Legion expansion is taking everything to the extreme, including idling in the city - and this proves it! The latest reddit activity seems to be jumping from quite a long way a way straight into the sewer portal well for... reasons, and there have been quite a few damn impressive holes in one. Super holes in one you might say. Usually with these you slowly build up to the amazing one, but the amazing one is ju
  18. 1 point
    Well, it seems the new craze in the screenshotting world is the Inky Black Potion, darkening nights everywhere. And WoW's nights definitely need darkening, as it's sometimes almost hard to tell that it's the middle of the night. But no fear, the intrepid imgur posters over at r/wow have it covered with a lot of really great images, so let's get started. First off, a slow intro, with a spooky forest you actually can believe you could get lost in: Source. Author: gustavchats. Keeping with the spooky theme, it's time for some cosmic horror, as Vashj'ir goes from massive annoyance
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