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4 pointsJust the title of this topic made me think about the cheap Asian RPGs where your female character gets more exposed with stronger armor.
4 pointsMaking the world scale to your ilvl is dumb anyway. When I get gear I want to feel badass and wipe the floor with the mobs that once gave me a hard time. The fact the system is so broken, still, is hilarious.
4 points
4 pointsso blizz thought it a "good idea" to put in a Molach, Satan, Lucifer, Devil himself pet? I always thought this game questionable... I need to look no further. great job, make sure you create some golden statues, and empty bodied belly bulls in which to roast children alive in That'll complete things. I'm out. %14.99 a month no more.
2 pointsIf you get stuck on any of the new Puzzle Lab levels, Pesty's guides are here to help. Puzzle Labs are here, and Puzzle Labs are hard. The new single-player mode for The Boomsday Project is very different from Dungeon Runs and Monster Hunts. Players progress through a series of Lethal, Mirror, Board Clear, and Survival puzzles until they unlock the final Dr. Boom puzzles, which are some serious head-scratchers. If you need some help completing all 20 puzzles to unlock the new cardback, Kat has you covered with these guides: Lethal Puzzles Guide; Mirror Puzzles Guide;
2 pointsThe secret finding Discord and Warcraft-secrets.com have been hard at work gathering pebbles in search of the elusive The Hivemind mount, but they've found something else instead. Baa'l, the battle pet was at the end of a 13 pebble long hunt with the small items hidden throughout BfA zones, and the seekers needed help from Uuna to defeat Baa'l in battle. This is the first secret uncovered in Battle for Azeroth since it went live, with a few others dug up during the beta, so big congrats to all you secret finders out there that contributed. Now, it seems likely that Baa'l is just the next
2 pointsThe main problem with no scaling is not even that higher ilvl players destroy early level mobs, but rather that new characters that want to participate in the new content will get absolutely destroyed (was barely possible to do Burning Shore introduction + questing when it came out if you had bad gear). Some degree of enemy ilvl adaptation allows mobs in current content to feel challenging enough to geared players without blocking lower geared players from progressing in solo content. Of course, this brings us to the current system where you can game it by artificially lowering your
2 points
2 pointsPrecisely what is considered the biggest flaw of the map - you can ignore the other team as long as you pile up the coins. It gives you low emphasis on team fights and it is not how the devs want to it be, for obvious reasons. As for the pro play, I have been watching some HGC for around 6 months now and never have I seen being played. I don't think it's in the rotation in the first place. But let's get back to the topic - Hanamura. I am quite happy it's back to the game (finally), though I have to admit I didn't consider it that bad. Saying that, I do realize that double payload (double
2 pointsI already know this Marick, please don't send me to the shadowrealm for back talking though!
2 pointsTo be fair space demons are the superior demons, everyone knows that. It's why Diablo's playerbase is shrinking while Legion was a hit!
2 points
2 points
2 pointsYou mean Garrosh that dropped a nuke on a town full of civilians and his own troops, and then tried to commit genocide upon the rest of the horde that weren't orcs or a select bunch of goblins that made him his tools of war to attempt said genocide. Claiming that literally the only way there can be a horde is if it's a true, Orcish horde without others essentially polluting it? She's definitely not been good or "morally grey" but I wouldn't say she's that far...
2 pointsThe Hivemind is a new secret mount added in Battle for Azeroth and the WoW Secret Finding Discord community is currently busy trying to solve the final steps of the puzzle. Join the hunt for the flying brain mount! Update: The hunt is on and the community discovered the first BfA secret pet Baa'ls Darksign! When summoned, Baa'l says: "Souls fEast on enDless shrieKing, in darKNess they writhe and scream, yOu WiLl join thEm, toGether forEver morE!” Another hint maybe? The Hivemind The mount shares the same model with Yogg-Saron's brain in Ulduar. We found two spells rel
1 pointApparently it's BlizzCon season and to celebrate its start Blizzard have posted a whole lot of goodies for us to enjoy! First off there's a great "Best of BlizzCons Past" video series, that will be focusing on the great moments from former conventions, starting off with biggest surprise announcements. We can also vote for for our favorite surprise to come out of the shows. Next up it's the big ticket item from the post, the Blizzard community infographic, covering some amazing stats from across all of Blizzard's games, from important and informative ones like 37 million monthly active pla
1 pointGood news, everyone! Senior Game Producer Michael Bybee confirmed at Gamescom that Sylvanas won't be following in the footsteps of Garrosh in Battle for Azeroth. Click here to read the full PCGamesN article! Blizzard finally addressed concerns voiced by Horde players that came into existence after the reveal of the Sylvanas animated short. If you're late to the game and haven't played War of Thorns, Sylvanas burned down Teldrassil and players were not particularly happy about that. Some even started harassing Christie Golden who didn't even write Warbringers. According to PCGame
1 pointA reddit post revealed some interesting information about Patch 8.1 that were supposed to be unveiled at Gamescom, but Blizzard confirmed there's no dedicated WoW panel and it appears they only plan to reveal Warbringers: Azshara. Update No plans to have a dedicated WoW panel this year. Warbringers: Azshara will be revealed at 18:15 CEST on Friday, August 24. Blizzard (Source) We do not have a dedicated World of Warcraft panel at gamescom this year as such. We instead have a series of other activities such as Island Expeditions showcases with 2 top German guilds battlin
1 pointRedditor MrDysprosium noticed that unequipping your high item level gear, mostly Heart of Azeroth, trinkets, and rings makes you more powerful in the outdoor world in Battle for Azeroth. Battle for Azeroth mobs scale in power to match your bagged item level. Unequipping said gear will significantly reduce the time needed to kill most mobs, while player power remains unaffected. Redditor lovemaker69 added that you must bank or sell your gear for mobs to be scaled down and just bagging it will not suffice. The same problem was present in Legion, and here's Ion's reply about mob scaling
1 pointBattle for Azeroth launched a week ago and we compiled a list of tips to get you started with week 2! Tips Focus on gearing up for Uldir and complete world quests to earn reputation with the new factions. All factions provide items at Honored/Revered/Exalted. Don't forget about Inscription contracts and check out our reputation guides for more information. Prioritize emissaries over random world quests. They reward 1,500 reputation each with the new factions. Check out the world map for quests that provide item upgrades and try to finish those first. Complete Myth
1 pointCarbot Animations are back with a parody of Batte for Azeroth's opening cinematic. Carbot is known for creating cartoon parodies. They've created multiple sprays and portraits for Heroes of the Storm so far and their latest creation is the BfA opening cinematic parody.
1 point...they have faceless beasts with tentacle hands and a monster literally made of the souls of women, children and men alike. :blink:
1 pointSure, a few Rogues like to camp World Quest boss spawns but that is by far not the majority of Rogues. I'll gank people that are killing a World Quest boss if they are killing it and I need it because it's tapped by them and I cannot get credit. Statistically Rogues are one of the least played classes in WoW. You are much more likely to get ganked by a Hunter or Druid in World PvP. https://www.statista.com/statistics/276318/distribution-of-world-of-warcraft-characters-by-class/
1 pointWith first patch?! WOW! I'm gonna love the M+ grinding in this expansion!
1 pointAlliance War Campaign makes her look even worse. She was fine by employing someone like a san'layn Blood Prince Dreven, who had begun making new san'layn (Alliance killed him and stopped that) and even drained out of blood some Horde troops.
1 pointSooo... The Anagram mentioned is; - whatever that means? Interesting none the less.
1 point
1 point
1 pointthats the most boring launch ever ... already nothing to do after week 1.. now you realize what a blessing the legendary farm in legion was
1 pointThey literally have game about Diablo himself (in fact 3 games) and this is what ends your subscription? Ffs. I can understand if you're religious, but you knew full well that Blizzard has done this.
1 pointYour horn perception is atrocious! A puny single horn is beneath even the lowliest Diablo demon!
1 pointThe first in a series of Diablo comics is coming in a few months and will presumably focus on Lilith based on the cover art posted (that, or it's just someone's imaginative interpretation of a succubus). The first edition of the four part series is coming on November 7th and will deal with "Zealous crusaders and scholars" discovering "dark secrets about the origins of their world!", said secrets possibly being Lilith and Inarius-related. The comic will set us back $3,99 and is one of the "projects" teased in an earlier tweet. We recently learned another of the projects was the D3 Switch port,
1 pointNot so much third faction, but they could become neutral, like the Goblin used to be and certain groups within their race, as well as others. The Tauren brought them into the Horde but Varian has made overtures towards some reconciliation with the Humans after being forced to face his prejudices thanks to his surprising meeting with Alonsos Faol, creator of The Silver Hand and now undead servant of The Light. Even Genn recognizes, finally, that The Forsaken are not simply creatures and that Sylvanas does not need to define them. If The Light can accept them and create one of their kind
1 point
1 pointSylvanas set the wheel in motion for losing The Forsaken to Calia Menethil. She's the hero that they need. I'm not necessarily optimistic for the future of the Horde but I am for The Forsaken. Baine and the rest of the "Original Horde" should think long and hard about whether the future of the Horde should include some of these other new races once The Forsaken go neutral.
1 pointNot really good news if you ask me. So far I find her worse and far more evil than Garrosh so if she gets a better ending than him, I would find it kind of unfair and unjust. Then again, perhaps this is what they mean. She gets a worse ending, far more humiliating for the horde than the one Garrosh got. Yay... Edit: Another thing. What do you mean "she won't be following in the footsteps of Garrosh"? She already burnt the tree with innocent women and children inside. She already is worse than him. Unless... Perhaps she is actually dead/lost already (maybe her suicide work
1 pointThe question is, will she become Kerrigan 2.0 instead, a neutral hero that both factions have to support in fight against Void Lords. This would have been even worse than her ending like another Garrosh.
1 pointas someone how loved previous solo content, i dont like it. feels like a test, not a game at all !
1 pointyou can really feel the amount of work that went into this mode. i think they did a great job and I am having a lot of fun atm.
1 pointPriority adds and trash mobs usually are vulnerable to stuns, like slowing or stunning. Such as Aggramar's Taeshalach flames phase.
1 pointHello: Rather than putting that macro in every attack skill, i recommend using a separate, independent one: /petattack /petassist / (you can continue putting rest of pet skills in forward lines) Hitting it occasionaly does the job.
1 pointNot very much strategy in the strategy section, just more explanation of what does what. Would be really cool to see what different strats work and what comps work better. Like for instance, I run 3 dps and we bum rush rare mobs to aoe it down with its group and try to mine as many nods as possible while avoiding the elite mobs. This lets us not waste time on mobs with huge health pools that dont give much but are pretty lethal. Edit: also I am only seeing 3 items at the vendor at the start of each expedition, so is that list accurate? or do we need to find those items elsewhere?
1 pointAm I the only one that thinks they look like perverts and are quite disturbing? :-/
1 pointThat's pretty much it. Once you are friendly with the main 3 story factions and have completed the war campaign while leveling, you get world quests.
0 pointsYeah, I don't understand the Lili nerf. She was already a very fringe support pick (only against AA reliant comps).
0 points.... Ok then. Until he gets nerfed to the ground, I found out who to ban. Fixed that for you :^)