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About badbread

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  1. Hey all, Long time no post. Was hoping to get some opinions on our Mythic Blast Furnance pulls. I'm running destro as I feel I play that spec best and my single target burst is highest for Bellows and primals with decent AoE on trash. 1. Damage done to Bellows Operators: All night https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ZBbv42hwrD97dKtG#pins=2%24Off%24%23244F4B%24damage%240%240.0.0.Any%240.0.0.Any%24true%2476811.0.0.NPC%7C88821.0.0.NPC%24true%240&type=damage-done&boss=1690&wipes=1 2. Damage done to Primal Elementals: All night https://www.warcraftlogs.com/reports/ZBbv42hwrD97dKt
  2. We need a face another face melting lock as well!!!
  3. Zagam, I'm on the same rankings page as you!! http://www.worldoflogs.com/rankings/players/US-EU/Siege_of_Orgrimmar/Malkorok/25L/Destruction_Warlock/ Granted 31 spots and 70k DPSbelow you but still! Thanks again for all the help!
  4. So I follow what AMR (askmrrobot.com) tells me to do to a T. I have a read a bit that this may not be the best use of AMR but for the love of me I can't figure out what the heck they are talking about and how to best use it. I've got my rotation down pretty solid now and I realize respec'ing only makes a minor DPS difference but I feel as if I am at a consistent point where I may notice the difference more so. Here is a link to my AMR profile: http://www.askmrrobot.com/wow/gear/usa/proudmoore/goodbread I am using the default PVE build and the only option changes I have made are w
  5. And here is a compare from a month ago, to just this past week: http://raidbots.com/comparebot/52c207c274254eae2d00059a#damage Casting one more Chaos Bolt per minute with 25k more dmg each 7 more incinerates per min 21k more dmg each Immolate from 3.9 to 5.4 hits a min I missed my 2nd potion due to a mis-timed pull I think
  6. Well just thought I would update you all with how I am doing. First off, thank you all for all the tips, as you will see (I hope) it's made a HUGE difference. Here are a few links to my latest logs in 25M SoO: Sha of Pride (Love this fight, BTW) http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/5j4tmsr9xqzoyq2i/analyze/dd/source/?s=1947&e=2253 Nazgrim (Love this one as well, broke 300k EDPS http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/5j4tmsr9xqzoyq2i/analyze/dd/source/?s=5983&e=6253 Malkorok http://www.worldoflogs.com/reports/5j4tmsr9xqzoyq2i/analyze/dd/source/?s=6879&e=7110 Any more su
  7. Here is another compare since I started logging and my progress. Did slightly better in the DPS department today on a random oQueue Sha of Pride. http://raidbots.com/comparebot/5268550f74254eae45000311#damage Looks like I did much better with immolate up time, and the number of Choas Bolts put out, I wasn't flasked and mistook a swelling pride for hero but still seeings some progress. As far as pre-pot/pot goes, I'm not sure if I am doing it right. I take the pot about 2 seconds before pull, burn like mad with trink and procs and then pot again on procs when the pot is ready. Is t
  8. So I've been reading and practicing a lot and today I put it to the test a bit in some Flex runs. Iron Jug Flex 2 days ago vs today: http://raidbots.com/comparebot/5266e9aa74254e912f000696 Dark Shaman 2 days ago vs today: http://raidbots.com/comparebot/5266ea8174254e185700053f#damage Looks like I lacked in the Shadowburn department, the fight was a bit of a shit show but still some improvement albeit very minor, immolate up time seems much better I think. Any idea why there are 2 immolate fields and 2 conflag fields in there? Sha of pride today, take 2 vs take 1 after analyzing
  9. So what do you do when there are long periods of no trinket procs? I feel like I frequently have very long periods of nothing but lightweave proc'ing. Should I be looking to replace one of my trinkets with something that procs more often? Also, during your startup burn, any tricks to generate more shards for chaos bolts when just about every trinket procs?
  10. Ok, so I am playing on the training dummies and had an idea for gauging where I'm at and how I am doing. I am using simcraft set to a training dummy. Removed all buffs other than stam and spell power (assuming Dark intent covers those.) Set the skill level to the lowest, 200 sec, medium world lag, removed all debuffs, etc. I am running that simulation and then comparing it to a /combatlog to see where I need work. The one issue I am facing is simcraft is simulating ShadowBurn's in there which I cannot do on the test dummy. Am I doing it wrong or do I need to put an override in the
  11. Thanks Zagam, I think I need to be a little more "situational" if you will and not as literal as what I am reading on the forums and strat guides. When I played before, as I said in the original post I had other locks to talk to and get tips from. I am going to do try to get in some oQueue Flex 2's now with a little more crit and a different "mechanical" approach and see how it goes. Thanks for your response.
  12. Link to my armory: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/aggramar/Badbread/simple Link to comparison on Iron Jug, Flex: http://raidbots.com/comparebot/5265633574254e7a5b0001be#damage Hi everyone, long time reader, first time poster. I am trying out for a guild that really suites my raid times, seem like a good group of people, etc and last night they did Flex Wing 2 with me to get some logs to analyze. To say I under performed would be a huge understatement. Normally I can hang with my normal Flex group in the top 5 at the very least but last night with this group, I looked like a
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