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About BullDozzer

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  • Birthday 06/20/1993

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    Karlstad, Sweden
  1. Hello fellow Death Knights. I just got gold in the tanking proving grounds. Anyone got any tips to get to wave 30?
  2. I might try LB out on the next raid. We have not made such use of void shift so that is also an interesting thought. Ah yea ok, I guess thats good otherwise blood DKs would be horrible on the boss. Thanks for explaining :)
  3. Of course they are not mutually exclusive, silly me. Excuse me. I do not know where my mind where when I wrote that post. Have not used LB in a while and I stopped using it because the healing from it felt next to trivial. Have you used LB-DC in the fight recently and how much did it heal? I was not aware that the blood-shield was unaffected by the healing reduced? Bloodshield is just a percentage of the healing from DS, and that healing should be reduced, and as a result the bloodshield should also be smaller? Or do death-strike ignore the healing-reduce?
  4. It would be very doabel and possible and my guess is just that the loot is sorted out in such a way that if we rather wanted one-handers there would not be enough of them. But in my head it is a bit odd? Strength 2Handers: Arms Fury(TG) Unholy Retribution Frost Blood Strength 1Handers: Fury Protection(paladin) Protection(warrior) Frost
  5. It might be a bit problematic with dps geared in ilvl 522 and you still use a 463 weapon. Weapons is pretty important for threat. Just make sure to keep both diseases up, spam Blood Boil if there are 4 or more enemies, otherwise Heart Strike. As soon as there are more than one target, make sure to get that death and decay out early together with diseases. I would also recommend going with Runic Empowerment, at least until you feel more secure about the tanking rotation, as it simplifies it even more. Hope it works out fine :)
  6. Would really Lichborne+DC be better than Death Pact? i have trouble seeing how? :o
  7. A bunch of info i can come up with: Horridon Tips and Tricks: Army of the Dead should be used on doors you are having issues with. It can be recommended to use on the Drakkari Door(the third door), since it would seem that the Army can actually pick up some of the Risen Drakkari Warrior and Risen Drakkari Champion, causing less diseases on the raid. Also the Drakkari Frozen Warlord hits really hard so it will highly reduce tank damage having Army tanking them. (Note: Army will pretty much lock the warlords in place, creating a pile of Frozen Orb, making it hard for melee to attack the warlo
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