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About tassadar

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  • Birthday 12/12/1985

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    SPb Russia
  1. This picture might give you some clues. http://www.unbearably.net/blogfiles/simplecatdps.jpg Seriously speaking, people recomment feral, arms. Try retri too.
  2. Any updates with regard to recent demo nerfs?
  3. Just when I started to get a grasp on things.
  4. Kan'rethad collected the fel energies and wielded cataclysm itself. Now they serve as a farming plow or whatever. This is worth wasting SOME time, I think.
  5. Destro may be good at pewpewing small mobs, but nothing compares with Demonic Leap when you have to pull that liana thing at your farm.
  6. Now that's a silly question, I know. I've played destro all the way from 5.1, and now am trying to switch to demo - just for fun. I easily do 210-220 sustained dps as a destro (Sha of Pride), but cannot pass 140k mark as demo. Now, the question is: how does one learn playing demo? Is it raid dummy training, constant stream of LFRs and LFGs, doing dailies with one hand tied to your back, or what? Do I have to play "Live to win" in background in order to succeed in learning? Thank you.
  7. Is it worth it trying to play Demo only having 510 UVLS?
  8. Is crit now acceptable for destro? I see positive crit scaling in SimC, leading to something like Crit > Haste >= Mastery.
  9. Is RoF still profitable in single target?
  10. Is it my playskills, or something, but I only score 150k at best as 531 affli with full legendary cloak, 530 Wushu's and 510 Cha-Ye's? Should I score more in a direct single-target fight, like a Mageara without meters pumpping?
  11. What are the core statistics to look at when analyzing affliction parse? I for example see 99.1% - 98.5% - 99% uptimes on A-C-UA, 51% MG uptime, 55% haunt, 12.5% soul drain. Are these numbers OKish? What else should I look at?
  12. The best warlock dps guide ever. The last point is especially true.
  13. Damn, that's a problem with language. Can't find a way to translate the log presentation, unfortunately. Anyways, thanks for the checkpoints, will analyze myself. BTW, how do I measure RoF uptime in WoL? I don't see a number in the column. Do I have to calculate total possible ticks and compare with real ticks? You most probably lack russian fonts in your system. All out letters are cute and attractive.
  14. Hello, fellow warlocks. Could you please assist me in improving my DPS? I have a recent log of Qon, Twins and Lei Shen here: http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/8si0p9754btvjnlo/ Here is my armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/ru/character/%D1%87%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B8-%D1%88%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC/%D0%9D%D0%B5%D0%B2%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F/advanced Any tips to improve?
  15. Try VW/VL pet for more reliable tanking. And try to find a party for rares, just spam in /1.
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