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Amr0 last won the day on January 28 2021

Amr0 had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

7 Neutral

About Amr0

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  1. So, if you want everything that they are selling it's $145. That's insane.
  2. "That virtual currency is rightfully mine" Nope it's not. That belongs to Blizzard. The amount of people who think they own the stuff on their account is baffling. All you own is your copy of the game. Everything else is basically a rental. Which is why, if Blizzard don't like how you obtained something, they can either take it away from you, or just ban you.
  3. No, what we need is for Blizzard to make more of an effort to stop it. People shouldn't have to find ways to do it themselves.
  4. These sets are cool I think, but agree with the sentiment that removing class sets was a mistake. These are better than the BFA sets though which is a start I guess.
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