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About Hoboverlord

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  • Birthday 01/13/1995

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  • Location
    Folsom, CA
  • Interests
    WoW (obviously), gaming, anime, manga, pretending to be productive
  1. I'm very surprised that Grapple Weapon was not mentioned in the guide. It becomes a worthwhile DPS cooldown when fighting mobs that can be disarmed, and while most bosses cannot be disarmed many adds can. If the Grappled target has a better main-hand weapon than you, you deal 5% more damage for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. While the effect only occurs if you Grapple an enemy with a better main hand weapon than you, I've consistently seen the effect work even when Grappling mobs that don't use much melee, like the Kor'kron Arcweavers on Nazgrim. Since my LFR-level weapon is still causing
  2. The Dark Shamans are susceptible to Grapple Weapon, which not only decreases their melee damage but also increases the performance of the monk who used it. It essentially becomes a DPS cooldown, increasing your damage dealt by 5% for 8 seconds on a 60 second cooldown. I'll have to see if any other bosses are susceptible, but considering how other bosses have hard-hitting adds with weapons (Galakras, Nazgrim, Garrosh) using Grapple Weapon on the adds will usually net the bonus. My main-hand weapon is 536 (528+8) and even the Kor'kron Arcweavers on LFR Nazgrim had a better weapon. Since I'm usin
  3. Ah, didn't know that. So I should go mastery?
  4. Since 5.4 I've begun gemming for avoidance rather than Mastery due to Scent of Blood now proccing off of dodges and parries. However, while I have not had time to compare survivability, I have been generating so much Runic Power that I often come close to capping on RP, Runes, and Blood Tap stacks simultaneously. It's actually pretty scary and I sometimes begin tunneling so that I don't end up wasting anything. I'm wondering if regemming for Mastery will avoid this but I'm not sure what the difference in survivability is. I'm able to consistently DS on CD with 3-4 stacks of Scent of Blood whic
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