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About Airent

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  1. Not sure if this is still an active problem, but perhaps you could make a weak aura to track the eating buff on everyone. The offenders eating buff will stay at the full 20 or near it for much longer than anyone else.
  2. So my guild just started on Heroic Blast Furnace this week and man, is it crazy! After a bit of bomb management, we have a clean phase 1, ending mere seconds before the third set of bellows operators come down. Our problem comes to phase 2. As soon as we transition into phase 2, we move the adds over to the side with the Foreman, finish off any engineers and get cracking with the primal elementalists. Attached is the logs for the 18th; https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/HXCmAyWgNb1Bpnj6 And, I'm pretty sure we just don't have enough dps going out. I'm not sure if th
  3. Casual Hex is looking for a holy priest, mistweaver monk, or Holy paladin to augment our current raid team. We're also searching for one or two more melee, preferred DK or shaman, but that's not set in stone. A boomkin or two would also be amazing. Our raid times are Sun / Mon 8:30-11:00 Eastern Time. We do not add extra time, nor do we add extra nights for additional progression. We have a fun, safe, atmosphere where we progress through content at our own pace and it's okay for life to matter. Contact Fish#1511 or Airent-Bloodhoof for more information casualhex.guildlaunch.com
  4. <Immerseus> Dream of Cenarius was fun to use, it will heal raid members on the opposite side out of your range. I would only use this if you have a well geared / high DPS group, though. <Protectors> Having the Glyph of the Sprouting Mushroom was useful for Dark Meditation, but not really necessary. <Sha of Pride> Displacer Beast is EXTREMELY handy for grabbing the imprisonment on the far side. <Iron Juggernaut> Incarnation is useful for placing lifebloom on members in the event they get knocked back too far. <Dark Shaman> Displacer Beast is h
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