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About jay01235

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  1. honestly thank you all for your help but i think im going to wait until unholy gets a bit better or if i get better geared geared unholy dks somehow pull out nearly 200k dps. so yeah hm but again thank you.
  2. i think this is a really good idea. its just i want to play unholy so bad just because its harder frost is like what 3 abilities..
  3. well im gunna compare the dps and go with that i think.
  4. ok look now is that better ive also got belt buckle and boot enchant but it doesnt show becuase i havent logged.
  5. that cost unholy rune tho not death.
  6. honestly be as harsh as you want. im here to improve. and so if you dont use necro strike in pve what do you use death runes for?
  7. thank you for this and ill tell you a little about what im using erm now i also use necrotic strike and idk whether i should i do use blood tap but because i used to do pvp i always seem to use it for necrotic strike. i dont really have a rotation
  8. Hey guys idk why but im only getting like 54kdps single target as unholy with 514 ilevel is that right? anyway ill link you to my armory and can you tell me whats up? and maybe a good rotation to follow. any help is appreciated please help ;P http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/silvermoon/J%C3%A5y/advanced
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