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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/12/2018 in all areas

  1. 2 points
  2. 1 point
    Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel is a new dog mount available for purchase in the in-game and Blizzard Shop for 25 EUR or $25. Update: Blizzard is going to increase the size of the mount by roughly 30% in a future hotfix that should be deployed to live realms soon. Blizzard (Source) I actually submitted this feedback per some early comments on Reddit this morning and we agree, this doggo is too smol. His floof is being increased by approximately 30%. This should be going live soonish. The mount was first available on Chinese realms as part of the ongoing Year of the Dog p
  3. 1 point
    You can add the fierce Vicious War Basilisk to your mount collection in Battle for Azeroth for 1 Vicious Saddle! A new PvP mount will be purchasable for 1 Vicious Saddle in Battle for Azeroth at some point. We don't know if the mount's going to be available at launch, but the Vicious War Fox datamined back in Patch 7.3 was added to the vendors in Patch 7.3.5. Players can earn the saddle by winning 100 Arena (3v3) or 40 Rated Battlegrounds in a PvP Season (Dominant Combatant / Dominant Combatant). Alliance players will be able to buy Vicious War Basilisk from Necrolord Sipe in St
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    On January 12, Blizzard temporarily disabled the legendary effect on Bone Ringer. Players that utilized the bug to gain an unfair advantage over other classes recently had their accounts suspended. It was difficult to track down accounts involved in the exploit, but Blizzard eventually issued account suspensions and removed affected players from the leaderboards on February 9, 2018. Blizzard (Source) Greetings all, A couple weeks ago, an exploit was discovered in which Necromancers could receive an unfairly high advantage over other classes. Utilizing this exploit required b
  7. 1 point
    Blizzard is trying to bring back once again that sense of uniqueness to every class much like we had prior to Cataclysm. I won't say it's a bad thing, but some things back in the "Glory Days" weren't good either and we got a lot of quality-of-life changes. This is one of the things I wish they kept as it is, with you being able to have your favorite looking pet and assigning whatever Specialization you want. Maybe Blizzard could add a "Pet Transmog" system where you can change the appearance of your pet whenever you want based on a Bestiary containing all the pets you've tamed. But I high
  8. 1 point
    Semantics. A breakpoint is not the same thing as a cap. Reaching >30% Haste makes the GCDs short enough to fit one more attack if you have enough focus to spam nonstop, but Haste doesn't cap because it continues to increase focus regen and decrease the cooldowns of Kill Command and Dire Beast, no matter how high it goes. A proper cap would mean that after reaching that specific amount the weight of that stat plummets, and gaining any more of it is bad or useless. This doesn't happen for any stat for BM.
  9. 1 point
    Would be interesting if they released a expansion where we would become the ultimate bad guy at the very end and cause some kind of catastrophic damage to the world of Sanctuary to perhaps mix it up, and introduce a new hidden source instead of another Diablo.v7, which I wouldn't mind either lol
  10. 1 point
    Because the build is based on the idea of spread pressure, which is more difficult to enforce without the ranged capability of Moonfire. This set is based on what you struggle with. Guardian is recommended because it is more forgiving, since you will get focused often without it. You will struggle heavily to put out any pressure if you're being focused. You gain a lot more damage from BT - the burst of Elune's really isn't worth it at all.
  11. 1 point
    I would suggest cubing Stuart's Greaves since you are using Blood Rush
  12. 1 point
    Hey, I can't speak for the icy-veins guide as I haven't really read it, but I can answer some of your questions from my experience. Brain Freeze proc has a very small delay after Frostbolt to allow you to not munch another BF proc when chaining Frostbolts. So you'll be doing this: Frostbolt(BF procs) -> Frostbolt -> Flurry(BF procs here from the second frostbolt due to delay) -> Ice Lance -> Frostbolt -> Flurry -> Ice Lance -> Frostbolt and so on. Your Frostbolts will always either chain into: 1. Flurry if you have a BF proc while casting the Frostbolt,
  13. 1 point
    Bonds of Justice stacks are incredibly forgiving. Having 10 stack doubles the pull dmg late game and it can stack into infinity. After you get Cruel Chain the dmg you deal by pulling becomes ridiculous. These 2 have incredible synergy. Less wait times for us, Right? I agree her basic attack build was just overtuned. Most of the time i run the Chop-Chop build. https://www.icy-veins.com/heroes/talent-calculator/maiev#30.0!1112111 Its like playing Alarak in QM with the not so safe heroic. You jump in and you die and your teammates watch you die. lol
  14. 1 point
    In the wise words of Garrosh Hellscream,
  15. 1 point
    There is a range of glyphs that allow you to change your shapeshift appearances (e.g. Glyph of the Orca). Just give the auctionhouse a browse.
  16. 1 point
    There's a particular WHU video from 5 years ago that I'm reminded of.....
  17. 0 points
    Once upon a time ... ... there was a tiny kobold wandering the catacombs. Some day while he was exploring the outer corners of the labyrinth he met a warlock. They instantly liked each other and they enjoyed sitting at a camp fire, eating some golbins, elven ears or whatever and they shared a few stories. After a while the warlock admitted that he is sad and not satisfied with his deck. The kobold listened to the words of the warlock and then telling him he has some ideas which might help. The kobold began to whisper unbelievably evil plans into the warlocks ear.
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