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About Elro

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  • Birthday 12/15/1994

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    Gaming, playing trumpet, running, reading, etc.
  1. While it's true that Haste and Crit aren't entirely useless for Blood DKs, it is still much better to have Mastery, Dodge, and Parry on our gear for increased mitigation, especially at lower gear levels.
  2. You sir, while a dark god of demonic magics, are a hero. You're awesome, Zag.
  3. Blood doesn't stop stacking mastery either, to the best of my knowledge, if you go for a mastery build. Many DKs in BiS or near BiS gear go for an avoidance build for more dps. Roiling Blood should be in your Blood spec in all fights aside from Juggernaut and Malkorok, where you would indeed use Plague Leech for more Death Strikes. Soul Reaper is good for Blood, but for Frost, go with what Cupidx said above, he got it right. Blood Shield Tracker is the addon I use, it's customizable, easy to read, and gets the job done.
  4. Heh, tell the lock to play Demo or Affliction, THEN he can judge you. He'd have to really put forth effort to contribute :P
  5. Berlinia, that wounds my eyes. Horribly. That hurts more than a Chaos Bolt. :P
  6. The legendary meta gem and the legendary cloak WILL add to your dps, and as demonardvark said, Frost just isn't currently one of the top dps in most cases. And Berlinia, I say mages fall before the warlock :P
  7. Nalar, you're overthinking it. 14880 is a perfectly viable haste rating for Demo to play at, and you won't suffer for not going up to 16800 or more. It's all personal preference what haste threshold people go to. Stats will have a negligible effect on dps when compared to your playstyle.
  8. Elro

    Demonology Log Analysis

    I always aim to improve. I'm immensely grateful that you all take the time to give me the advice I need on how to do so, and I shall update with more logs in a couple weeks when things settle down a bit in real life. You guys rock :)
  9. Elro

    Demonology Log Analysis

    Thank you Zagam :) while I'm sure I could have played much better to offset this, I wonder how much of a difference using the run and hide phase 2 strat makes. I think my uptimes would have suffered less from it, but obviously can't say for sure. I came back after a couple weeks of time off, and figured I'd give Sup a shot, since I've seen you post that it isn't always such a huge difference. Honestly, I'm going to guess that I just got too excited and stopped paying proper attention to my Doom, because as you outlined, I made some big mistakes there. Something to work on!
  10. Hey guys, I've been here reading and posting in the warlock and mage forums for awhile now, and I'd like a more in-depth analysis of my own logs to see exactly what I can improve. I appreciate any and all tips, and don't sugarcoat it :) Armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/silver-hand/Elrovao/advanced Logs: http://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/qWzK3NxDAMY26k7w I was toying with Affliction on Norushen, but the other 3 bosses were in Demo. Somehow, I even scored rank 8 Demo lock on Galakras (feeling pretty proud, even though I know I wasn't playing perfectly). Thanks in advan
  11. In my experience with mage in SoO, the spec with the best dps is the one YOU play the best. Arcane is easy to do well, but much harder to do excellently. Additionally, it scales pretty well. Heroic level mages with BiS or near-BiS gear have the haste and mastery to make Arcane shine, and the skill to play it to the fullest. That being said, I, or any of the much better mages out there, can do comparable dps in any of the 3 specs.
  12. Elro

    [Arcane] Log evaluation

    I'll start with your armory: that ring with spirit is awful, spirit has NO benefits for mages. In addition, you'll want to replace the pvp ring asap as well. I'd look at your IJ kill, but you died and weren't rezzed before you got past 2/3 of the fight. I'll check Sha instead. Bomb uptime: 77.96%. This should be 95%+. Use a bomb tracker addon or WeakAura to keep an eye on it. RoP uptime: 91.89% uptime. Considering prisons and such, this is acceptable for this fight. Remember, the higher the uptime, the better. As I am not an expert on analyzing Arcane, there's not too much more
  13. From what I can see, you're playing pretty well, with a few little things like bomb uptime and proc usage holding you back a little. I'm no expert in Arcane, but your performance on Protectors looked pretty spot on, though your RoP uptime should be a little higher, ideally. I'm sure one of our mage experts could probably look deeper into precise CD timing and little things, but you're on the right track, and you know you have some things to work on, so just keep plugging away :)
  14. Elro

    [Frost] Dps Help please

    Ah, that would make sense on the Ice Lances on Deep Freeze targets. Between Brain Freeze only having one charge, and haste increasing bomb tick speed, and thus faster possible procs, it gives you a smaller window of time to use the proc before you risk wasting it.
  15. Elro

    [Frost] Dps Help please

    Indeed, on Nazgrim your proc usage wasn't as good as it was on Malkorok. You wasted a lot of Brain Freeze procs, and wasted GCDs on Ice Lance without FoF procs. Invoker's Energy uptime was still a little below optimal, but it was over 90%, so not bad. Bomb uptime is harder to look at on Nazgrim, but it looked ok, considering all the different adds.
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