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About luizofoca

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  1. Quest line in Suramar leading to the opening of nighthold raid
  2. i'll continue to play as a death knight because it's my main class since lich king and i love to be a meat tank with my 2 handed axe. My favourite NPC is Chromie
  3. Middle row: Short cooldowns (base CD under 2 mins) and Bone Shield, and Blood Charge tracker. Rune Tap CD aura activates for the missing rune aswell as the actual cooldown. Visible at all times. Bottom row: Long cooldowns (base CD 2min or higher). I opted not to add Army, since the 10min cooldown restricts to one use per fight anyways, so I didn't see the need to put that there. Visible at all times. It's "ready" but using it in practise will probably make me tweak it a little bit. I tried making a BloodShield bar out of the enrage bar from Tappie's original auras
  4. Horde of course Let the Darkspears have his head...
  5. My mistake or seems like almost all plate drops with mastery in it comes with haste?? i was looking the 4 initial bosses in SoO and the tank plate armor has parry/dodge or parry/hit. theres any change for blood dk? no more stacking lots of mastery?
  6. I think the major problem to this guide and everything is if your main spec is healer. You wont have enough equip to survive easily the scenarios in isle of thunder. but overall a great guide.
  7. luizofoca

    Website Rename

    the name is already a trademark. dont change it. even if its named after horrible mages.
  8. i played FF11 till WoW release. and tried FF14 1.0 and now I am trying to participate in the FF14 RR since alpha. All i can say is that its getting a lot like WoW. and a lot better than the version 1.0
  9. thanks for the help Tyrendorf I will talk about this change with our raid leader that is a pally healer. About the talking in portuguese no need. I just said that because i was afraid to let some mistake in english appear.
  10. Thanks for the info. i changed to stoneskin because i thought more stamina and armor would be good to start heroic. There any other tip after looking my WoL? yesterdy i was talking to one of the healers and he said how hard was to heal me in horridon ( i was tanking horridon far from doors in our way of fighting no tank switching) comparing to our paladin tank. And normally a dk can support more phisical damage than a paladin even if i cant take the debuff from me like he can. (sorry for any english mistakes, not primary language and sometimes i feel a little rusty)
  11. can i get some help too? armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/azralon/eskeleticus/advanced wol from jinrok hc (tried 10 times) and then normal till tortos http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/rt-9ndln1ivaq8kkv6p/details/1/ i was doing dps job till 2 weeks ago so my equipment will not be optimal but i really need info on where to improve. Im using hit/exp in front of dodge/parry because of agro problems and losing agro to the other tank a paladin
  12. can i get some help improving my frost dps too? i normally only do lfr with her but im helping as a filler in my guild raid sometimes so any help would be great armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/pt/character/azralon/Khalista/ world of logs i will ask the guild for it this week.
  13. one thing that im liking a lot in this expansion is the lore and how the story is being telled All the sequence quests from Wrathion and how is managing to show Garrosh becoming evil..
  14. this is a point serious raiders already finished heroic content and its getting boring again. They will release 5.4 much faster with this type of thinking
  15. maybe with Project Titan being postponed they will release a new expansion until july 2014 less than 2 years from this one.
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