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About Christhammer

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  • Birthday 02/16/1984

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  1. Bugged? My reward this week is 445 wrist. I have 473 item level if that matters.
  2. Kul Tiran looks WAY better. That WOD-style bird would get boring to look at after a while.
  3. Seems to be almost 100%. But it really doesnt matter because Army of the Dead is a garbage ability that no one uses with Rathma anyway. The reason there are no Pestilence set right now is because it's the worst set by far. Blizzard has mentioned themselves that they will change/buff it in the future (not before season starts though).
  4. It's way more balanced now after the hotfix. Teardrop was crazy OP before.
  5. This build should get updated. You want to use "Bone Armor - Thy Flesh Sustained" and Gizzard legendary gem. It gives you 30% damage reduction and crazy healing per second. Devour and Blood Rush should be removed for above mentioned ability and "Frailty - Scent of blood" or Simulacrum if you prefer that.
  6. This build is still strong after the nerf but it's not the best anymore. The guides should be updated. Trag'Oul corpse lance is by far the strongest now.
  7. The hotfix is not even live yet (goes live tomorrow, monday). So, @Defman, you might wanna test more tomorrow since nothing has changed yet.
  8. Will continue to main Rogue in Legion. All three specs looks really interesting so far. Favorite Rogue? Vanessa VanCleef, by far!
  9. Yeah, i'll just stick with my Rime-Rift shoulders. Don't want to lose the mastery.
  10. Hey! I can't decide on my own so i have to ask. I've been using these shoulders for a while now Rime-Rift Shoulders but Ordos was nice to give me these Shay-Nii's Popping Shoulderpads. Should i switch? It's less mastery and i'm also missing out on the crit. The hit i don't need but more intellect is always nice. Armory: http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/character/ragnaros/Christhammer/advanced Thoughts?
  11. I cant find anything on this forum but i have that addon installed so might as well use that then. Found one string on youtube i'm gonna try. Can you post your string? If you play Frost of course. EDIT: Nevermind. Found some cool strings on mmo-champion for Weakauras. Link if anyone is interested: http://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/1220005-Weak-Auras-all-in-one/page7
  12. Not this time, as i mentioned in my first post. I have searched and only found old sites with strings that don't work or made in another language. Havent found a single good Frost string yet, and that is why i made this thread. Seems like no one here is using weakauras though.
  13. No, i have no addon like that at the moment, but i will install one right away. Thanks :) I just think weakauras is a really good addon that i would like to setup for my DK. My Warlock and Shaman was easy to find great strings on but none for Frost DK. So i hope that someone here uses weakauras and can help me out :)
  14. Hey! Recently started using my DK again. I'm doing okay but i'm finding myself looking down at my spellbar very much and checking for which spells that are ready. My main is a warlock and mana is so much easier to work with than runes i think. Therefor i need a good Wearauras string. For procs, runes, CD's etc. I have checked google, youtube and other forums but havent found anything good. Most strings are very old or just very ugly and confusing. I play a 2H Frost DK right now so i only need strings for Frost. I really hope someone here can help me out. It would really help me
  15. I'm already using that addon I just need to change the font on the regular yellow damage text since i'm using that one as well. Yeah i know, why use both? I just like it that way EDIT: Problem solved.
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