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About Hordack

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  1. Tempering suggestion for boots is listed as "Mobility Cooldown Reduction" for WW Barbarian S4. None of the skills in the build uses Mobility (Lunging strike does, but it is not used on the skill bar....just to progress to Core Skill). Maybe add + to Concussion? IMO you should also maybe change the suggested aspect on gloves from "Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind" to "Aspect of Fierce Winds". I think it is more beneficial.
  2. S4 Barb WW build based on the endgame build on this site. https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/whirlwind-barbarian-build/ The gloves recommend "Aspect of Grasping Whirlwind" - Periodically pulls enemies toward you. Considering how fast I'm moving around and how often I'm using shouts, I think the Fierce Winds Aspect - Your Shout Skills create 3 Dust Devils that deal X damage to enemies along the path....bigger and deal more damage and is more beneficial. I'm throwing out lots of dust devils constantly. Any feedback on that logic?
  3. This is my first time playing a rogue. I’m using this guide and filling out my talent tree. https://www.icy-veins.com/d4/guides/dual-core-rapid-fire-flurry-rogue-leveling-build/ Skill 13 and 14 doesn’t exist. It says “enhanced stealth” and “countering stealth”, but I’m guessing it should be “enhanced concealment” and “countering concealment”? Even when I tap on the names, it doesn’t bring up a tool tip.
  4. Posted four months ago. Maybe update the guide so people don't have to spend 20 minutes trying to figure out where to put the spell? Had to respec also since I picked a worthless skill. Also, I'm sure you are aware, they took away the two points of Imperfectly Balanced.
  5. I have been following the HotA guide on your site. I've been following the paragon board your linked to D4 planner. I'm level 99 and I'm 2.5 bubbles away from 100. I currently have 3 extra points and I guess the last bubbles will max me out at 6 extra points. Problem is I have already filled in all of them you have planned out. Considering there are 6 boards, I wonder if it is counting some twice like that board connector? On their site I unchecked a connector and it gave me 2 points, not one. So I still have 6 points to drop somewhere and I'd like to maximize.
  6. Main hand listed at Tempest and off hand listed as Fearhammer. However the description matches Eager Maelstrom and Dishonored Blade, respectively. Am I missing something or am I confused with the imbuing?
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