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About ertai

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  1. So when you have the 4P bonus; it's better casting HOG as soon as you can have 2 stacks (2 charges or 1 charge and 4 sec left on the cd) and pray the god of rng to have a 4P proc and be able to launch a third HOG before losing stacks? Or is it safer to wait for having 2 charges and 9 seconde left on the cd in order to be able to launch 3 HOG in any case (with or without 4P procs)?Doing that way we can assure 3 HOG min and even more if 4P proc during that time.
  2. My macro is: #showtooltip /stopcasting /cast [@mouseover, exists, nohelp,nodead] Corruption; [target=target] Corruption Is it correct? (or a better one)
  3. @liquidsteel: I noticed that we can see GCD on your bar when you cast dots. How do you manage to do this? (elvui?weak aura? other?) @all: I use elvui and i have a problem with my boss frame: I have a mouseover macro for doting (binding on my mouse) and it works very well with tidyplates (i don't use elvui basic nameplate) but it doesn't work on boss frame. Is another add on like clique mandatory for this? Or is wrong parameters in my elvui?
  4. ertai

    6.1 Demonology Guide

    Do these hotfix change best trinket combo? (especially haste hotfix) 1) for non mythic raiders what's the best combo for demonology considering: copeland clarity 665; sandman pouch 670; shards of nothing 670; rune 670? 2) same question for destruction? 3) Is mythic shards 685 better than copeland clarity for the "on use" trinket slot for demonology and/or destruction?
  5. ertai

    Add on: OQUEUE

    Is using OQUEUE officially allowed by blizzard? Or is it possible to be banned because of having this add on?
  6. I already have 4p and my off piece is juggernaut legs hc. I read that the choice of the off piece shoulder or legs is not important and there is almost no difference because even if shoulders bring mastery , legs have more stats
  7. Hi, should i spend all my dkp for t16 shoulder ilvl 574 (currently having the 561 one) or for PBI ilvl 574 (currently having wf ilvl 567 ones)? I was thinking on taking pbi hc because pbi is an extremely important BIS but i noticed that amplification is 8% for ilvl 567 and remains 8% for ilvl 574.so the only upgrade is about the proc? In this case upgrading pbi 567 to 574 will be a very small dps gain and i will see almost no difference?
  8. My procs and buffs are: -purified bindings of immerseus 12k inte -KTT 12k inte -lightweave (tailor) 2k inte -4P T16 (15%crit) -jade spirit -dark soul (30%inte) -potion (4k inte) -2P T16 (5%crit) I only cast chaos bolt and shadowburn during trinkets procs (dark soul used when pbi proc);4P T16 when reaching 3 embers.I use potion pre pull and during bloodlust. I totally ignore lightweave; jade spirit and 2P T16; considering them as passive abilities. Does i miss something; is there better use of chaos bolt? PS: i cast chaos bolt and shadowburn when reaching 3.5 embers
  9. Do this " rule" is still true when there is 3 off set pieces with higher ilvl? ( instead of only one) For exemple is 4p destro ilvl 561 + protectors shoulder 574 better than 2p destro ilvl 561+ protectors shoulders 574+trash mob gloves 574 + thock chest 574 ? In this exemple with 3 hc off pieces , is gaining more stats better than 4p bonus?
  10. What about rain if fire? Is it a valuable dps gain to keep it up all the time of shamans encounter or galakras P1? How do you manage to maximise shadowburn? It is sometimes hard to find and target a low hp mob when there is a lot of them gathered. I actually spam tab when i see that some life becomes low ( thanks to tidy plate)
  11. About embers management; What's your open on specific encounters like galakras Heroic or shamans? For galakras i preshot rain of fire on the spot where there will be placed then use my ember with fire and brinstom to apply immolate on all target with one spell but i have no ember left to spam incinerate with fire and brinstone. So i have to wait a few seconds before an ember fills and to be able to spam incinerate under fire and brinstone effect. Is there an optimal open for these types of fight? Is rain of fire really necessary on galakras heroic? Do you have tips for this encounter?
  12. If you have T16 4P bonus, casting chaos bolt just after reaching the third ember isn t more efficient? (When the goal is to avoid ember cap) Doing so the chaos bolt will have the benefit of 4p proc and 2 embers will remain in case of 10 sec trinket proc
  13. For those who have black blood of yshaar'j: how do you manage to get the maximum benefits of this trinket in destro? Is it better casting the maximum of chaos bolts (usual) just after it procs (ignoring everthing else because 10 sec is really short)? Is it better waiting about 6 second before the buff drops in order to cast 2 cast bolt then refresh immo with max buffs(9 or 10 stacks)? Is it better to refresh immo when there is 6 seconds left then cast 2 chaos bolt in order to have the last bolt at 9 or 10 stacks? Usually i always have 2 embers in stocks (saving for trinkets procs) beca
  14. So if i kill 8 boss in heroic mode with group "A" wenesday, i will be able to join the extended tag of group "B" who has killed 10 boss in normal mode (and continue in normal mode) on sunday the same week? Is that how it works?
  15. Hi; I was wondering how does raid ID works nowadays. For exemple: -Week 1: I kill 12 boss of siege of ogrimmar with Group "A" (all in normal mode) The RL decides to extend the ID in order to focus on last boss -Week 2: I kill 10 boss of siege of ogrimmar with Group "B" (but some of them in Heroic mode) At the end of week 2; will i be able to join the extended ID of Group "A" ? My first opinion was that i will be able to because group "A" have more dead boss in the extended ID than i have killed at the beginning of week 2 with group "B" but i have some doubts because
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