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About Eldreer

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  1. Unkempt is a level 25 10-man raiding guild of Silvermoon (9/14N SoO). We are always looking for heroic ready gamers eager to contribute to our progression through the new expansion so any class feel free to apply. We also currently have limited recruitment open for other individuals who are looking for a more social atmosphere, to make new friends or those who can't fully commit to the raid schedule but are interested in being an alternate. We're a very welcoming and nurturing guild with skilled, knowledgeable, helpful and morally skewed members. For more information please check Raid Info in
  2. Unkempt is a level 25 10-man raiding guild of Silvermoon (12/12 Normal and 2/13 Heroic Throne of Thunder). We are always looking for heroic ready gamers eager to contribute to our progression through the new expansion so any class feel free to apply. We also currently have limited recruitment open for other individuals who are looking for a more social atmosphere, to make new friends or those who can't fully commit to the raid schedule but are interested in being an alternate. We're a very welcoming and nurturing guild with skilled, knowledgeable, helpful and morally skewed members. For more i
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